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5 healthy numbers, save your life

Unknown | 12:34:00 PM | 0 komentar

5 healthy numbers, save your life

5 healthy numbers, save your life 
Have you heard about the top 5 numbers you should know, there are 5 digits are the center of your health and you should notice good and placed within your priorities and interests. 

Do you know what numbers you should know, do your reservation or secret bank number or social security number, but what about your blood pressure? Or cholesterol level? 

To face the truth about your health, says Dr. oz: you need to know what are the five numbers that save your life. 

1. more importantly blood pressure you have : that suffers from high blood pressure, frequent, thus causing a danger to the heart and brain and kidneys, and may lead to Ed. Blood pressure varies from person to person but the ideal measuring 115 to 75, man needs to check blood pressure at least once a year, if you feel frequent headaches this reason enough to pursue your blood pressure ratio. And try to reduce the proportion of salt in food to avoid high blood pressure. 

2. measuring waist size: waist size tells you about the size of the fat in the abdomen, if high they put pressure on the kidneys and kidney function regulation of blood pressure, the greater the pressure on the kidneys increases your exposure to blood pressure infection. "says Dr. oz: waist size should be half the height." You can measure your waist once a month. 

3. learn weight : you must weigh yourself at least once a week, because excess weight affects course rate blood pressure in the body especially the weight is key to the health of the body whenever an ideal weight was good health. 

4. check cholesterol : cholesterol is considered kalgbes, it helps the body to heal itself, your body tries to repair certain injuries, for example, high blood pressure, but if your cholesterol is not of the correct type that would cause a big problem 

5. maintain moderate blood sugar , to increase it or decrease leads to many problems including heart disease, stroke and kidney failure and impotence. 

Those numbers you should know that your body from time to time and you should take them seriously and maintain moderation and put in mind, in particular, you should also specify a date with your doctor or visit the health center from time to time and date mode monthly don't miss time and forget your health. Please Share


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