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7 basic principles of Islam against women

Unknown | 7:27:00 PM | 0 komentar

In earlier times, in many societies, there were disputes over the fact whether a woman or not. Some have suggested that the woman - an animal endowed with reason; according to others, a woman - half man.
One of the fundamental principles of Islam against women are the following words of Allah: "O people! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person "(an-Nisa 4/1).

In one hadith says: "Truly woman is part of man."
- With the advent of Islam and the woman was taken stigma curse, which in the opinion of former religions, she was branded. Woman, as well as a man can believe and to worship, and, just like men, she is responsible for all his actions. Allah Almighty says in the Qur'an: "Believers men and women who do righteous deeds, We shall bestow on him a great life certainly and reward for the best of what they used to do" (An-Nahl 16/97). "I do not destroy the acts committed by any of you, be he male or female" (Ali Imran 3/195).
These basic principles are mentioned in many verses of the Quran. "Indeed, for Muslims and Muslim women, the believing men and the believing women, the obedient men and obedient women, the truthful men and truthful women, patient men and patient women, the humble men and the humble women, give alms men and alms women, fasting men and fasting women who keep the chastity of men and women which keep chastity and remembers Allah often men and women, Allah has prepared forgiveness and great reward "(al-Ahzab 33/35).
  1. Islam gave women the right to inheritance, regardless of age, and her marital status.
  2. Islam has defined the spouses of their rights and responsibilities. And just like the men, the women were given certain rights. Allah Almighty says in the Qur'an: "According to the established order, the wife have the same rights, and the duties although husbands and above their position. Allaah - the Mighty, the Wise "(al-Baqarah 2/228).
  3. Islam streamlined divorce procedures. Thus, the barrier was installed to turn a man into marriage fun, and identified the scope of the divorce. Previously, the Arabs did not exist such a framework.
  4. Islam limited the number of women who can marry.For this reason, a man can be no more than four wives. Before the advent of Islam the Arabs did not exist limiting the number of wives.
  5. Islam rejected the false belief that a woman brings unhappiness. Allah Almighty says in the Quran: "When anyone of them reported the news of the girl, his face darkens, and he restrains his anger. He hides himself from the people because of the bad news. Does he keep the child in disgrace, or bury her in the earth? Indeed, contamination of the solution! "(An-Nahl 16 / 58-59).
  6. Islam gave women the right to own property. In the Qur'an on this occasion said: "Men are not supposed to share the fact that they had acquired, and the proportion of women rely on the fact that they have acquired" (an-Nisa 4/32).
  7. Islam attaches great importance to the education of women. Islam freed women from ignorance, and raised the status of women.
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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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