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Best 9 foods to activate the immune system

Unknown | 5:43:00 PM | 0 komentar

Best 9 foods to activate the immune system

To activate the immune system 
Studies have shown that eating some food helps to stimulate the immune system, and you can do this by eating fruits and vegetables, and drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, and most of the foods recommended for immune activation: 

  • Yogurt: found in milk (probiotics) are bacteria that keep the absence of intestinal disease-causing germs, which stimulates white blood cells to resist disease. 
  • Oats and barley: grain contains (beta glucan) is a type of fiber with anti-microbial and anti-oxidant, it eats the grain less severe influenza and anthrax and boosts immunity and helps to speed the healing of wounds and could serve as antibiotics. 
  • Garlic: contains (allicin) which effectively fights bacteria and infection, and reduce the garlic from colds, cancer of the colon, rectum, stomach, try to deal with six cloves of garlic per week. 
  • Tea: Harford University studies prove that people who drink 5 cups of black tea for two weeks have mhalrbh virus for 10 times more than others who drank the placebo drink hot, possible diversification in green and black tea.
  • Chicken soup: help alleviate cold symptoms, the chicken breast on the amino acid cysteine, which acts as a thin layer that gives the effect of cough with the benefits of spices and onions and garlic to stimulate the immune system. 
  • Fish: shellfish such as oysters, lobster and crab are all helps white blood cells to produce proteins lmharfah influenza viruses, and also salmon, mackerel and herring are rich balamigha-3 fatty acids that reduce inflammation Wu increase air flow to the lungs and protects from colds and respiratory infections. 
  • Beef: beef contains zinc, it is beneficial in the diet is an important element in the development of white blood cells that are resistant to bacteria and viruses, those vegetarians who don't eat beef may have reduced the proportion of zinc, it is dangerous because it reduces and increases the risk of infection. 
  • Sweet potato: contains vitamin a, which plays a big role in the fight against bacteria and viruses to keep skin and body healthy and strong. 
  • Mushrooms: mushrooms helps to increase the activity of white blood cells, making them more aggressive towards resistance to viruses and bacteria and infection. 
Many aspire to have your immunity strong preserve him from viruses that may affect it adversely and cause all kinds of diseases, yet many studies show that a large proportion of foods and foodstuffs instrumental and is important in helping to stimulate the immune system in the body, and the leading factor for strengthening the immune system when non-human eating process is to drink approximately eight to ten glasses of water and foods that contribute to activate the immune system in humans Yogurt is in turn maintains free disease germs inside the intestine in addition to garlic is very important because the incidence of colds because it fights infection, bacteria, and other types such as tea and chicken soup plus fish, mushroom and sweet potato.

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