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A historical review on the Westernization of the Muslim woma

Unknown | 2:06:00 AM | 0 komentar

A historical review on the Westernization of the Muslim woma

No subject was discussed so often in recent years as the Muslim woman who was attacked with all possible charges and social ideologies of the Europeans. This attack began at the end of the 19th century and continues today.The lost confidence of the Muslims and the world claim to power certain States are the reason, who believe their culture is the only true and everyone must accept it.
So you tried to change the society and culture of Islâm about the family. This is so that the Islâm is backward, imitate other companies founded, and have no interest on progress and development of civilization and not want to adapt to.
Centuries long called this colonization. Although this was abolished by name, but does it exist today only in a different form on. There is still the principle of "divide et rege - column- and -conquer: man tries to divide the unity of other cultures to this lighter to influence.
It is known that many thinkers, scientists and "Formed" in the middle of the 19th century joined the campaigns of colonialism against Islâm, to confuse the Muslims and to weaken Islâm preserve the family. Some may have had "good" intentions, but many watched dark machinations.
The Islamic society was in decline, because traditions prevailed and many scholars interpreted Islâm so much that they robbed the vibrancy and flexibility of Islâm the Muslims. Thus, many scholars tried to return the rudder to turn and the pure original Islâm.
During the tug-of-war between the propagandists who wanted no change in the situation, and supporters of who called for raising the level of society, the European colonial powers interfere. The enemies of Islâm therefore fight against the "antiquated, backward traditions" of Islâm.
The beginning of the decline
About the Egyptian author of Qâsim Amîn, who wrote a book about the women in Islamic Egyptian society and a book called "The liberation of women" among the reformists. He thus attacked a hot iron and met with incomprehension among the traditionalists. He was a pupil of Muhammad Abduh's and was influenced by the spirit of the movement.
He said that the woman must replace their conventional traditional hijab with a new. He said that the old hijab restricts the wife and it was based on alleged evidence from the Sunnah. But then, he advocated the Westernization of the woman (the new woman, 1900), it should drop the hijab! Thus he joined the rich upper class, which called for a radical Westernization.
If we bear in mind that only one year passed between the first and second book, one can assume that the first book was only a preparation for the second, or the second so he was given above, since a person can turn in a such short time not by 180 degrees.
He defended so no more like at his first call to the hijab, but openly urged that the hijab will be torn apart and all its effects must be eliminated. He also said that Europe was the model, we have to follow and that European civilization is not only better than the Islamic, but the perfect example of the pattern, you must follow the; they make the highest Summit, the mankind could ever reach.
The woman and the globalization of values
The call to Qâsim Amin has received more than 100 years.Society, culture and way of thinking in the West and the Islamic world have changed during this period. The call of the "women's Liberation" has increased during this period and we can see now how the events followed each other, so that the extent of this campaign at the Islamic society.
This topic is being discussed today not so as then. Earlier, it was only a discussion among individuals, a one-time initiative or a skirmish between the supporters and the to fencers, between the supporters of the Westernization of the woman and the faithful Muslims. No, this matter is discussed today around the world.This matter is known all over the world, that is to say, the Muslim woman and the Islamic family are part of the confrontation of the two parties.
Conferences and international meetings held since 1994 continuously, that have the aim to transmit the secular countries, their way of thinking and company performances to other countries. Those countries also the Islamic States, which were chosen and preferred in the areas of control of the family, the situation of women and morals of marriage by the secularists.
In 1994, there was a session of Parliament, as well as a development conference in Cairo in 1995 Beijing Conference for health during delivery; the same Conference in Cairo was held in 1998. In June, a gathering of young people was held in Bangkok.
All of these meetings began in the 20th century and went into the 21st century. They are regarded as preparation for the "liberation" of women. For a century is so step by step trying to "liberate the woman". All this happened not at once, but gradually. The plan is after reaching an interim destination immediately next to focus on that, so this campaign is always driven further and does not come to a halt, until the secularists have achieved their objective.
Then it was possible to infiltrate their Western world performances in the Islamic society; the secularists for example, by orientalists, supposedly educated people by other groups and associations (including various women's organisations, who are committed to secularism and exert influence on the people with the help of the media, books and Western financial aid).
The women's associations in the Islamic countries formed a group with the women's organisations in Europe and work together coordinated. This was also reason that there were more international meetings on the subject of women. The recommendations and demands of the secularists had to endure the non Western countries not only through the influence of secularism about themselves, but exercised also by the influence of women's organizations and groups, who have made a name in those Islamic countries through the help of the secularists and there is also pressure.
Those women's organizations exert pressure on the Government and also disclose their assets. They want the Governments to change the laws relating to family and marriage so that they match the demands and decisions of international meetings and meetings.
It has created this development in the matter of "women's Liberation" according to their requirements and the fear before the truth should - do not discuss a new world order. An internationalisation of the values of the family and especially the values of the woman. Still, globalization has pushed forward this campaign. These meetings not only influence, but also new helpers are did say the media and the communications revolution, who wants to change morals and opinions of Muslims.
Internationalization should affect mainly the Arab countries and Muslims. This new power has brought new people views, including the following: the liberalisation of morals (there is no directive), everyone can choose what he wants, no marriage and full control of the individual about themselves.

How can we go about it?
The challenge of having to confront the Islamic world, is not easy, perhaps as some assume. Is not the company to a minor matter, because the woman represents a part of the family and the family forms a part of the society or better said, it forms. But it goes not only to the woman only, but to the whole of the Islamic society.The woman is an important supporting pillar of society and culture.
There are two important things that you must explain and explore, to reply to the attacks on the Islamic family, and the woman:
1. intellectual and historical events
Islâm has clearly illustrated the liberation of women and secured their rights from their birth until her death. It is the second half of the man and she is equated him, say in the building of society and culture and to Allâh.
Islamic history proves this: 1400 years of Islamic law and morality, can be compared with the other systems. Islâm has so 1400 years of experience, while the West has just a few centuries behind them and any social and human standards has reached only the tearing apart of the family, the humiliation of the woman and the loss. That's why we can see from this comparison: Islâm has in the fourteen centuries managed to create a human society that has not lost its moral and human values. The views and ways of thinking of the West are already collapsed at the beginning and have survived more than two centuries.
2. social and moral ideas
You must be aware that the ideas of the West on the liberation of women are based on philosophies and nothing to do with behaviors or company have to do. Therefore it is a great danger, if you follow those beliefs or trying to imitate her. An example:
In France, the statistics showed last year that 40% of children born does not come from the husband and that 53% of births were illegitimate. 300,000 children illegitimate based (boyfriend or girlfriend, say a brief relationship) are born each year Only 30 out of 1000 women have legitimate children (aged between 15 and 19 years of age). The same statistics also shows that marriages ever take off. It's the same in Sweden, Norway and Finland.
The situation is worse in the UK: the UK Statistics Office has published current figures show that half of all children born in the United Kingdom in illegitimate ways were conceived. Ten years ago, it was still a third! From this, we see that the situation will worsen.
The picture looks even worse when we look at prostitution in Europe and America, so the woman who treated only as a commodity is purchased without mercy and sold, let alone benefited from any developments in the field of human.
We would point out in this context on a writer named Nicole Kastonia, recounted in her book "The Sun at the end of the night" about her experience as a prostitute in the West. In her book, she tells how she was caught off guard by prostitution in the West, and she mentioned the trade with the "white slaves". So, we called the trade with women in our day and age. In her book, over 300-seitigen, you can learn her life story and the bad conditions in the West with regard to prostitution and learn about hundreds of thousands of women who are addicted to prostitution. She also talks about the murder of women, rape and political decadence.
I wanted to show with these documents, that the "liberation of women" in the highest tones praised, and ends in capitalist greed. The woman is so considered goods and treats. There are many people in the West, have learned from this failed experiment of the "women's Liberation", so why we don't learn from them?
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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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