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4 ways to deal with a child's bad habits

Unknown | 6:44:00 PM | 0 komentar

4 ways to deal with a child's bad habits

4 ways to deal with a child's bad habits, There is a saying "stamp and signature never changes, but this assertion is not correct because we work hard to correct ourselves, it is not the purpose of education only learn to read and write, but also we need to refine the profile and make it strong to face any obstacles. 

In the first years of life have learned many of the skills that are essential for a good life, but some of these skills can fail to focus on the children and develop some bad habits among children. Note on some children usually sucking thumb or picking the nose, in fact they practice this Act but without the knowledge or awareness that the conduct or a bad habit, but if they are not stopped at an early age as possible to continue into adulthood and thus can affect social life and child's profile. It is very important to help to eliminate such habits. 

Here are some ways on how to help your child get rid of bad habits: 

1. usually finger sucking or thumb : develop this habit frequently in childhood, they give the child a feeling of relax and also help to sleep easily, but if your child is a habit we must find a solution to the issue because it will increase the problems when the permanent teeth begin to grow, to try to stop the habit at an early age try to occupy your child chew, some mothers have made small wooden chewable stick from the Summit. 

2. teeth grinding habit : most children do custom teeth grinding during sleep, before the growth of permanent teeth may be reconsidered, but after the growth of permanent teeth can gradually disappear, but if continued could cause problems for the jaw when children in such a situation you should consult a dentist, who can give us a solution that gives the child device called the NightWatchman, put the child to protect teeth during sleep. 

3. usually pick up nose : it is one of the most common bad habits can notice among adults too. Are normally disgusting especially if the person talking to you or listen to you. Some of them may do it unconsciously, but irritate the person pain Apple, so when your child notes the habit then immediately give handkerchiefs, put a little Vaseline on his nose that helps relieve irritability and limit put his finger in his nose. 

4. nail biting habit : become a serious habit if your child cause infection of the nail or bleeding. Reinforcement and positive support is the best way to face a nail-biting, talk with your child about what the habit and this will help him to address this problem often depend upon your child the habit and well-delivered. Try not to feel embarrassed of your previous habits, because most children are doing at least one of them. 

Some children do many practices and habits, and those habits without your knowledge or awareness of what they do, and parents seeking to help the child get rid of habits and especially if it goes back to a long time, it becomes difficult to get rid of them, and these customs usually finger or thumb sucking habit is most widespread habits in children, and to get rid of this habit when the child can distract a child chewing and making something a child can chew And distractions, and other habits are grinding teeth and accepted that a large proportion of children who grind their teeth during sleep, especially in period of growth, and to get rid of this habit can put a night watchman, a device that is placed in the baby's mouth to protect teeth during sleep and other habits such as usually pick up the nose and is very bad habits and even the number of adults has a habit, and habits also children chomping aladaver.
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