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10 simple steps to a better life

Unknown | 8:53:00 AM | 0 komentar

 10 simple steps to a better life

10 simple steps to a better life 

We live sometimes periods or phases of our lives feel boring protein completely away from the simplicity and hatred with formalities and customs and traditions which are sometimes very you focus on. 

1. start a new day: you can make your life simple and easy through your day everyday to take informed decisions and to be an active mind and mind, able to sit during the day and arrange your thoughts and consider what you do each day that you want to improve something or to be healthier and generously or more optimistically, once you identify your goals and your ideas and put some simple ideas, e.g. re-examination of the weaknesses and strength you have and Work on upgrading, start the day with optimism and look forward to advancing and targets that aspire to reach. 

2. estimation of art: when was the last time you went to an art gallery or Museum? To see art is a great way to cheer up a person, sculpture and architecture and other forms of art that satisfies the senses as it inspires creativity and excitement you can enjoy it as a concrete expression of history and civilization, when you look at something of the sculpture for a few minutes, you need to carefully scrutinize and examine all the different angles in order to get full shape in your mind and desire together. 

3. interdependence with animals for health: if you raise your pet will find they develop have a sense of well-being and joy, some studies have shown that rearing pets and especially older snaps have blood pressure and reduces depression, they increase happiness and fun be owned. 

4. joy health: studies show that positive thoughts to mitigate disease and has been researching that pessimism increases the rate of death and to express positive emotions such as optimism reduces stress and lowers the incidence of chronic diseases, if you feel depressed or know anyone well do the following: 

  • Treat yourself well through healthy diet, exercise and get enough sleep 
  • Emotional reactions expressed frankly and fully effective 
  • See the cup half full instead of mouse 
  • Took a friend or trusted soon and continue with him always 
5. constant communication with family and friends: when it comes to friends and family that makes you feel safe and calm and you're still alive, no money and no authority to substitute for sitting for a moment with a friend or relative, stops for a moment to yourself and think of your own people, how do you maintain the strength of the relationship between you, the best way to allocate priority to family & friends and kept in touch with them by phone or mail Or email. 

6. communicate with nature: the spiritual communication with nature and the outdoors part of health, you can practice this by wild trips or lunch in one of the city parks, add to your schedule full day each week or month in the outdoors with nature and feel the difference. 

7. learn tolerance: forgiveness and tolerance is beneficial for the mind and body too, most people find the indulgent tend to be less anger and depression and blood pressure in normal and abnormal heartbeat than those who hold grudges. 

8. communicate with yourself: try to allocate enough time to sit down with yourself and relax in the calm to regroup your energy occasionally, you can read some books or subject to a massage, that helps to keep the connection between mind and body. 

9. new soul: stay away for a while watching the news and the Internet and newspapers might help you renew your spirit, and is a good way to gauge your reaction and impact of your news, for example, studies indicate that scenes of violence and death and other negative images can affect your mood and increase your grief and depression and worsening anxiety and affect your life negatively. 

10. hypnosis for weight loss: definitely helps in weight control, said that the Hypnotherapist prove to doctors that mind and body are useful for enhancing strength and discipline in the body and can affect their behaviour and attitudes such as eating and shopping to buy food, hypnosis is a period of unconsciousness from which you remove the psychological barriers and facilitate weight loss and promote image of body image and graceful. 

Dear reader of simple and effective life you major points with the account that your soul don't like bored its promise to constantly change the most important point is constant communication with friends and family and maybe expand the circle of the most beautiful relationship of different countries of the world and you can renew your soul and excludes it from the depression through the move away from n watch the news and especially political for a while that you're addicted news and knowledge and that you otherwise continue. 

In addition to beautiful things or steps to become simple is interacting with nature various ways through writing and speaking with the most beautiful terrain.
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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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