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Look forward to the month of Ramadan

Unknown | 12:36:00 AM | 0 komentar

Look forward to the month of Ramadan

The month of Ramadan approach. It will still be a month full of mercy for those who will have the chance to attend and make efforts to reap the fruits. 
It is a period of revitalization of piety, of faith and excellence. This is the month where we renewed his Covenant with Allah, where is full of faith for the year to come, where is our spiritual armor. Unfortunately this month will pass without affecting a large part of us. Woe to those who remain insensitive to all these benefits!Blessed, on the contrary are those who fill their nights in prayer and their days by the extraordinary taste of control of their instincts!

Allah the Almighty breaks the monotony of being human in him giving throughout his life of appointments; These meetings which take place at different times and places are mercies know capture, they have lots of benefits for the one who knows how to anticipate, welcome them and live. This concept is extremely important in the life of the Muslim because of numerous reminders are present on this subject in the Noble Quran and hadiths.

The concept of Baraka is full of mysteries. No one knows whence and how it will be affected by the divine mercy. The pious man remains so focused on his effort in the meantime promised retribution. It can be hidden in some nights, in the food, sometimes in a morning or an afternoon in some places. No one knows where the Baraka can touch the servant except the all-knowing Allah.

A simple glance at the history of humanity enables us to see that time man has instinctively separated the sphere of the standard than the extraordinary as well as the sacred from the profane. This distinction ability is at the base of the cult activity in all human societies whether primitive or modern. In the true religion, any act of worship must be performed as the sole deity, Allah. To break our routine, get our attention, to challenge our intellect, meet our spirituality and finally complete our instinctive need of worship, devotion and love, Allah the Almighty has chosen in its wisdom, tangible symbols for us. These symbols of time and filled the Baraka space are a significant help to us. The month of Ramadan is undoubtedly the richest, easiest to see among all of these symbols.

Modern secular society did enormous damage in the field of spirituality, she attempted to destroy these symbols and their mysteries. Drowned in a ultra-materialiste and neo-liberal society attempting to make us forget our spirituality and our Creator. Emails have replaced the prayers, actions the Quran reading, fashion magazines movies hadiths, small-friends husbands.

Many of us are taken by surprise at the time of the arrival of the holy month of Ramadan. It happens without cause many of us enthusiasm, excitement or hope. All these feelings have been diverted from the sacred to be oriented toward the frivolous and ephemeral of the consumer society pleasures.

If you are too busy and your production is not for much improved, is that maybe you do not have the Baraka in either your time or your efforts, maybe your actions have no real positive intentions and then it is Satan who is with them. A solution: seek refuge with Allah. We must permanently have this observation in mind, to be fully aware and seek refuge with Allah regularly.

Do not charge you too during the month of Ramadan. Be regular especially in order to keep a good pace after the end of the month.This is not to get into the Red this month and during the coming eleven to drop everything. Stay attached to the regular things like the courses given at the mosque, discussions between friends aiming assistance and encouragement in good works. Look for events not to be missed as the days of congregational youth throughout the year. If you have the chance to live in a setting relatively preserved, made excursions in the nature for you realize the beauty of the creation of Allah and meditate on this subject. Learn the hadiths of the Prophet to soak up his life and put into practice its teachings. True love for the Prophet is not to put stickers to slogans ignited on our cars, true love is to live his Sunnah through our actions. Keep your language occupied by invocations and the remembrance of Allah.And do not forget to prepare you for the month of Ramadan to reach other levels in your religion.
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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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