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7 Sins made by our hearts

Unknown | 6:12:00 PM | 0 komentar

7 Sins made by our hearts

There are a number of sins committed by heart. The main ones are the following:
  1. To wish a long life to prolong the pleasure. The reason for this is to follow the desires of the nafs, deception youth and health, as well as forgetting about death. Man, immersed in pleasures of this life, no longer to worship and forget about repentance.His heart becomes callous. Such a person spends his life only to have to acquire material wealth or position in society, forgetting the Hereafter. To get rid of this, you must always remember that death can come at any moment, and that youth and health are not an obstacle for her.
  2. Arrogance. This confidence in their superiority and disdain for others. Arrogant people will never become righteous. Arrogance is an obstacle for all the good and benefit of all. The Quran says: "Surely, Allah knows what you conceal and what you obnaroduete. Indeed, He does not love the arrogant "(An-Nahl 16/23).
  3. Complacency. This contentment itself, due to committed deeds. Smug man never remembers their sins. Such a person believes that the ability to do good, bestowed upon him by Allah, is its own merit, and it boasts.
  4. Prejudice assumption. Alleged commission someone something bad. For example, the emergence in the heart of such an assumption in itself is not a sin, but this conviction is already a sin. For example, if a person seeing an object in the hands of the other person will think: "I wonder if he stole it," it still will not be considered a sin. But if people think: "Yes, most of all, he stole it," then it will be nasty assumption, and therefore sin.
  5. Greedy. This dissatisfaction with the fact that some people have of what we lack, and the desire to and that person has lost it.
  6. Hostility and anger towards another person. Testing anger and dislike for the one who speaks to us with edification, is haraam. You must love that person and treat him with respect.
  7. Happy disasters of other people in one of the hadith says: "If anyone would be pleased disaster has befallen his brother, Allah will nashlet these disasters and to him, to get rid of them, of another person."
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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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