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Al Quran is a miracle

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Al Quran is a miracle

The Qurân is truly a living miracle. The more one is concerned with is the more impressive characteristics from any perspective.

About the language
The Arabs of the 6th and 7th century a.d. were masters of the Arabic language. The eloquence and oratory were their greatest passion. The liveliness which characterized their meetings, the joy of their religious events and the virtues with which she bragged, expressed through their poetry and literature. They were so proud of their literary skills, that all other peoples in the world scornfully as 'Adscham'or 'stupid' referred. At this time, and in these circumstances, a man named Muhammad appeared who could neither read nor write. He gave a sermon in front of you and announced that it is the word of Allah (in the approximate meaning):
Say, "If mankind and the jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants." (Sûra 17:88)
Such a proclamation was a very amazing thing. It came from a person who never learned anything by renowned poets and scholars of the time, had not even recited a piece of poetry from their collections, and had never accompanied a soothsayer.Away from any own sealed poetries, he didn't even know the verses of other poets. Consequently, the above announcement, which is repeated several times in the Qurân, was the biggest challenge of the Makkaner literary knowledge and at the same time a fatal attack on their polytheistic beliefs. The world was thus throughout this angry priests and heated poets.
No one took the step to join the challenge, to produce something similar to the Qurân. They followed the Prophet  to seal a mentally ill, a magician, poet and Soothsayer, but they called all him failed and verses, even, when it came, only a few sentences, equal to the Quranic. Until today no one has managed to meet this challenge, even though many people in the past and even in the present miserably tried it.
About the prophecies
Among other things, the Qurân contains prophecies about future events, which are not done yet, and many who have already fulfilled. The following one of the prophecies is the during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad  satisfied, mentioned.
As the Prophet  after his appointment to the Prophet in Makkah was, and he was been pursued on all kinds of the Makkanischen Pagans, wars between Rome and Persia, two former empires took place exactly at this time again. The Romans were defeated and thus defeated. You suffered a great loss of men and necessary things. Ultimately, the Romans were so weakened that they were able to take a fixed location somewhere, nor were able to suspend a further counterattack.
This situation was a cause for celebration for the pagans of Arabia, because they were the Persians, including themselves, to the fire worshippers while they, did the Romans together with the Muslims to the "people of the book". Considers own victory through domination of the Persians and the defeat of the Muslims was, predictably. In these circumstances, these initial verses of the chapter (surah) ar Rûm (the Romans) were revealed (approximate meaning):
"... The Byzantines have been defeated. In the nearest land. But they, after their defeat, will overcome. 
Within three to nine years. To Allah belongs the command before and after. And that day the believers will rejoice
(Sûra 30:2-4)
This prophecy was completely absurd for those who knew the military situation of the Romans and Persians. The fact is that the Persians penetrated further until they reached the walls of the Roman capital of Constantinople. He renowned historian Edward Gibbon this prophecy has commented as follows:
"When this prophecy revealed, no prediction could, have been incredible because in the first twelve years in which Heraclius had a clear end was the Roman Empire." ("Decline and fall of the Roman Empire", volume 5, page 73-74)
But exactly seven years after his first defeat the Roman ruler of the capital made his way and caused that the Persians in several places have suffered devastating defeats. Afterwards, the Roman armies were victorious everywhere.
Meanwhile moved a large number of Muslims according to Madina, and the war between them and the idolaters of Makkah had already begun. The news that the Romans had defeated the Persians, came on the day on which 313 ill-equipped Muslims, decided to fight their enemies on the field of battle at Badr, where this was warriors to 1000 heavily armed Makkanische. It had then the following are the Quranic verses realized: "In the victory of Allah . He gives victory to whom He wills, and He is the Exalted in Might, the Merciful...."(Sûra 30:4-5), indicating the two positive events, the victory of the Romans, and also their own at Badr.

Science and history
Apart from the prophecies of the Qurân in many scientific and historical facts were unknown, but not even conceivable in view of developments in society, not only at the time has alerted. There have been entire books written (by Muslims and non-Muslims), in which the scientific findings, which are available in the Qurân, will be awarded the truth. The following examples are sufficient:
The Qurân says that the Pharaoh made a confession of faith as he was about to drown, only to to save his life. In response, Allâh said:
"Now? And you had disobeyed [Him] before and were of the corrupters?So today We will save you in body that you may be to those who succeed you a sign. And indeed, many among the people, of Our signs, are heedless"(Sûra 10:91 92)
At the time the revelation of this verse, and even centuries after that, no one knew that himself had preserved the body of FIR'aun.But he discovered some time ago, and today the body is in a Museum in Cairo.
Also in the Qurân:
"And of all things We created two mates; perhaps you will remember." (Sûra 51:49)
When this verse was revealed, was the general opinion that were male and female pairs only among people and animals, or in some species. Progress in science the Quranic reality is clear that male and female couples in all exist. In some cases, they are male and female, and in other cases as positive and negative, as electron and Proton, or neutron and Positron. In another verse, the Qurân also informs that the appearance of pairs in many other things is still unknown to people. In the Qurân
"Price was one that the couples all created of what the Earth grow by themselves and what they do not know!" (Sûra 36:36)
A miracle for us!
Looking back at the history it was found that the prophets with miracles had been dispatched, which reflected the society and the knowledge of the people of the time. That's why Mûsa (Moses) was  Frieden sei auf ihm  sent with a rod, which really turned into a snake, to nullify the tricks of magicians of Pharaoh. ´ Îsa (Jesus)  Frieden sei auf ihm  was given the ability to cure diseases and to bring the dead back to life, to put as the Jewish doctors in amazement on their limited knowledge in medicine were proud, and which even had begun to make the supernatural powers of God deny and low estimate.
Similarly, the Qurân was an immediate miracle for the Arabs of the time, because he challenged them and far exceeded the limits of their literary expression. In contrast to the wonders of the previous prophets which were applicable only for a period of time, is the Qurân - the final Testament, which the last Prophet  möge Allah ihn in Ehren halten und ihm Wohlergehen schenken  been - even up to this day a relevant miracle for humanity, and he is us, as long as the world still exists, preserved. We live in an age of science and technology, of knowledge, of logic and rationality. However, in spite of all human progress in every aspect of life, the principles of the Qurân are neither been proved to be wrong nor are they obsolete. This is truly the great miracle of the Quran, which has proven itself as a timeless and universal message for mankind, suitable to every aspect of our lives - unless politics, economics, ethics, science, literature, the arts and Humanities or entertainment. Rather even non-Muslim scholars have said that the entire 'Western' civilization nowadays, which is thriving as a result of the "rebirth of humanity" (i.e. "Renaissance"), would be not so, not the message, that Muhammad would be  brought. The famous English author Robert Briffault wrote in "The disposition of mankind" (the making of humanity):
"The idea of freedom for all people, of human brotherhood, equality before the law in a democracy with consultancy and universal suffrage, the idea of good, that inspired the French Revolution and the Declaration of human and civil rights, which established the American Constitution and sparked the struggle for independence in the Latin American countries were not inventions of the West. You will find their ultimate inspiration and source of the Holy Qurân. Are the quintessence (the core), which the intelligentsia of medieval Europe for centuries Islam acquired through the various companies, which is developed in Europe after the crusades in imitation of the brotherhood in Islam. It is most likely that the modern European civilization never would have evolved if the Arabs had not been. It is absolutely true that the Western world would have never accepted this character, which has made it possible to exceed all previous phases of development had it not been the Arabs because of."
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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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