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Holy Inquisition

Unknown | 6:57:00 AM | 0 komentar

In the Holy Inquisition, later renamed the Holy Office Congregation (unconditional Creed judgments in the Church which lasted from 1230 to 1825), were considered heretics all those who did not accept or proferissem the dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church, such as Christ is the savior, God is omniscient, the Pope is the absolute master, man was created from clay, the earth is the center of the universe, the tithe is an indulgence. Thus, all other religions and cultures were satanic (Islam, Judaism, Hinduism).

It is estimated officially at 9 million people tried and sentenced to death by fire, drowning or lynchings, and this official index does not accounts for the Holy War (resume Jerusalem 1096 to 1270). The curious fact the defendants is that 75% were widows over 50 years, 15% of widowers of any age, 10% of children (all children of persons already sentenced) and 5% undefined and other religions, in all the processes they were accused of sexual actions with Satan or bestial lust! Detail: whom he accused could receive 25% of the defendant's property if it were proven the "conjunctus" with the devil, the rest would go to church if there were no heirs!

Very few important people were judged in the Holy Inquisition, the absolute majority were people of strains did not aggregate to the clergy and the local society; we mention that the noblest were burned alive by NOT accept the Catholic dogma and NEVER for practicing the esoteric arts said: Cecco D'Ascolli (1327, astrologer); Giordano Bruno (1600, alchemical, astrologer), Galileo Galilei (1664, scientist, alchemist, astrologer, this was not burned but received excommunication by portraying his scientific theories). Everyone said that the planetary system was heliocentric, contrary to the Church's dogmas that imputed as geocentric. All the victims were inevitably a point that shook the Catholic dogmas or French or Spanish monarchical power.
Want more? Countless books and treatises on astrology, numerology, alchemy , hermeticism, (even Kabbalistic magic rituals) were handwritten by highly reputable and respected figures by European society as they are today for us; They were highly consumed by all the time as happens now. In discussions of the theological point of view only not accepted philosophies and analyzes of necromancy (guessing the date of death, black magic and / or worship of the dead), the rest "voila!" There are so many authors it would be impossible to list them. All European churches built between centuries XI and XVI have in their entry portals or in the interior stained the astrological and alchemical symbols, Neoplatonists, Gnostics and even Masonic!

Around Holy Inquisition

The Counter-Reformation also appealed to the reinvigoration of the "Holy Inquisition" or "Holy Office of the Court", created during the Middle Ages to combat heresies, The Inquisition acted ruthlessly on those considered "heretics", mainly in Italy, Portugal and in Spain, where king Philip II (1527/1598) proved to be a tireless defender of Catholicism.
In the courts of the Holy Office, thought to crimes against faith, as serious as Judaism, Lutheranism, blasphemy and criticism of the Catholic dogmas and crimes against morals and customs, who received lighter punishments such as bigamy and witchcraft.anonymous complaints, denunciations and simple evidence was enough to arrest, torture, condemnation and burning in the defendant's fire, which did not have the right to defense and often did not even know the reason for his arrest. To be sentenced to death, heretics "were delivered to the civil authorities to run, which was made in solemn public ceremonies, called" acts of faith. "
In Italy, the Holy Office counted among its victims, scientists Giordano Bruno (burned at the stake) and Galileo Galilei , who got rid of death because he has accepted publicly deny his heliocentric theory, then contrary to Church teaching.
In the Iberian Peninsula, the Inquisition was linked to the monarchical centralization process and was used by the kings as a means of submission of subjects. Its action also extended up to the lands of Spanish and Portuguese America, Protestant bourgeois, Muslims and Jews suffered cruel persecution in these countries. To avoid exile the Jews were forced to forced baptism and renounce their beliefs, being called "New Christians"."Thousands decided to leave and fortunes reversed again to the royal treasury, because the Jews were exchanging homes, properties, a piece of cloth or anything that could carry you." (Novinsky, Anita. The Inquisition. São Paulo, Brasiliense, 19861 p . 33.)

Shares of inquisition holy caused the mass migration of businessmen to the freest regions of northern Europe, bringing capital flight and economic impoverishment to Catholic countries.
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