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Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism

Unknown | 6:25:00 AM | 0 komentar

The first pre-capitalist evidence began to emerge already in the twelfth century. Thecapitalism is a system based on salaried labor relations in the spirit of profit, the reproductive function of the capital in search of a rational organization for business, production focused Ploughing market and monetary economy.

The pre-capitalist beginnings are linked to the crisis the feudal system caused by population growth in Europe and the consequent inadequacy of production to consumption. The new economic and social situation which has arisen gave rise to the Commercial and Urban Renaissance. And of course this has accelerated the decay of feudalism, in that it has become an important element of nascent capitalism.

Concomitantly, the resulting social marginalization would feudal crisis (people who were forced to leave the fiefdoms of necessity or because they were expelled) provided the quotas required for the expansion of Christian Europe: Reconquista of war against the Moors in the Iberian Peninsula;Crusades in the Near East; and German advance in southern coastline Sea Baltic, with the tip-of-spear religious order and military of the Teutonic Knights.
The coexistence of two systems caused problems, especially considering the dynamism of a stagnation and the other. This contradiction has produced the decline of crises (XIV century) and development (fifteenth century) of European trade, whose roots lie in the clash between feudalism and capitalism and conjunctural factors such as drought and the Black Death .
The XIV century crisis triggered an economic downturn due to shrinkage of European markets. Since the fifteenth century crisis had diametrically opposing factors and lead to expansion of trade, thanks to the Great Discoveries.
With the end of the Middle Ages and the Maritime Expansion of Modern Times, trade acquired global dimension and capitalism took its first real step: the commercial or mercantile capitalism , dedicated to the accumulation of capital in the sector of movement of goods. However, as there is a theoretical consensus that the capitalist system must provide higher profitability in the manufacturing sector, the commercial capital is considered just a phase of primitive accumulation of capital . Under this approach, the true capitalism only be consolidated from the eighteenth century, with the advent of the Industrial Revolution .
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