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Jewels from the treasure Chamber of the Qurân

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Jewels from the treasure Chamber of the Qurân

The Messenger of Allah, Muhammad, said: "the best among you, who learns and teaches the Qurân." (Al Bukhari)
What is the Qurân?
The Qurân is the book of Allah, he is chosen to be the last of the heavenly books. He, the merciful and highest, revealed him to the Prophet Muhammad as a source for the last religion and as a guidance for mankind. His revelation was a turning point for humanity; He was the power that changed the world, directed the flow of history, saved the mankind and so renewed, that the entire creation as newly created was.
The Qurân is the strongest evidence for the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad and for its credibility, and he is also Muhammad's greatest miracle. Allâh, the over all exalted, says in the Qurân: "They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it. It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion, although those who associate others with Allah dislike it."(Sûra 61:8-9)
The Qurân is the law that humanity needed to freedom to gain satisfaction and success in this and next life.
The Qurân is a complete and understandable book. He covers topics that people not only have to deal to achieve salvation in the afterlife, but also to achieve peace, justice and success in this life. The themes of the Qurân are classified into three main categories: theology, stories and wisdom and the Islamic law (or Sharia). Therefore, it offers principles, vision, and knowledge that are necessary to plan and lead a good life. All handled very understandable and real life, so that the quest is brought to secular and for the things of the hereafter in accordance.
Allâh, the over all exalted, says in the Qurân: "But seek, through that which Allah has given you, the home of the Hereafter; and [yet], do not forget your share of the world. And do good as Allah has done good to you. And desire not corruption in the land. Indeed, Allah does not like corrupters." (Sûra 28:77)
The Qurân has an inimitable style and a level that was seen never before in another book or a methodology. The wealth of his text and his discourse are unprecedented and unmatched in their eloquence, eloquence, its river, its coherence and harmony. The Qurân is not only an absolute linguistic masterpiece, he's even a miracle in the truest sense of the word. Whoever recites it, never will tire and who ponder its meanings, not doubting him; rather, it discovered new insights and new knowledge. He leads those who seek guidance and strengthens the faith of those who believe in him. His first acids are similar to the recently revealed, and he is incomparable in its unparalleled beauty.
The Qurân is free from contradictions; Who understands Arabic and thinks carefully about its Suras and verses, will discover the harmony between its various sections. Allâh most high says:"Then do they not reflect upon the Qur'an? If it had been from [any] other than Allah, they would have found within it much contradiction." (Sûra 4:82)
Certainly, every time the Islâm deniers tried to uncover contradictions in the Qurân, the Muslim scholars no doubt have proved that no part of the Qurân refutes another or contradict one another. The reason for this is that what may appear as a "Contradiction" in the Qurân, in fact anything is what the Qurân as Muhkam (clear, precise) and (ambiguously) called Mutaschâbih.This is even an element of textual strength and its wonderful structure.
The Qurân will restore the peace of mind
The Islamic organisation for medicine announced a study that was conducted by Dr. Ahmad Al-Qâdi on a group of volunteers from the United States, which had been subjected to a recitation of the Holy Qurân the impressive results. Signs of a calming effect were recorded at a total rate of 97%. Although many of these volunteers understood no Arabic, but involuntary physical changes have meant that strains previously identified in their nervous systems is significantly reduced.
In addition during the Qurân attempt, an EEG measurement revealed that while listening to the Qurân the brainwaves of the quick vigilance structure 12-13 8-18 waves per second moving waves per second to the slow structure, which refers to a State of deep peace of mind. Non-Arabic speaking people felt while listening to mânevî verses balanced, calm and happy, and despite their inability to understand the meaning. This is one of the miracles of the Holy Qurân.
The Prophet  revealed this miracle when he said:
"Once to gather people in one of the houses of Allah (mosques) and each other recite the book of Allah and studying, so comes down on them inner peace, the angels surrounded them and Allah mentioned in the presence of those who him near the stand (the Angels)."(Muslim)
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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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