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4 important Sunnah of the day of Ashura

Unknown | 5:44:00 PM | 0 komentar

4 important Sunnah of the day of Ashura

The first ten days of Muharram Ashura Day ends. It is believed that the very name comes from the Arabic numeral "ten" - "ashar".
Day of Ashura - the ancient and deeply significant.According to various sources, it had a number of important events for the humanity: the creation of the Heavenly Tablet and Pen, and the heavens, the stars, the earth, the mountains; the creation of Adam, peace be on him, and Chava, and the jinn; the birth of the Prophet Ibrahim, peace be on him, and getting them The commands of Allah to sacrifice his son Ismail, peace be on him; saved Prophet Musa, peace be on him and his people and the drowning of Pharaoh;Ascension of the Prophet Isa, peace be on him, in the heavens; waiting for the day of the Great Court.(According to Imam As-Suyuti).

The Prophet Muhammad, peace be on him, paid attention to the feature of the Companions of Ashura Day and his preference to Allah, as compared to other days. We modern Muslims, remembering the merits of Ashura Day, try not to leave it unattended. How?
1) Fasting.
It is believed that if to spend the night before the day of Ashura in the worship and the morning come across as fasting, Allah will protect us from the horror of dying agony.
This post has the status of an additional, optional."Who wants to let him fast, and who wants to let him leave." (The transfer of al-Bukhari).
At the same time, Abu Qatada reminds us of the words of the Prophet, peace be on him: "I hope that Allah will accept the fasting on Ashura, as expiation (of sins) of the previous year" (The Muslim transfer).
Note that on Ashura and Quraysh fasted during the Jahiliyyah (ignorance), and Jews, in honor of the rescue of Moses (peace be upon him) and his people.
2) perform ablution.
On the day of Ashura is recommended to perform ghusl (full ablution), as well as the Sunnah. It is not only health benefits, but also to the blessedness - is believed that this will protect a person for a whole year from diseases except death. Insha'Allah.
3) show sincere kindness.
As stated in the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) if on the day of Ashura to be generous to those who depend on us financially (family and children), then Allah Almighty will show their generosity to us throughout the year.
Do not forget to pay attention to relatives, neighbors and the needy. As mentioned in the hadith of the Messenger of Allah, who visited that day ill, will be like the one who paid special attention to all the children of Adam (peace be upon him). A Napo anyone suffering from thirst, will receive an award as one who has never disobeyed the Orders of the Most High.
4) Read the du'a.
On the day of Ashura is encouraged to increase the reading of the Qur'an, dhikr Salavat Prophet (peace be upon him). There are some dua, it is recommended for the day. We give this option:
حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل نعم المولى ونعم النصير
(HasbunaLlah ve ni'mal Wakil, ni'mal Maula ve ni'man-Nasir)
Meaning: Allah is sufficient us, He - the best, as a support, as the Lord, as the assistant.
Recommended Reading 70 times.
Somehow I had to deal with the position that, say, if a person does not make a mandatory daily worship of the additional posts and prayers in special days of the year is not good for him.
Can I take the liberty to say this so categorically?
Generous God every day and every hour gives his servants a chance to get back on the right path. Do not miss this chance! Then who knows, maybe, this day will mark Ashura for someone not just the beginning of the year, but the beginning of straight road towards the light. Amen.
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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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