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Second World War

Unknown | 12:58:00 AM | 0 komentar

The fact known as World War II, passed between 1939 and 1945, was nothing more than a configuration from the previous war.

It is known that she started in Europe, more particularly due to a German offensive, one of the main causes of the Treaty of Versailles .

This treaty signed in 1919 and officially ended the First World War determined that Germany accept responsibility for causing World War and forced the country to pay a debt to countries emerging harmed, and other requirements as the impediment to form a reinforced army and the recognition of the independence of Austria.
These situations brought upheaval to the Germans, who considered such obligations a real humiliation.


Given the fact that World War II was continuation of the previous, must seek its deepest roots in the way Europe was organized at the end of World War I and after the 1929 crisis.
It is clear that the losers and winners do not understand the negotiating table. The various peace treaties, especially that of Versailles, clearly showed that Germany was considered by the victors, the only blame for the war and thus humiliated by the loss of their wealth, its territory, its army and its population.
Second World War
About the causes that influenced to the beginning of a war that killed thousands of people and is considered a genocide, it was several.
The first factor was the emergence, in the 30s, totalitarian governments governed mostly byfascism , like Hitler wanted to expand the territory of the German country disrespecting the Treaty of Versailles.
Germany facing severe economic crisis, with Italy joined Japan and formed the Axis that had as main objective to expand territory conquering neighboring territories and nearby islands to their regions, making a deal with military features and plans according to perform these achievements.
The first territory invaded in 1939 by Germany was Poland and immediately after the countries France and England and after some time also the Soviet Union, Britain and the United States came together to declare war on Germany forming the group of Allies.
These allies were crucial to the end of World War II, otherwise or know to what extent the tyrants ruling would come.


The forces fighting in this war became known as the Axis forces, resulting from the Berlin Pact, Rome and Tokyo, signed by Germany, Italy and Japan in September 1940; and Allied Force, England, France and later the Soviet Union, the United States, Brazil and other countries, not relevant.
This war more than the last, reached the five continents. Only the American continent did not serve directly as a stage fight.
For study purposes, can be divided World War II into two phases.
The first comprised the initial years (September 1939 to June 1942), while in Europe, the German divisions acted almost like a steamroller on Allied Force. From 1941, Japanese troops did the same in the Far East (Offensive Victorious Axis).
The second phase began in this period and went to the final years, when from the United States' entry (Pearl Harbor - 1941) and (Battle of Stalingrad - 1943) began the Axis Offensive Containment, then the final debacle with the Allied victory.

Important Historical Facts

  • 1939-1941: Axis victories, led by the armed forces of Germany - captured the North of France, Yugoslavia, Poland, Ukraine, Norway and territories in North Africa. Japan annexed Manchuria, while Italy conquered Albania and Libya territories.
  • 1941: Japan attacks the US military base Pearl Harbor - USA enter the war as Allies.
  • 1941-1945: Axis losses, starting with the losses suffered by the Germans in the harsh Russian winter - regression of Axis forces suffering defeats. With the US entry, the Allies gained strength in battle fronts.
Brazil participates directly by sending to Italy the GIs FEB, Brazilian Expeditionary Force. The approximately 25 000 Brazilian soldiers conquered the region, adding an important victory alongside the Allies.  


In 1945, Germany and Italy surrender. Japan, the last country to sign the treaty of surrender, yet suffered a major US attack, which turned out atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki .
There were millions of deaths and injuries, destroyed towns, industries and rural areas devastated and incalculable debt.
The racism was present and made ​​a serious wound, especially in Germany, where the Nazis sent to concentration camps and killed about six million Jews. The UN was created (the United Nations), whose main objective would be to maintain peace among nations.


The Second World War brought about a significant change of forces in the world. Its end also marked the emergence of two superpowers.
On the one hand, leading liberal democracies, the United States was on the other, the socialist bloc, with URS, playing a prominent role. From 1949, this block was expanded with the incorporation of China.
The end of the war also met the breakdown of colonial empires that still survived in the process known as decolonization.
To set the new relationship of international forces, coined are two expressions: superpowers and polarization - showing that the planet was in divided into two zones of economic influence, political and ideological, controlled respectively by the US and USSR.
Finally, technological advances caused by war resulted in numerous peaceful applications, ranging from penicillin to the radar or jet propulsion for aircraft.


RUE. Joseph Jobson A. Piletti. Nelson. Thewhole history. General history and history of Brazil . Publisher Attica: 9th Edition.
COTRIM. Gilberto. Global History: Brazil and General . Editora Saraiva. Single volume. 7th Edition: 2003 1st Drawing, 2003.
NADAI. Elza. NEVES. Joana. General History: Modern and Contemporary . Editora Saraiva.11th Edition, 1996.
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