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8 steps to wear high heels without pain

Unknown | 5:34:00 PM | 0 komentar

 8 steps to wear high heels without pain

8 steps to wear high heels without pain 
Dear heels hurt your feet, not this but don't think your joints, you look beautiful but fabulous after these steps will wear heels without pain and will feel more confident keep these steps and wear heels without hesitation when whatever: 

Here are the steps to wear heels: 
1. buy shoes with slippers soft interior.

2. wear high heels when walking short distances only and try not to walk long distances, even if you're forced to make instantaneous therefore taxi. 

3. I wear high heels to work and special events. 

4. start walk heel to toe, then this method organizes walking and not feel tired. 

5. buy good quality shoes, leather is the best for comfort. 

6. walk with confidence with successive steps and straight train well walking and steps before going for the occasion. 

7. do not wear high heels for a long time, was wearing four days a week, to comfort and to keep the shoe longer. 

Try not you wear him to appropriate or to work long and take with you a shoe if you change to another play from the high heels that are appropriate for your clothes. 

8. a wears high heels outdoors as trips, for example, makes them vulnerable to dirt and less attractive. Dear beware good way msheek on heels try to be straight no other veteran mommies in step walked with confidence and don't you dress him with wrong or inappropriate times and keep the clothes are suitable for high heels.
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