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5 amazing ideas in the Al Quran

Unknown | 5:52:00 AM | 0 komentar

5 amazing ideas in the Koran

Every time I open the Quran, I wonder: what is a great book. This scripture, which for me is the instructions for use for life, there I find answers to questions that worry me. The more time I spend in his company, the more it gives me. And the more I sink deeper into it, the more I was fascinated by its structure, integrity and language. And I want to share with you what I love in the Quran most:

  1. The Quran calls for reflection and analysis
Indeed, the worst of living creatures before Allah are the deaf and dumb, who are not able to understand (8:22)
Do not follow that which you know not. Truly hearing, sight and heart - all of them will be called to account (17:36)
The Koran does not attribute a person or that an order like an unwritten rule that it must comply, in spite of everything, rather it encourages reflection and razdumyvaniya above all, consistency of which will convince him of the correctness of a truth. The Qur'an gives awareness of the importance of freedom of thought. He does not impose, he explains, interprets, and calls for reflection. Because of this, anyone who reads it, begins to analyze things, events, and come to certain conclusions.
  1. The Qur'an is the idea of pluralism and recognizes the many ways to the Most High
Indeed, believers as well as the Jews, Christians and sabiyam who believe in Allah and the Last Day and do righteous deeds, their Lord reward awaits. They do not know fear and will not be saddened (2:62)
And those who strive for Us, We will surely guide them to Our ways. Indeed, Allah - with the doers of good!(29:69)
The Koran is of the opinion that there is no single correct way to worship and serve God. The Koran does not monopolize truth, and specifies that the path to it is different.
  1. Quran welcomes free agency
If your Lord had willed, He would have believed, all who are on earth. Do not you would be forced people to turn to the faithful? (10:99)
There is no compulsion in religion (2: 256)
  1. The Quran calls for social activity
O you who believe! Testifying before Allah, uphold justice, even if the evidence is against you, or against the parent, or against relatives. Will he be rich or poor, Allah is nearer to them both. Do not indulge the desires, not to retreat from justice. If you distort or turn aside, then surely Allah is Aware of what you do (4: 135)
Quran focuses on the concepts of justice, including social, and resistance to oppression. Islam is not a religion, which only provides a dogma for believing in return for paradise in the next life, and requires the use of all means to help to vulnerable and contributes to the establishment of peace and justice.
  1. The Qur'an presents faith as the path itself, and not the ultimate goal
Do people think that they will leave and not be tested only for what they say: "We believe"? (29: 2)
This verse gives a clear idea about what energy is a true believer apply any faith in one another, forgetting to translate it into action, but rather is a means, the driving force of his life, motivation for every act of his life. The main thing is how you translate faith into action, and more important than your belief in values ​​such as honesty, fairness, good intentions, etc. - Is to live according to those values.
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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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