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Communicate with us whether God through dreams?

Unknown | 12:12:00 AM | 0 komentar

Communicate with us whether God through dreams?

Communicate with us whether God through dreams?

In Islam, we believe that dreams may be meaningful, but not all dreams can be treated as such. About dreams given set of hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him), is also the story of the Prophet Yusuf in the Quran. A hadith messenger (peace be upon him) said:

"Prophetic dreams one forty-sixth of the prophecy."
The theme of dreams and the interpretation is very delicate. Firstly, the dreams - a very delicate matter, a special state, the vision of which both of the unseen can not tell everyone. Second, the gift of dream interpretation has only righteous person is very rare, and the one Most High knows what is really meant sleep.
As for dreams, you need to pay attention to the following points:
In Islam, the dreams are of three types:
  • truthful dream (Rahmani);
  • from subconscious dreams (nafsani);
  • dreams from Satan (Shaytaani).
Basic rules for the interpretation of dreams:
  • The first and most important rule of interpretation of dreams - to know that the same vision and symbols in dreams can have completely different meanings for different people. It is not necessary to compare and compare the dreams, because we are all different, and the signs that are sent to us in dreams, too, can be different.
  • The value of sleep is usually directly proportional to the impression that it had on the person who had a dream.
Dreams that have no value:
  • It occurs in the early hours of sleep;
  • They relate to a person or event, which recently stated;
  • are the result of external stimulants, for example, recently read a book recently scanned film;
  • They are the result of illness, taking medication.
The question arises: is every dream that sees the believer, all right?
Answer: Most of the righteous people dreams are good, because he can see the dream that senseless, but it does not happen often, since Shaitan impact on that person minimum.
People are divided into three categories:
  1. Prophets: all their dreams are righteous, but sometimes they need interpretation. Good dreams are of two types:
  • A bright dream: a dream that a hair's breadth repeated in life. This dream does not require interpretation;
  • A hidden dream: the value of such a dream is hidden behind the symbols, and in need of interpretation.
  1. Righteous: the majority of their dreams true and hidden, that is, require interpretation.
  2. The rest: the majority of their dreams untrue, but some may are.
Seeing some sleep, not knowing what he meant, I would advise you to read the dua definition - istikhaarah to gain Allah's guidance and answers to questions. Sleep can be a sign, and istikhaarah will confirm it, inshallah.
Ibn Sirin said that if people want to see the righteous sleep, then he should refrain from eating and drinking before going to bed and lie on your right side. With a light heart and mind he would go to sleep.
We can only guess, and Allah knows best...
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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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