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4 types of fruit mentioned in the Qur'an

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4 types of fruit mentioned in the Qur'an 00

In the Holy Qur'an, which is a guide to action for every Muslim, reflects both spiritual and materialistic aspects of our well being. The latter can be attributed entirely positive mention of some fruits, the use of which is proved in our time in a scientific way. Of course in this case it is necessary to take into account that the Qur'anic stories relate only to events occurring in the geographical territory of the subtropical itpropicheskoy klimateiecheskih zones. Therefore, the absence in the Holy Scriptures of flora typical of our more northern areas klimateieskoy not goovrit us poor use of fruit growing in our zone, but only emphasizes to us to have fruit from among exotic and uncharacteristic for our latitude, we must pay the utmost attention.

Let's take a detailed look at each of them.
4 types of fruit mentioned in the Qur'an 02

date palm
"On the ground, there are areas adjacent land, there are vineyards, and crops, and date-palms, growing from the same root, and not from the same root, they are irrigated by the same water. But one of the fruits We give more fertility and taste to others. Indeed, in all of this - the signs for those who reflect "(Surah" Thunder ": 4)!
First dates are low-calorie. In one Finike contains only 23 calories, but it is composed of 50% glucose, so it is very nutritious. Because of this, the Arabs living in the desert areas use it almost as a compulsory product. If the Russians "second bread" is considered to be the potato, the Arabs this place certainly takes dates.
Dates contain minerals and salts beneficial effect on our heart. Among them, such as copper, iron, magnesium, zinc, manganese, potassium, sodium, sodium, boron, etc. help maintain the acid balance of the body, enhance immunity, prevent anemia. The dates we find more than 23 essential amino acid species, which do not contain to find other fruits (apples, bananas, oranges), and they contain vitamins B, A and C, niacin, panteonovaya acid, which speeds up the process of assimilation of carbohydrates and regulation level blood glucose, which is especially important for people with diabetes.
The dates as dietary fiber and selenium, which help to reduce the risk of cancer. All these useful elements contained in the dates, makes this fruit useful in the treatment of degeneration, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, fatigue, to recuperate after a long illness.Therefore it is recommended to recite meal during Ramadan it is with dates.
Thanks to the effect of "quick energy" and the content of oxytocin facilitates the use of dates the birth pangs of young women in childbirth, and subsequently contributes to the development of breast milk. This is particularly mentioned in the surah "Mary."
"She went to the trunk of a date palm, unable to endure labor pains, and exclaimed:" Oh, if I had died before this and would be forever forgotten "Then [ 'Isa or Jibril] called out of the womb:" Do not be sad, your Lord has created stream near you. So shake the trunk palm trees - fresh dates will fall on you. Now eat, drink and rejoice ... "(Qur'an," Mary ", 19: 23-26) in Phoenicia contain as much as 2 types of fiber: non-cleavable and cleavable. If the first useful to normalize the digestive process and prevention of colon cancer, the second beneficial effect on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
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"The branches of bananas, leaning on the abundant fruit, festooned with rows" (Sura "Incident": 29).
In Babanov composition contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B9, C, E, and minerals such as iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, sodium, phosphorus and zinc.Owing to these substances, the use of bananas is very useful in such diseases as atherosclerosis, anemia, hypertension, edema, gastrointestinal diseases and constipation, as well as in infant formulas. In addition, serotonin is contained in bananas helps to deal with feelings of depression, the presence of certain vitamins help fight this bad habit like smoking, which according to Sharia, though not under the direct prohibition, but iz-za brought in serious damage to health the body, considered undesirable, T. to. all that harms the human body necessary for a Muslim to abstain.
4 types of fruit mentioned in the Qur'an 04

"I swear by the fig tree [t.e.inzhirom] and olive tree" (Sura "fig tree": 1)
Figs contain a large number of minerals, B vitamins, A, C and fiber. The presence of easily digestible glucose figs helps to quickly restore lost energy and strength caused by heavy physical exertion and mental stress.In figs also contain so-called antioxidants, which help the body fight against free radicals. This fruit is in the second position on the content of the most important mineral calcium include vegetables. 7% potassium 6% 6% calcium and iron from the required daily dose contains a dried figs. A glass of fruit content of calcium replaces a similar glass of milk.
"... So we nurtured you gardens of date-palms and vines in them - you are abundant fruits and from them you are happy to eat" (Surah "The believers": 19)
Grapes are rich in iron, potassium, iron and contains glucose. Especially useful dark grapes. It contained substances that are beneficial to the kidneys and liver, enhance brain activity, increase the production of fresh blood. Very useful grapes as raisins. Experts advise it to people suffering from cardiovascular diseases (which remind, according to statistics, it is the most common cause of premature death of Russian citizens).
4 types of fruit mentioned in the Qur'an 05

"Allah - the Light of the heavens and the earth. His light - like the light inside of which a candle; candle in that glass, and the glass - just pearl star that lit from a blessed olive tree, neither eastern nor western; it is a tree that gives butter its light, though the fire and did not touch it. It is light upon light. Allah guides to His light whom He wills. God leads people to edification.Allah is aware of all things "(Sura 'Light': 35).
Like olives, and olives are also very useful for the human body. Both are the fruit of a tree (olive). Fully ripe fruits are called black olives and unripe green and are called simply olives. Like all oil crops, they contain polyunsaturated fats - the healthy kind of fat. Large content of vitamin E has beneficial effect on slowing down the aging process.
Therefore, olive extracts found in many cosmetic creams. Olive oil has a beneficial effect on the health of older people, contributing to replenish their body needs calcium to their age. Women are very useful to use olive oil during the whole period of pregnancy and infant feeding.
From the olive tree leaves made preparations for the treatment of hypertension. This oil also reduces the acidity of gastric juice, protecting us from the development of gastritis and ulcers with him. Plus, olive oil is rich in antidoksidantami.
In short, we talked about the beneficial role of the fruits that the Holy Quran mentioned. But the scientific evidence of their use, but we emphasize - in the Koran minor details just yet.
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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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