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History Theory

Unknown | 5:57:00 PM | 0 komentar

The field of study that seeks to understand the various theories involving history knowledge is known as Theory of History. This is the result of several discussions because scholars in the field do not enter into a consensus as the past should be analyzed. Among the most famous chains are the positivism , the Annales school, New History and Micro history that will be addressed here.


Positivism was created by Auguste Comte in the nineteenth century. This theory believed that scholars should find a factor that determine the true history. This would be found in government documents and so it would be indisputable and would never be wrong.History, therefore, would be linked to Comte, the Policy.

They also believe that scientific knowledge is the only way to achieve true knowledge. And it would only be considered true if it was proven through scientific methods, thus excluding beliefs, superstitions or anything else.

Annales school

Already the "Annales school" is a historiographical current that was born in France around the journal " Annales d'histoire économique et social ." It was created by Marc Bloch and Lucien Febvre who believed that the way that history was being treated was insufficient. So, incorporate methods of the social sciences to history.
This merger was very important because the areas that were so far little investigated, came to be. In addition, the division between the areas of Social Sciences (History, Geography, Psychology, Economics, Sociology) was extinguished, providing multidisciplinary methods. That consequently expanded the search numbers.

New history

History Theory
The "New History" is the corresponding historiographical current Third Generation of the "Annales school." It emerged in the 70s by Jacques Le Goff and Pierre New. This current is primarily the history of mentalities. It proposes that to understand it is necessary to establish a serial history of mental structures of societies and it is up to the historian to analyze the data.History, then, is linked to the thinking of society in a given period.

micro History

Already the "Micro Story" was created by Carlo Ginzburg and Giovanni Levi in ​​the 80's proposal is an extreme delimitation of the subject by the historian, in time and space.Giovanni Levi conceptualizes Micro history as a "zoom" of a camera. The researcher should note that small enlarged space, but taking into account the whole landscape that was not enlarged.
These theories are explained here, in fact, the most important with regard to the study of history.

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