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They know whether the deceased that the family visited their graves?

Unknown | 8:27:00 PM | 0 komentar

They know whether the deceased that the family visited their graves?

Visiting cemeteries is sunnah, because the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "At one time I forbid you to visit graves. Now you can also visit them. It will remind you of eternity. "

Yes, the deceased know that someone visits their graves, according to Islamic sources. In addition, they are able to hear our greetings and answer them, benefit from your dua and righteous deeds.
Clarification of this issue affects real life, which is beyond our logic. It is solely based on divine revelation.
According to the hadith, the deceased in the graves will learn not only the visitors, whom they knew in life, but also respond to their greetings.
A hadith says: "If someone walked past the graves of his deceased friend, greeted him, the deceased will know him and respond to him a greeting."
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) ordered the Muslims visit the graves of their relatives and friends, welcome them and dedicate them to the duo. This requirement exists to ensure that we do not forget about them after death. Visiting their graves, we renew our relationship with them, we appeal to the grace of God to them and remind ourselves of the main purpose of our lives.
A hadith says: "When any Muslim passes by the grave of his brother in the faith, with which he was familiar in the worldly life, and greets him, Allah returns the soul of a deceased person's body, and he responds to greetings of his brother."
It is obvious from these hadiths that the deceased knew about the visitor the graves, since we are enjoined to greet him, and religion does not prescribe to welcome the person who hears it.
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) ordered welcome when visiting the graves of the deceased in the following words: "Say: welcome you, the inhabitants of these places from among the believers and the Muslims, and may Allah have mercy on precursors and too late, and we, God willing, join you.God forgive us, you and all Muslims. "
Umar asked the Prophet about the dead in the battle of Badr: "The Messenger of Allah, how to talk to soulless bodies?". He said, "They hear my words, no less than you, but they can not answer me."
There are a number of facts to demonstrate that the souls of the dead and living people can meet each other. The Qur'an says: "Allah takes away souls at the time of death, and one that is not dead, he takes during sleep. He holds the one that ordained death and another to let a certain period. Verily in this - a sign for those who reflect "(Quran 39/42.).
Convey that Abdullah ibn Abbas said about this verse: "The soul of the living and the dead people meet and communicate in a dream with each other, then Allah keeps the souls of the dead and the living soul returns back to their bodies."

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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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