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Third Industrial Revolution

Unknown | 4:43:00 PM | 0 komentar

From the second half of the twentieth century, it begins a new phase of technological processes resulting from physical integration between science and production, called Third Industrial Revolution or techno - scientific revolution . As a result, we have almost immediate application of scientific discoveries in the production process.

This fact gave rise to the activities that employhigh technology in its production. Examples of the Third Industrial Revolution have: acomputer , which produces computers and software; the microelectronics , which manufactures chips, transistors and electronic products; robotics, creating robots for industrial use; the telecommunications , which enable the radio and television, fixed and mobile telephony and the Internet; theaerospace industry , which manufactures artificial satellites and aircraft; and biotechnology, producing medicines, manipulated plants and animals genetically.

It is important to know that the technologies in each of these sectors are essential for progress in the other, occurring close interdependence between their application forms. In capitalist societies, especially in the more industrialized, creating highly sophisticated technologies improves performance and labor productivity, creates better products and cheapens the cost of production enterprises.
Third Industrial Revolution
 But therobots or new production technologies seem to be the only and most cruel cause ofunemployment . However, there are other reasons of an economic, social, institutional and geopolitical that related to technology, form a set that best explains what for some analysts, would mean even the end of a society organized on the basis of work.
Multinational companies to restore their profitability, spatially expanded their production by entire continents. They emerged newly industrialized countries. Foreign markets grew faster than domestic markets.International capitalism has restructured itself.
The advanced economy countries needed to create internally competitive conditions. The saturation of markets has led to a diversified production to meet different consumers. The employment contracts have become moreflexible . Reduced the number of permanent workers and increased the number of temporary workers. They eased wages - increased wage inequality, according to the qualification of employees and the specifics of the company. The unions saw reduced his power of attorney and claim. Has expanded unemployment.
The spread of telephone services by ocean cables or by satellite, the computerization of companies and the data transmissionInternet allow, for example, the simultaneous integration between headquarters industries, banks and exchanges in the world values. The mass transportation of people and goods from ships and large aircraft became more intense corporate business and international trade.
Thus the great distances left to build obstacles to a more affective integration among nations.Were created, thus the conditions for the expansion of capitalism on a planetary level, mainly through the establishment of subsidiaries of large multinational companies, even in less developed countries or non -capitalist economy.
The process of the Third Industrial Revolution, which broke out in the last decades of the twentieth century, was decisive to consolidate the present phase of capitalism and the international division of labor, the so-calledglobalization . This has served to link furthergeographical area worldwide, intensifying economic and cultural relations between the countries. Therefore, many scholars analyze the current world as an interconnected and globalized space, global space.

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