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10 tips for those who want to become better

Unknown | 2:42:00 AM | 0 komentar

10 tips for those who want to become better

For a Muslim all his life - this is the way to Allah, to his own contentment and perfection. Improving the believer is to improve the character, increasing piety and moving away from the forbidden.

  1. Do not limit yourself to uttering kind and polite words. Average "thank you", "thank you" can raise the human spirit and the words of support and does change the mood.
  2. Let the money to charity as much as you can afford.What for you is completely weightless, another person can bring a lot of joy and will return to you even more good. Allah said: "They give them preference over themselves, even when they themselves need. And those who has saved from his own avarice, are the successful "(59: 9).
  3. Do not listen to anyone when it comes to disobedience of Allah. This does not make you a better, more enclose from a variety of troubles and deviations from the path of truth.
  4. Do not cause harm to others, do not violate the rights of others, even if they have wronged. Remember that you will be responsible for the perfect you, not for what you have done. Take care of it.
  5. Do not entertain hatred towards people. Hatred - a terrible feeling, which is able to destroy as man himself, and of whom he nurtures hatred. A hadith says: "Anyone who will be the enemy of my friend, I will declare war."
  6. Tell the truth when you speak. The greatest harm that we cause to others - it's a lie. False - it is hypocrisy and a great sin.
  7. Dress decently. Our body - our Amanat, and the way we clothe it, is very important as the face of God and to other people. Clothing - this is one of the Most High prescriptions.
  8. Read the Quran and ponder its meaning. The larger of the Koran in the life of a Muslim, so it is closer to Allah and the closer his life to success and Barakat.Pay attention to the qualities that Gd made especially for people and try to develop the these features.
  9. Follow the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Prophet was the best of people and is a role model for every believer. In carrying out his Sunnah in daily affairs, we are getting better and closer to their faith.
  10. Help people. Visit the sick. Do good to others. Allah Almighty has ordered us to be kind to each other, even to those who have done us wrong. "Not sure a Muslim, while his brother does not wish the same, that he wishes for himself."

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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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