The compatibility between modern science and the Qurân
The Qur'an is the final revelation and a testament to the Legation of Muhammad, for the existence of an omniscient God and going astray of all other religious communities, not only for the pagan Arabs 1406 years ago, but also for today's scientists.Perhaps one of the most unusual features of the Quran is complete compliance with the discoveries of modern science.
Maurice Bucaille, whose Werk is entitled "Bible, Qurân and science"was one of the first Western scientists, who made a serious study of this topic. In this book, he compared the testimony of the Bible and the Quran on natural conditions and scientific facts.Finally, he said: "the Qurân follows the two other revelations (the Torah and the New Testament), and is free of the contradictions and the character of various human manipulations, in the Gospels, can be found not only in his statements but he also has a special value for those who examine it objectively and in the light of science owing to its full conformity with the known scientific facts.
In the Qurân to find science-related statements are (as has been pointed out already), the impossible a man in Muhammad's time could write. Therefore, some knowledge of modern science, to understand verses of the Quran, which were not explained to this day allows us.
The comparison between several biblical and Qur'anic statements about the same topic shows the fundamental differences between the statements in the Bible that are scientifically unacceptable and the statements in the Qurân which are in perfect accordance with the known facts, such as the description of the Act of creation and the flood.
A very important completion of the Bible concerning the story of the exodus was found in the text of the Quran; both texts agree with archaeological discoveries, have been dated to the time of Moses.
There are large differences between the Qurân and the Bible, what with regard to other areas, from which the claim can be refute, Muhammad would have copied the Bible to the teacher of the Quran.
In the light of knowledge to Muhammad's times, it is inconceivable that many statements in the Qurân which are connected with science, were the work of a man of the time.Rather it is completely legitimate, the Qurân not only as the expression of a revelation to consider, but it also a special significance to give due to his guaranteed authenticity. Is a challenge for the people. the Declaration of the existence of scientific statements in the Qurân"
Some statements that contain information, which are in accordance with modern science, are:
1 detailed description of embryonic and fetal development:
At the time of the Prophet Muhammad theories such as those of Aristotle were common, who thought that the child was shaped by the coagulation of the blood of the rule and catalyzed by the male blood, like the lab with the cheese. In the 18th century, Hartsoeker claimed he discovered a pre designed human being in the sperm by means of his primitive microscopes.
The Qurân does not these theories are again while he describes the embryonic development of the people with absolute accuracy: "And certainly did We create man from an extract of clay. Then We placed him as a sperm-drop in a firm lodging. Then We made the sperm-drop into a clinging clot, and We made the clot into a lump [of flesh], and We made [from] the lump, bones, and We covered the bones with flesh; then We developed him into another creation. So blessed is Allah, the best of creators.Then indeed, after that you are to die.Then indeed you, on the Day of Resurrection, will be resurrected."(Sûra 23:12-16)
The Prophet explained also the meaning of the word "Nutfa";Thus, both the male sperm and the female ovum is meant. The word ' Alaqa in Arabic has three meanings:
(a) one thing that adheres to.
(b) a blood clot.
(c) something that looks like the leech.
All three meanings describe the first stage of the developing embryo. There arises a seminal vesicles, which has a kind of shaggy on its exterior, making it literally adheres itself to the wall of the uterus after fertilization of the egg. Then it is similar to a leech, finally a blood clot both in appearance and in behavior.
The next phase, in which it becomes "something Zerkautem" (Mudgha), is also very accurately described. It is also true that the development of bone precedes the development of muscles and flesh. The prophetic narrations say: "when forty nights over the fetus passed are, Allâh sends an Angel to it, who shapes it, makes his ears, his eyes, his skin, his flesh and his bones. Then he says: ' O men! He is male or female?' Your master decides how he wants to and the Angel records it then." (Al Bukhari)
This exact information specifies the correct time for the apparent development of the described features, and the sex of the fetus can be definitively determined before 42 days.
This knowledge was to the invention of powerful microscopes decades ago not known. Professor Keith Moore, Chairman of the Department of anatomy at the University of Toronto (Canada), which is regarded worldwide as a leading embryologist, and is the author of "The development of the people" , said the statements of the Quran and the authentic hadiths: "until the 19th century AD, nothing about the classification of the stages of human development was known. Developed a system of individual developmental stages of the human embryo ad, towards the end of the 19th century on the basis of alphabetic symbols.
During the 20th century. A.d. digits were used to describe the 23 stages of embryonic development. This system of numbering of the stadiums is not easy to follow and a better system would be to rely on morphological changes. Recently, the study of the Quran has enabled a further basis for the classification of the stages in the development of the embryo, based on easy-to-understand operations and changes in the form. They used names that were sent and recorded in the Qurân by God to Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel... I am convinced that these statements of Muhammad's must come from God, because all this knowledge was discovered until many centuries later. This is for me. proof that Muhammad was a Messenger of God"
2. Cosmology
The Qurân says: "Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe?" (Sûra 21:30)
This verse explicitly mentions the common origin of the universe, a fact that was discovered only forty years ago used in nuclear physics. The separation mentioned in the verse seems to refer to that what the scientists refer to these days as "Big Bang".Moreover, any creature made up as the verse also mentioned, from protoplasm, which consists to 80 to 85 percent water.
It is also mentioned in the Qurân: "Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."(Sûra 41:11)
The word "Smoke" here accurately describes the primeval state of the universe, which was composed of a hot gaseous matter, with sharply as gas particles moving clouds of smoke. The stars, the planets and the Earth were formed from this matter. The Qurân says: "And the heaven We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander." (Sûra 51:47)
It is a generally accepted fact that we live in an expanding universe. The Qurân says: "It is not allowable for the sun to reach the moon, nor does the night overtake the day, but each, in an orbit, is swimming."(Sûra 36:40)
The Arabic word, located here on something self-propelled moving relates, the verb (occurring in the Qur'anic text) is "yasbahûn". It indicates a movement, emanating from the body itself. If it takes place in the water, the verb means swimming.The action, however, takes place in the country, means the movement with your own legs. One describes a movement at all, so it means a rotation.
The Sun is moving in orbit, not the Earth, but the center of the Galaxy. Therefore, there is no contradiction, because the Qurân specifies do not orbit of the Sun. The Qurân says: "He created the heavens and earth in truth. He wraps the night over the day and wraps the day over the night and has subjected the sun and the moon, each running [its course] for a specified term. Unquestionably, He is the Exalted in Might, the Perpetual Forgiver." (Sûra 39:5) with "Loops around" you here refers to the Arab verb "kawwara". The original meaning of this verb is wrapping a turban around his head.
So, the process of everlasting Umschlingens including the mutual penetration of time of day by another is set out in the Qurân that the spherical shape of the Earth must be adopted, although this fact at the time of the revelation was not known for certain.
The Qurân says: "It is He who made the sun a shining light and the moon a derived light and determined for it phases - that you may know the number of years and account [of time]. Allah has not created this except in truth. He details the signs for a people who know." (Sûra 10:5)
The Qurân describes the Sun with "Sirâdsch", a lamp, developed their own heat and their own light, and the Moon is referred to as "On only", a light that reflects another source.
3. geology
The Qurân says: "Have We not made the earth a resting place?
And the mountains as stakes?
" (Sûra 78:6-7)
Also: "He created the heavens without pillars that you see and has cast into the earth firmly set mountains, lest it should shift with you, and dispersed therein from every creature. And We sent down rain from the sky and made grow therein [plants] of every noble kind." (Sûra 31:10)
Recently, it was discovered that mountains have underground "pegs" that are connected with the Earth's crust, which is in turn composed of seven tectonic plates. Their movement is the cause of earthquakes. It says that the stakes and the weight of the mountains play a vital role in stabilizing the crust of the Earth.
4. the water cycle
Of the Qurân correctly describes the water cycle and names the rainwater as the origin of sources. "It is logical" you're mine, but the Greek philosophers have not understood that, if they pointed out that sources caused by sea foam, which is gathered in caves.In fact the water cycle was ad, not exactly set forth until the 18th century. Of the Qurân said however: "Do you not see that Allah sends down rain from the sky and makes it flow as springs [and rivers] in the earth; then He produces thereby crops of varying colors; then they dry and you see them turned yellow; then He makes them [scattered] debris. Indeed in that is a reminder for those of understanding.“ (Sûra 39:21)
The examples cited here are representative of many more statements that contain that the Qurân and the traditions relating to scientific topics. The explanations of Qur'anic points are of course incomplete. The Qurân is consistent in its internal structure, as well as with external facts. There they are belongs to the nature of human works, by scientists, philosophers, mystics and ways, that they contradictions and inconsistencies included, but not divine revelation, as it says the Qurân: "Then do they not reflect upon the Qur'an? If it had been from [any] other than Allah, they would have found within it much contradiction." (Sûra 4:82)
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Category: Al-Quran
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