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10 most disgusting foods

Unknown | 5:58:00 PM | 0 komentar

If you're hungry now after reading this article won't be so, there are some shocking facts about fast food and other food favorites you have if you're willing to learn, you should read the full article to learn about the 10 most interesting facts the disgust does not know about the food. 

10 most disgusting foods

1. fast food contains loads of hair: dealing with hair in fast food restaurants without feeling that actually concern not only the hair only 

2. strawberry juice concentrator from McDonald's contains 50 synthetics: apparently that price Strawberry is very high, because McDonald's restaurants are forced to introduce 50 industrial chemical flavor so it becomes similar to the original taste of the juice and these chemicals containing solvents and alcohol 

3. from where comes the chicken nuggets: after completing the restructuring of food such as chicken, meat and sausage combine leftover items and add a manufactured flavors and dyes and then manufacture them chicken nuggets 

4. the presence of bugs and insect fragments in peanut butter: peanut butter manufacturer contains at least 10 hairs from the remains of insects. 

5. shellac is an important ingredient in jelly beans: shellac is a type of paint used in polishing wood furniture, however used to shine after foods such as jelly beans 

6. you can find several types of viruses in the canned meat 

7. you drink Cola, there is an element of pushing that vomiting immediately: Cola tray contains ten teaspoons of sugar equivalent to 100% of calories, but the high percentage of sugar negatively in make you vomit out its sweetness and intensity of possible drug addiction 

8. cheese cooked with less than 51%: the most expensive cheese and cooked, pasteurized and price are adding many flavorings and chemical to the matters, therefore the cheap cheese sold in the grocery store is the original cheese cooked well 

9. the power of fast food contains chemicals to keep them chilled: not necessarily be taking power in fast-food restaurants is a good idea, because it may contain dust and Glycerin and propylene and is his chemistry there in aid of milling and cause eye irritation and skin 

10. chicken fast food restaurants contains a proportion of meat: all fast food restaurants from KFC and McDonald's and fried chicken grilled chicken sandwich and all have the horrors of meat to enhance its flavor 

Much of what we hear about fast food, many also from individuals like it, but there is little information on the meals missed by many people, especially those visiting fast food restaurants, and fast food have damaged human health, due to the wrong and bad things contained in fast food, and a negative impact on her takens, as there are many facts which arouse disgust about junk food and fast food to contain Maha hair and are not limited to The hair but can contain hair from areas other than the head, containing Strawberry juice on nearly 50 synthetics that could adversely affect human health for containing solvents, alcohol, plus it can contain viruses in canned meat. There are a lot of things and bad fast food, you should be cautious when ingested.

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