5 secrets to make you always smiling
The secret to happiness smile
Are smile is a universal language, people respond well to smile, some studies suggest that if she smiled the smile of a fake, you use the muscles around the mouth, and also include some of the muscles around the eyes and has many benefits. First = happy smiles later
Here are some of the reasons for and benefits of smile:
1. reduce the voltage smile : smile when you're in the center of the tension, it reduces the effort and gives you a better feeling.
"Peace begins with a smile", Mother Teresa
2. improved smile feeling : smile can make you healthier, help smile on easing tension and stimulates certain hormones to improve mood, and helps to lower blood pressure.
"Just the smile you long distances make you feel better about life, and when you feel better about life, your life will be better," Linklater
3. smile is joy published social contagion : try to smile at the grocery store, for example, note the reactions of people, find that the vast majority who have emotional expressions and he had a smile on their faces, hence have moved their social contagion.
"In fact I grow seeds to become a flower, and the smile of someone and in return get a smile, this is for me a spiritual habits going" liobskagilia
4. smile than gentleness and love : in business relations there is concern balabtsamh, it sends a courtesy and tact in speaking, always smiled in everyday life it is useful and helpful.
5. smile build relationships : we smile to others, it is considered as a gesture of confidence and affection, often underestimate the ability of a touch, a smile, a kind word ' listen good, care, sincere compliments all of these have the ability to change your life around and make them better.
The smile is something very simple but its impact is very large, the smile has changed some of psychographics and bad feeling to be beautiful and feeling joy and energy, pontoon also smile benefits are many and varied, examples of the benefits of smile they reduce effort, they give a smiling feeling better, smile can also also make more health because they help relieve stress as it stimulates certain hormones in the body to improve mood, and the smile are social infection And can spread joy and happiness and joy among people, and the smile element, because the basis increase kindness and love between people, is tact in dealing with others, and that smile can build relationships and that can demonstrate a good heart which brings individuals together, as the Prophet said am your smiling in the face of the your brother is charity. Until God pays a person who smiles in the face of others for a useful and positive society.
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