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Advice to husbands during Ramadan

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Advice to husbands during Ramadan

The month of Ramadan approach, with all the beautiful meanings it carries to add more radiation and brightness conjugal life, resolve disputes between spouses and ease their afflictions and their concerns. This month brings the hearts, ennobles them and increases the love, affection and harmony between spouses.
To achieve this goal, there are points that both spouses must take into account during this month. During Ramadan, the mode of daily life changes, hours of sleep, food and labour are upset, which can cause a change in personality and the nature of the person. This requires both spouses to adapt to the new situation, to exercise self-control and to change habits, to cooperate to save time and to give priority to the tranquillity of the other party so she can perform acts of worship without any discomfort or hassle.
The month of Ramadan gives us the best lessons of patience, indulgence, of tolerance, of mutual forgiveness. The young has real aims to educate, Polish the soul and personality control habits. Both spouses must be sure to keep their calm during this month, to control their emotions and their mood swings, to reduce, as much as possible, opportunities to compete and do their best to dispel any misunderstanding, because they must know that this would be at the expense of their devotional acts. Satan seeks to exploit any situation to subvert the pleasure of this month, his spirituality and the retribution that might bring them.
The currency of both spouses is the Hadith in which the Prophet () says:
"When one of you fast, it has no marital reports, or not getting irritated. "If someone insults or combat, he should say: 'I fast'."
Among acts which have a profound influence on the increase in affection and love between spouses is the fact that they adore and obey Allah together, during the month of Ramadan. If one of the spouses has demonstrated failure on this pane, throughout the year, the month of Ramadan arrives to instil an atmosphere of piety and devotion that brings together them and gives them the best opportunity to witness each other love and affection. The home basks in this atmosphere blessed, favored by acts of worship are theTaraawiihprayer, and the prayer of the Tahadjoud, as well as the reading of the Quran, Dhikr, remembrance of Allah and other works which they fill their home.
Each of the two spouses must encourage each other to carry out acts of devotion and help him. If one of them is evidence of laxity, his spouse will renew its determination and revitalize it. The Prophet () said:
' If the man wakes up his wife at night then they pray each alone or together two Rak'aates (units of prayer), they shall be numbered among those who evoke assiduously Allah " (Abu Dawud).
The Prophet () also said:
"May Allah have mercy to a man who wakes up at night to pray and wakes up his wife. If she refuses to get up, her wet face with water. May Allah be merciful to a woman who wakes up at night to pray and wakes up her husband. "If he refuses, she wet her face with water" (Abu Dawud).
When the last ten days of the month of Ramadan, the Prophet, , waking up his wives and prayed all night.
The month of Ramadan is also an opportunity to strengthen family and social ties with the families of both spouses and neighbors through the telephone, visits, invitations to come and take the meal breaking the fast and other occasions of this kind, because a long period may elapse without the members of the family contact as the two spouses would like. The month of Ramadan therefore remedy this lack and clog this gap.
During the month of Ramadan, the family gathers full thirty times, to break the fast together, allowing both spouses to exploit this meeting to strengthen their ties with their children through dialogue, allowing to discuss problems and to solve them.
The wife must also be anxious to properly manage the budget of the family during this month, taking into account capacity and financial resources of the spouse. Some women require long lists of endless applications which constitute a burden for their spouses, make it time-consuming and turning away from the most important concerns.
The husband should help his wife in the household work and education of children. The tasks should be distributed in a balanced way to save time the wife and enable it to worship Allah and to perform good works. This is not at all ashamed for humans or demeaning, but rather is part of his virtues and traits of character. The Prophet () the best of all creatures and the most perfect spouses, said:
"The best of you is the one who behave best towards his wife, and me I'm the one that best leads to his wife". (At-Tirmidhi).
Aisha, , was questioned on what was the Prophet () when he was returning home, and she replied: "he began in the service of his family and when it was prayer time, he rose to pray" (Al-Tirmidhi).
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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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