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Your time during the month of Ramadan

Unknown | 2:05:00 AM | 0 komentar

Your time during the month of Ramadan

Time is life, the life of man consists only seconds and minutes as he lives time after time, and each time that flows from our life brings us more life from the beyond.

Although time is the most precious thing that man takes to preserve, it being the easiest to lose. Although we allow anyone to steal our money, we allow - unfortunately - even we applaud the flight of our time and our lives, what is the worst disaster, because money can be recovered while one lost moment could be offset by all the gold in the world. So is the real loser that squanders and loses his time. The Prophet, , said: "there are two benefits which many people do not know the true value: health and free time" (Bukhari)
If the time is so valuable and so important, it is even more during periods of blessings and grace, including the month of Ramadan, where compensation is far more important. One who loses his time during the other months should reconsider its way to exploit during this blessed month and anyone who pays attention to his time during the other months, should redouble their attention during the month of Ramadan.
Unfortunately, many women are wasting their time in various ways the night having fun, responsible, for watching TV, to wander the markets and attend meetings and forums, and spend their days sleeping and cooking as if the month of Ramadan had become for them the month of food and sleep during the day , and vigils and fun at night. Months and months of Ramadan can thus pass without that no change occurs in the conduct of our Muslim sisters, without acts of charity are multiplied and without the errors and deficiencies are remedied. Hence the need for Muslim sister - seeking the pleasure of Allah and who seek the life of the beyond - to revise his conduct and to adopt a firm and serious to take advantage of every minute, or even every second of this period by performing anything that could bring it closer to his Lord, exalted is. The days of this month are short, its hours are limited and drains very quickly.
Some of us may be aware of the importance and the value of the time, but their awareness is - unfortunately in many cases - at the mental level and is not reflected in their conduct and their actions. So we need to move from theoretical understanding to pragmatic approaches that we would apply in our lives to improve how we operate time. Here, dear Muslim sister, some practical steps to take advantage of the time during the month of Ramadan:
The first step is to plan in advance what you want to do during this month, setting clear and specific objectives. You must establish a schedule with your activities and the time needed to accomplish them. You must organize your hours to sleep, wake up and rest, work and free time. That is one of your goals you want to achieve during this month to perform the prayer as soon as it's time, to complete the reading of the Koran many times, to perform the prayers of Tarawiihreciting part of the Quran, devote some of the money in alms and food of the fasters. You can make the most of your time without setting you clear and specific objectives. You will also find that much of your time has been lost for not having assigned objective.
It is equally important to determine priorities i.e. activities that must pass before the others. This does not mean that women should spend all his time in what is useful but that it must pass it to do what should be done. Our sheikhs argue that among the Wiles of Satan is one that is to divert human beings of the virtuous and meritorious act to another that is less.
Muslim sister must get rid as much as possible of what made him lose his time as the chatter long and unnecessary, many visits and outputs without necessity, the television for hours.It is necessary to accustom the others to respect our time and our appointment; should they call before visit and the visit must have a fixed term.
Women should think about time to realistically to be able to enjoy because the zeal of some women can make them unrealistic and unable to properly assess what they can accomplish. They discover as well that the time is not enough to do what they were assigned. They have, therefore, a contrary reaction and are stricken with disappointment. It is therefore necessary to assess the time available we have and enjoy in a realistic way.
It is also useful to choose the appropriate time to carry out the work you plan to do, so as to devote the time that suitable to each occupation. Jobs that do not require any concentration or special care can be accomplished at a time any. For example, it is useful, when cooking, use the Dhikr, repeating forms of glorification and proclamation of the oneness of Allah, exalted is he listening to good programs of radio or useful tapes. Occupations that require more concentration, reflection and quiet as prayer, reading, review, or memorization, must be made at appropriate times.
You, dear Muslim sister, accomplish the faster your business until you are prevented. Take care not to defer their accomplishment, because this conduct constitutes one of the greatest scourges. Some scholars said: "Beware of"Sawfa"(denoting, in Arabic, the adjournment) which is one of the soldiers of the devil". It was said to ' Umar ibn ' Abd - Al ' dung, who was worn out by too much of work: "Defers this work." He replied: "the work of a single day exhausted me, that would it then in two days?"
To do this, ask the help of Allah, exalted be he, and do not be discouraged. Frequent ambitious people who use well their time. Be aware that if you do not pass your time to do good, enjoy it inevitably to the contrary and that each new moment is a new duty.
Use so your time and your life which will be useful in the life of this world and the hereafter, to fill the register of deeds, before the month ends, and you're tormented by regret at a time where all regret will be futile.
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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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