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5 ways to help you tolerance and oblivion

Unknown | 6:18:00 PM | 0 komentar

 5 ways to help you tolerance and oblivion

5 ways to help you tolerance and oblivion 
What if your best friend betrays you? What if I lied you love or stabed you stab in the back? It is difficult and very tough. Not alone of exposed to these situations but you have to know how to behave, it may be sometimes difficult to forgive someone, especially if someone for you because you gave him confidence. 

But you should know that tolerance is more important than love. You should well know that however betrays you you love your friend or your lover you'll forgive to forget and start new life step by step pure pure revert to new friends and new relationships filled with more love and kindness than through simple steps may help you. 

Here are some ways that will help you to tolerance and oblivion : 
1. learn from your past that tolerance is easy but sometimes forgetful harder, concentrated on the emotional side, or your heart and let your Tayyib speaks, eventually something will happen and then return everything to normal. Tests are to notify you and instruct you to be human unconsciousness too try to learn from what happened with you and have you lesson, life stages, and every day we learn new lessons every friend, every position is to your advantage, you just know. 

2. the gratitude and the pursuit of happiness from the inside out : try to remember the virtues of a person and that does not deny that he was mean you. Happiness is a decision decided inside you, and you will be happy and be happy fully forget or do not break and did not mention the disadvantages of former companion mention. 

3. apologize : if missed days against someone you should apologise to him, because obviously a people person damage it is not possible to see him or talk to him. 

4. keep your point if you are going through a difficult period : and try to remind yourself that what is happening is part of your life and your life is not complete, it does not allow for events that overwhelm you. 
Well, you should be aware of this point, the position of an event or experience that is part of a full life Yes fraction occurred and deported last became so that tolerance, Sameh from your heart. 

5. keep your focus : namely, that some people react with hatred, hatred, and anger and rage, anger, and so on, but you try to keep people calm and affectionate and loving and be happy. 

Eventually you'll remember dear all life stages and that happiness and that oblivion and tolerance means to be happy.
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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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