The two types of guidance in the Al-Qurân
About the Qurân, Allâh says at the beginning of the second Sûrah: ,,(...) is a guidance for the righteous" (Sûrah 2:2).Thus, the Qurân for the righteous both in this world and in the hereafter is a guidance. "In the same surah we read after determining the commitment to fasting through the property of the Quran: , as a guidance for the people" (Sûrah 2: 185).
The wording of the first verse to the guidance of the Qurân refers to only the righteous. According to the second verse it refers, however, all the people, because the word "People" is more generally, so true on the righteous and faithful, as well as on others.
You could say now each other, scientists think that contrary to two verses but that the verses in line are available. The term "Guidance" in the Qurân means namely two things: guidance in the sense of "point" and "Show the way" to the art law line are the messengers of God and their successors in the position. "In this sense, Allâh says: , and every nation has one that's guides" (Sûra 13:7). This means that there are people in every nation that it indicate the right path. "In just this sense, Allâh also says: , and Yes indeed you are the leader to a straight path" (Sûra 42: 52).Allâh hereby confirms that the Apostles and their successors on the path of faith forward, so point out, invite and exhort.
Only Allâh, the impeccable and sublime, leads in terms of the second meaning quite: he leads and strengthens the heart, so Allâh says: , of course, you can not guide, whom you like (see guidance) want to. Allâh but heads right, whom he pleases."(Sûra 28: 56). The term of the right line in this verse refers to that you can go through the channels of the faithful. "The following verse means exactly this: , Allâh invites to the abode of peace and guides whom he will to a straight path." (Sûra 10:25).
Of accurate said: the guidance mentioned the Qurân, carries two meanings: a guidance of a general nature and one in the strict sense. The General guidance is pointing out the truth and correct evidence. In this sense, Allâh says: , the Thamûd, we have shown the right way. The right way but preferred to blindness. " (Sûra 41: 17)." This means: we showed them the right and the wrong way and ensured that the righteous way and the wrong track are clearly visible. But she opted for the path of disbelief. Had so complete freedom of decision and examined it, freedom of choice has been left so the servant and he was advised of this freedom of choice. This is the end of the same verse: , but they preferred blindness astray. " The same applies to the statement of Allah: , and showed him the two ways (of good and evil)?"(Sûra 90: 10). , This means: we clearly showed him the way of good and of evil the way.
With the Special guidance, however, is means that Allâh indicates the people not only on the way of faith, but instead leads him to obey his commandments, and allows him to follow the path of salvation. But only one who then seeks and wants help deserves this kind. " Allâh says in this sense: ,,are those who Allâh has guided this." " (Sûra 6: 90) and also: , whom Allah willeth to guide law which he does on the breast to Islâm." (Sûra 6: 125). After this Declaration it should not more difficult fall, to understand the verses about the Special guidance of God-fearing, and the General guidance of all people.
"Thus, also the alleged discrepancy between the verse clarifies: , certainly, you can not guide whom you like (see guidance) want to." (Sûra 28: 56) and the verse: , and Yes indeed you are the leader to a straight path " (Sûra 42: 52) the right way in the first verse, the Prophet
was spoken is so special guidance, so the success from Allâh, the impeccable and sublime. The Prophet spoken to guidance, which is mentioned in the second verse, is therefore the guidance expressed in a general sense or otherwise pointing the way; She refers to his task, he pointed out that so admirably and people thus left a clear path which tags how at night equally clearly be seen; who turns away however, will perish.
The Qurânkommentaroren declared verses like the second verse of the second Sûra ,,a guidance for the righteous" but also different, therefore should be such interpretations do not disregard for a subject like this: "
Allâh the Immaculate mentioned that he specially the God-fearing guides - even if the Qurân all creatures guides - to reward you, to honor and to bear witness to their advantage, because they believe in him and his message. The Special guidance refers to the career: who clings firmly to the guiding principle of the Qurân, which will belong to the righteous. Their guidance was specifically mentioned, because she actually guided by him were, even though Allâh shows everyone the right way, whether Muslim or non-Muslim. "In the latter sense, Allâh says: , as a guidance for the people" (Sûrah 2:185)
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Category: Al-Quran, Family & society
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