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6 drawbacks that can seize your faith

Unknown | 8:21:00 AM | 0 komentar

6 drawbacks that can seize your faith

Faith, one important property of any person, enabling him to rise above all other creations of Allah, it is the loss of a person attains to eternal misery in both worlds.
But even if the owners of the faith, it is worth remembering that at every step we await wiles and tricks of Iblis living hopes to lead us astray.
Today we would like to elaborate on the points that can weaken the faith of a person, and then bring it to disbelief.

  • The desire for power
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) once said, referring to his Ummah: "Just as water nourishes green plants, love for wealth and desire for power over other fuels nifak (of hypocrisy) in your heart."
Every person inherent desire to stand out, to show themselves and get a general acceptance. However, the loss of control over these desires can knock a person from spiritual balance, and all his actions will be the same goal - to show themselves to others, to show them his superiority, to earn the satisfaction of people, not God. Power like nothing else promotes the development and dominance in man of these feelings.
  • Fear
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) warn the people with the words: "Let the fear of the people will not cause you disguise the truth." The feeling of fear is inherent in each of us, and can manifest itself in different forms. However, if a person having fear of the Creator, puts up public opinion, or the fear of the same creatures as he himself, and holds back the truth, although it is a witness to injustice and violation of rights, that eventually the whole chain sequences can push it to the full disbelief. A person will be more comfortable to forget about the Creator and His commandments, and live so that they were only satisfied people who are far from the truth. The history of Islam is replete with examples of outstanding individuals and distinguished scientists were attached to persecution just because were not afraid to tell the truth in the face to those who had the power in the earth.
  • Excessive desire
Unfortunately, in their insatiable worldly desires, a distinctive feature of the modern man, who reached one of worldly goods, immediately directs his attention to the other two. In the words of the Blessed Prophet (peace be upon him): "If a man offered two valleys dotted with gold, then he would certainly have demanded a third. His inordinate appetite can only meet the earth. " Man forgetting about other values, rushes in pursuit of the elusive mirage, in the form of colorful and burning bright lights of worldly goods, and only the power of death to die of his insatiable appetite and the desire to desire for worldly goods.
  • Racism
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was sent into a society where oppression and humiliation flourished along racial lines. But that Islam gave people the notion of equality and brotherhood, where there is no superiority of one race or nationality over another, and if there is any - the difference is only in zeal, fear Allah and sincerity to the Creator, which is determined by the Almighty.
It took 14 centuries, but what has changed since then?The world is still in first-class and low-grade men backward state, and so on. The world, which claims the right to proudly bear the name of "civilized".
  • selfishness
Selfishness does not wish to accept the opinion of others, the desire to exalt himself, remaining deaf and blind to the requests and concerns of others - all this has become a cause of death and the inglorious end of many nations and people who are puffed up, as if hoping to live forever. In many verses and hadiths, and censured these negative qualities are described as the hallmark of the hypocrites and people arriving in disbelief, wandering in the darkness of ignorance. And how many of us today can boast of success in an endless war with its own "I"?
  • Laziness
Allah says in one of the verses of the Holy Qur'an as follows: "Who has created death and life to test you and see the best in deed. He - Mighty, the Forgiving "(Surah la-Mulk, verse - 2). That is, our world is a place where people have to show and prove themselves well, and laziness of course, for those who are counting on a good result, inappropriate quality. But always we can win it? Do we always manage to overcome itself and to make to make yourself for His satisfaction what so opposed to our nafs. With a little lazy start big human problems, and not always unfortunately happens maybe they have to solve and correct.
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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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