Examine the categories of shirk
The categories of shirk (polytheism)
The study of tawhed can be seen not as completely, as long as it has carried out a careful analysis of its opposite, the Shirk. Some notes on shirk were made already in the previous chapter. By means of examples, it was shown how to destroy the idea of tawheed. In the following, shirk is treated as a separate topic, whose immense meaning of Allâh in the Qurân:
' Indeed, Allah does not forgive association with Him, but He forgives what is less than that for whom He wills. And he who associates others with Allah has certainly fabricated a tremendous sin."(Sûrah 4:48)
Because shirk itself denies the very purpose of creation, is the sin of shirk Allah the worst of all sins and unforgivable.
Shirk means literally "Partnership", "Participate" or "Associate".
In Islâm, it means the associating partners to Allâh, no matter in what forms. The following analysis of shirk is based on the comprehensive categories of tawhed, which were already before in detail. Therefore we will consider first the most common forms of shirk:
-First, Shirk in Rubûbiya (polytheism in the rule)
-Secondly: Shirk in Al Asmâ wa as Sifât (divine name and properties)
-Thirdly: Schirk of ' Ibâda (worship)
Now we handle the first form of shirk, namely:
This category of shirk refers to either a belief that other Allâh in the dominion over creation are equal or nearly equal, or but on the belief that there is generally no ruler of creation.
- Shirk by Polytheism
The beliefs that fall under this category, are those who, while recognizing a central God or a supreme being, but assume that it shares his rule with smaller gods, ghosts, mortals, celestial or earthly objects. Such belief systems are philosophers and theologians usually either as monotheistic (recognizing a single God) or as polytheistic (believing in multiple gods) classified.According to Islâm but all of these systems are polytheistic and in varying degrees divinely revealed religion systems detect the degeneration that originally all based on tawhed.
The Supreme being is considered in Hinduism Brahman immutable and eternal, absolute as the abstract impersonal all inherent, all superpersonal, from which emanated the origin and end of all things. According to which God is the personified creator of the universe, which forms a Trinity with the God Vishnu and destroyer God being but Brahma. Therefore, shirk in Rubûbiya expressed by the transmission of creative, destructive and protective forces of God on other gods in Hinduism.
The Christian doctrine holds that the one God manifested in three persons: the father, the son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit.Nevertheless, these three persons are considered a unit. They are all part of a "being".
The Prophet Jesus was elevated to Godhood. He sits at the right hand of God and judging the world. The Holy Spirit, which in the Hebrew Bible, the role as a means of God is intended to exercise his creativity has become a part of the main God in the Christian imagination.
Paul formed of Christ, a management and help for the Christians, which is revealed for the first time on the feast of Pentecost the Holy Spirit the "other self". Therefore, of shirk in Rubûbiya it is to recognize that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are seen as partners of God in all of his reign in the Christian faith. Also the belief in the sole set by Jesus in this world and in the help and direction of the Christians by the Holy Spirit is as shirk in this category.
Among some Muslims shirk in Rubûbiya is reflected in their belief that the spirits of "Holy" and other righteous people to influence the Affairs of this world even after her death. They believe that their spirits can meet our needs, prevent damage and provide assistance, if they are called up. This grave worshippers assign thus human spirit the divine ability to create events in this life, though in reality they only Allah can cause.
Also the belief of the Ridschâl Al-Ghayb, whose highest ranked is the Qutb, from which the Affairs of this world are to be channelled, is common under Sufi (Muslim Mystic).
As shirk Al-Asghar (small shirk)
The companions asked:"O of Messenger of Allah, what is the small shirk?" He replied: "the Riyâ. Verily, Allâh on the day of resurrection, when the people get their reward, to say: 'go to those that you have operated in this world Riya and look whether you get your paycheck from them. " " (Ahmad and Al Baihaqî, authentic Hadîth)
Mahmûd ibn Lubaid also said: "the Prophet came out and announced: 'O people, beware of the hidden shirk!'" The people asked: 'O of Messenger of Allah, what is the hidden shirk?' "He replied: ' If a man to prayer stands up and strives to perform his prayer in the best way, just because the people looking at him, so this is the hidden shirk." (Saheeh work of Ibn Khuzayma, authentic Hadîth)
AR Rîyâ (Augendienerei) is to the performing of any kind of worship, seen by the people and vowed to be. This sin destroyed all the benefits of a righteous Act and introduces a serious punishment to the culprits. The special danger is there that man by nature tend to wish for the praise of his companions and to find joy. Therefore, the people very against the evil crime must take in eight, to perform an act of worship to impress people or to reap praise. This risk is very serious for the believers, which aims to transform all actions of their lives that are dedicated to Allâh alone in religious acts.
The fact is that the probability of a knowing and true believers, to commit the major shirk is low, because the case is too obvious.But as for any other also risk committing Rîyâ, is very large, for the true believers as it is very inconspicuous. It requires only a simple change in the intention. The underlying driving forces, are also very strong, because they spring from the inner nature of man. Ibn-' Abbâs warns that, when he said: "Shirk is insignificant as a black Ant that creeps on a black stone in the middle of a moonless night."
Therefore you must make sure with utmost care to ensure you always starts his good deeds with pure intention and keeps this pure. To ensure this, it is obligatory to pronounce the name of Allah before all important acts in Islâm. A number of you ' âs (supplications) was also by the Prophet prescribed before and after all everyday habits such as eating, drinking, sleeping, sexual intercourse, even when going to the toilet, into these daily acts of worship. There is also including the intention to become more conscious of Allâh. Precisely this consciousness, which is called Taqwâ (fear of God), is it that makes sure that the intentions remain pure.
In addition, the Prophet gave us the possibility of us against the hard avoidable acts of shirk to protect by he taught certain supplications us, that one can speak at any time. Abû Mûsâ said: "one day the Messenger of Allah gave a sermon. This, he said: 'O people, fear the shirk, because shirk is insignificant as a creeping ants.' Those whom Allâh wished, asked: "And how we avoid him, o of Messenger of Allah, if it is insignificant as a creeping ants?"He replied: ' say: "Allâhumma Alison na 'ûdhu Clem at nuschrika Clem schay 'on na' lamuhu, wa nastaghfiruka limâ lâ na' lamuhu.'" " "(Reported by Ahmad and Al-Albânî as hasan classified)
O Allâh, we seek refuge with you from the intentionally committed shirk, asking for forgiveness for what we do not know.
Shirk in the worship
Polytheism in worship and in the divine service
In this category of shirk creatures besides Allâh are revered and it is expected a reward from the creation instead of the creator.
Similarly, also shirk is divided into the Ibâda in two main aspects the preceding categories:
- As shirk Al-Akbar (major shirk)
The clearest form of shirk occurs if any act of worship not Allâh, but a creature. Allâh sent the Prophet in particular, to dissuade the crowds by exactly this idolatry. With the following statement in the Qurân, Allâh underlines that:
"And we have already raised a Messenger in any community:"Serve Allâh and avoid false gods..." " (Sûrah 16:36)
The term day hat (Idol) stands for everything, what Allah together or at his place is worshipped. So is the love as a form of worship and only Allâh can be dedicated in its most perfect form. In Islâm, the love of Allâh is expressed by the perfect obedience to Allâh. It is not the kind of love that man by nature for the created things feel: it's for parents, children, food, etc. Would you devote to this form of love Allâh, you would provide him with his own creation on an equal footing and ultimately of shirk in the name and properties (Al Asmâ wa as Sifât) guilty.
Worship love is total submission of one's will to the will of Allah.Therefore, Allâh ordered Prophet of to say to the believers:
"Say: If your Allâh loves, then follow me." So love Allâh and forgive you your sins. "Allâh is forgiving and merciful." (Sûrah 3:31)
Also said the Prophet once to his companions: "None of you is (truly) a believer before he loves me more than his father, his son, and all the people." (Al Bukhari and Muslim)
The love of the Prophet based not on his person, but to the divine origin of his message. As well as the love of Allâh is the love of the Prophet expressed by the absolute obedience to his commands.
In his final revelation, Allâh says:
"The who obeys the Messenger, obeys Allâh, and who turns back, - so have we sent you as guardian over it." (Sûrah 4:80)
Also he says:
"Say: obey Allâh and the Messenger." But if they turn back, Allâh... loves the infidels' (Sûrah 3:32)
Man admits that is the love of anything or anyone between him and Allâh, so he has worshipped on this thing. In this way, money or even the own shoots can be revered. The Prophet said:"The servant of the Dirham (money) will be always miserable." (Al Bukhari)
Allâh says in the Qurân:
"What do you think to a man who takes his passion to his God?Can be custodian about it you?" (Sûrah 25:43)
The evil that is shirk in the Ibâda (worship) with him, is emphasized so much because it is inconsistent with the actual purpose of creation according to Allah in the Qurân:
"And I have the Jinn and people only (to) created, that they serve me." (Sûrah 51:56)
The major shirk is the largest rebellion against the Lord of the universe and therefore also the greatest sin. The extent of this sin is so great that it eliminates virtually all good deeds of a person and at the same time the eternal damnation in hell with the culprit. As a result, a false religion is based primarily on this form of shirk. All man-made systems invite their supporters to the worship of creation on one way or the other. The Christians are invited to pray to Jesus, a prophet of Allah, which they claim he was the incarnation of Allah to a man. Catholics pray to Mary as the "Mother of God" and to Angels as Michael, who is revered as a Saint Michael on 8 May and 29 September. As they treated human Saint, whether real or fictional.
Those among the Muslims, liturgical acts performed by them fall under this category of shirk, pray to the Prophet
or mystics and saints after the hierarchies of the Sûfîs.
You believe that these prayers can hear and meet even though Allâh in the Qurân spoke clear words:
"Tell: what do you think?" If the punishment of Allah (over) you or the hour (over) you come, will you call (then) other than Allâh?(So antwortet,) If you are truthful. " (Sûrah 6:40)
Shirk in the name and properties (Al Asmâ wa as Sifât)
Polytheism in the names and properties
Shirk in this category two includes: a the general practice of the polytheists, attributing the attributes of his creation with Allâh and on the other hand the transfer of the names and properties of Allah on his own creation.
-Shirk by humanization of the creator
In this aspect of shirk in the name and properties (Al Asmâ wa as Sifât) Allâh the shape and the characteristics of humans or animals are given. Due to the superiority of man over the animals the human form is preferred by the pagans rather, to represent God in the creation. As a result, the image of the creator is in the shape of a human being, has the physical characteristics of his admirer, often painted, designed and carved. For example, Hindus and Buddhists worship many idols, which have in common with Asians and watch them as manifestations of God in the creation.
Christians see these days in Jesus an incarnation of God; they believe that the creator has become of creation.
This is another example of this aspect of shirk. In the course of history, many so-called great Christian artists painted images of God. Michaelangelo (d. 1565) was God on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican as old, naked, European-looking man with long white hair. These images were appreciated by the Christian world with the highest respect.
-Shirk by deification of creation
This form of shirk in the names and properties of Allah (Al Asmâ wa as Sifât) refers to those cases where the name or properties of Allah be given created beings or things.
Among the Shia sects, there is the Syrian Alawites (Alevis), who believe that ' Alî was ibn Abû Tâlib, the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad, an incarnation of Allah. For this reason, they wrote to him also many features of Allah. In addition, there are also the Ismailis, who keep their leader Aghâ Chân for an incarnation of Allah. The Druze from the Lebanon, which saw the Fatimid Caliph al-Hâkim bi Draa (d. 1021 A.d.) as the last incarnation of God among the people are also under this category to call.
The allegations by some Sûfîs (Mystics), such as Al-Hallaj (approximately 10th century), they have become one with Allâh and thus at the same time an incarnation of the creator in creation, also fall under this aspect of shirk in the name and properties (Al Asmâ wa as Sifât). Current spiritualists and soothsayers like Shirley Maclaine, J. Z. Knight, and others do for themselves often claim to be a deity. Albert Einstein (1879-1955) relativity theory, which is taught in all schools, is in fact an expression of shirk in Al Asmâ wa as Sifât. This theory States that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but rather transform into matter and vice versa. In Islâm, matter and energy, are equally created things, which also again be destroyed by Allâh.
Allâh says:
"Allâh is the creator of everything, and he is protector of everything." (Sûrah 39:62)
"All who are, it will pass away;" (Sûrah 55:26)
The theory of relativity implies that mass and energy are eternal, without beginning or end. Of them, it is assumed that they are not created and changing from one State to the other. Something that can be said only by Allâh is however not to be created. He alone is without beginning and without end.
Darwin's theory of evolution is also an attempt, the development of life and its forms from lifeless matter without explaining the intervention of God.
Shirk by denial
This category describes the different philosophies and ideologies that either explicitly or implicitly deny the existence of Allah. Some say God exists at all not (atheism), while others may confirm its existence, but Allâh so realize that in reality its existence is still denied (Pantheism).
The idea of Allah is not at all to be found only in a few ancient religions. The most famous of these religious systems is attributed to Gautama Buddha. Buddhism, as a reformist movement against the caste system in Hinduism, was founded in the 6th century BC, at the same time as Jainism. In the 3rd century BC, Buddhism was the State religion. Finally was adapted Buddhism to Hinduism, and Buddha himself was one of the avatars (incarnations of Allah). This religion declined in India, however won the dominance in China and other far eastern countries. Hinayana Buddhism, the earlier and far more stringent of the two interpretations of Buddhism, which arose after the death of Gautama Buddha, clearly indicating that there is no God.The load of redemption is applied by every single person personally. As a result, you may use this branch of Buddhism as an example of shirk in the lordship and divinity (Rubûbiyya), in which the existence of Allah is explicitly denied.
Similarly, there is a God in the teachings of Jainism by Vardhamana. Instead, there is talk of souls came to liberate, which can gain a godlike levels, such as immortality and all knowledge, in some things. Religious communities are they treated like gods by temple built them and revered their images.
Another example is the Pharaoh at the time of the Prophet Mûsa.Allâh mentioned in the Qurân that this Pharaoh rejected the existence of Allah. At the same time, it is reported that he claimed Mûsâ and the Egyptian people, to be the true master of all creation. Allâh cites the Pharaoh, as he spoke to Mûsâ:
"He (Firâun) said:"If you take any God other than me, I will make sure you one of the prisoners." " (Sûrah 26:29)
To his followers, he said:
"And said, "I am your most exalted lord."" (Sûrah 79:24)
In the 19th and 20th century, some European philosophers attempted to prove the non-existence of Allah. This idea is also known as "God-is-dead philosophy". The German philosopher Philip main countries (1841-1876) wrote in his famous book "Philosophy of redemption" (1876), that the world begins with the death of God. He justified this thesis that God is a symbol of unity that had been destroyed by the plurality of the world, and that it also represents a symbol of joy that will negates the law of suffering - a law that prevails around the world -.
In Germany, Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) encouraged the idea of the "death of God" by the fact that he claimed that God would be nothing more than a projection of bad conscience, and man was that a bridge into Superman. In the 20th century, the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre this idea pursued.According to him, God cannot exist, because he otherwise would be a contradiction in terms. The idea of God is a projection that humans need to be, in his opinion what it is.
The utterance of Darwin (d. 1882), that the man was nothing more than an evolved APE, was largely embedded in the theories of social science and the philosophy of the 19th century., because it was believed to have a "scientific" basis for the non-existence of Allah with you. Their opinion of monotheism grew out of animism, along with the insinuation of a social evolution of man of the independent individual to the merger to one nation and the physical evolution from monkeys to humans.
Such thinkers try to escape by simply denying this and created matter transferred the properties of Allah, "no beginning and no end to be" the question after creation. This opinion is also the followers of Karl Marx and his scientific socialism and communism. They often claim that all existing (changing) matter moving its origin in itself. In addition, they argue that Allâh is a conceit of the human imagination, which was launched by the ruling class in the life of their inherited rule to justify and to divert the attention of the oppressed masses from the reality of their lives.
An example of this form of shirk among Muslims are many Sufis such as such as Muhyiddîn ibn ' Arabî. It said that only Allâh exist (everything is Allâh and Allâh is everything). Such people deny the existence of Allah, separate from his creation, and thus deny its existence in reality. The Dutch Jewish philosopher, Baruch Spinoza hung same idea, who claimed that Allâh constitutes the entirety of the universe along with the people.
Category: Know Allah
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