5 foods fight insomnia
5 foods fight insomnia
Many people suffer from insomnia and problems and difficulty in going to sleep and waking up more than once during the night and many of us are tired and go skin freshness because insomnia can simply solve this problem and fight it by five food will keep him out for you.
1.cherry : drink a glass of sour cherry juice early in the morning and in the evening a glass for a week will regulate your sleep times and feel more comfortable, and as Cherry contains a high concentration of melatonin, a compound that makes you feel sleepy, you can drink as a snack before bedtime unless you prefer to drink the juice.
2. fish : some fish and marine organisms contain a traibtovan that stimulates sleep, including shrimp, cod, tuna and halibut.
3. carbohydrates \ protein combo : warm milk helps you sleep comfort and traibtovan, but the key to combining carbohydrates and protein which contains a altrabtovan to get more sleep, stimulation or mix some whole grain with milk and drink it before bed.
4. lemon balm : this herb joined the Mint family, its benefits to facilitate digestion and relieve agitation, make a cup of tea with Herb lemon balm will feel comfortable and relaxed and easy to observe.
5. types of other herbs such as Chamomile and Valerian.
In addition to the aniseed drink with honey in a glass of warm milk and helps to calm relaxation and Sage are very useful for relieving fatigue fact that Sage helpsfacilitate digestion and digestive tract and remove tension and prefers to be addressed as a hot drink before bedtime.
Sleep is a way to rest from our wages, our concerns and our all our needs and moving away from its problems but you attack you insomnia disrupts your convenience try to deal with what we have and moderation. Please Share
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