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15 of Gandhi quotes, wisdom in dhoti

Unknown | 3:58:00 PM | 0 komentar

It has long hesitated with quotes from Dhalsim, and then it is said that when even a man who turned the English home cannot be bad. Great good did us because it fell on a gold mine.When the friend Gandhi took the feather was often not dumb stuff to say. Small selection:
  1. "At the moment where the slave decides that it will no longer be slave, his chains fall."
  2. "The victory obtained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary."
  3. "Non-violence is my first article of faith. It is also the last article of my creed. "
  4. "There well enough on this earth for the needs of all, but not enough for the ambition of everyone."
  5. "My life is my only teaching."
  6. "" Everyone is right from his own point of view, but it is not impossible that everyone else is wrong."
  7. "Civilization is not to multiply the needs but to reduce them voluntarily, deliberately. This only brings true happiness."
  8. "The weak cannot forgive. Forgive belongs to the strong."
  9. "Be the change you want to see in the world."
  10. "How can we get to know yourself?" "Through meditation, ever, but by action."
  11. "Calling"the weaker sex"women is a libel; This is the injustice of the man with his wife. If non-violence is the law of humanity, the future belongs to women. "
  12. "If you practice 'eye for eye, tooth for a tooth', the world will soon be blind and toothless."
  13. "By opposing hatred hatred, is that spread, surface and depth"
  14. "Fatalism has limits. We have to rely on the fate only when we have exhausted all remedies."
  15. "Whenever you're in doubt, apply the following test: remember the poorest person and the lowest you have encountered in your life and ask yourself if what you are about to make will be of any usefulness"
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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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