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The Crusades

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The Crusades were expeditions organized by the nobility under the Papacy of inspiration to liberate the Holy Land, that is, Palestine, whereJesus Christ was born, preached and died, the Turkish area.

These originating in Turkestan, they had converted to Islam, and one of their tribes, the occupied Seldjúlcidas in the mid-eleventh century, Mesopotamia, Syria, Palestine and part of Asia Minor, forbidding pilgrimages Christians.

To "save" Eastern Europe and the Holy Land Pope Urban II called the European nobility resulting in 1095 the 1st Crusade, and turned the war so common in the West, the " war against the infidels ." The Crusades, which extended until the thirteenth century, had primary motivation faith, then taste for adventure and the interest of Italian cities in encouraging trade, which already existed with Muslims.

Causes of the Crusades

Causes of the Crusades
The population of medieval Europe had deeply religious mentality; lived attached to superstitions and prophecies that foretold the end of the world.They believed that the problems that were happening were caused by the occupation of the tomb of Christ (the Holy Sepulchre in the Holy Land, and Jerusalem) by Muslims. So, in your mind, the solution to their problems was to end the Islamic power over the region.Moreover, the Church preached to the faithful who fought against land occupation Santa would be pleasing God and gaining a place in paradise.
The Crusades represented advantages for secundogênita nobility, since only the first-born would have inheritance rights over the land and the family assets. Thus, cruzadistas movements gave these nobles a chance to own land, motivating them to fight the "infidels."
The population explosion was another factor that occurred expeditions. The need for land to reduce the population pressure in Europe the beginning of movement was decisive.
Moreover, the Church wanted to reduce violence that was common in the Middle Agesand was present at parties and banquets in order to enjoy it For this, the clergy decided to redirect that violence causes to more "useful".In case, expel the Muslims from Jerusalem.
Europeans were also interested in oriental products: spices (pepper, cloves, cinnamon, etc.), fabric, jewelry, etc.

1st Crusade (1095-1099)

Convened in France, as a holy war, by Pope Urban II. Effectively began with the departure towards Jerusalem in 1096. obtained success, they conquered the Holy Land, the principality of Antioch, and the counties of Edessa and Tripoli, getting these practically independent of the king of Jerusalem. The explorers founded several "states" in the Middle East, known then by the name of Outremer, ie "In March ". These "states" were organized according to the feudal standards.

2nd Crusade (1147-1149)

It was stimulated by St. Bernard, in view of the resumption, the Islamic, the city of Edessa.Failure only can not be considered fully, because Lisbon was eventually conquered by the Muslims crossed soldiers who left Flanders and England towards Palestine.
The result obtained there was of fundamental importance for the formation of the Kingdom of Portugal. Other than that, too, managed to conquer the Normans crossed the infidels, formerly possessions belonging to the Byzantine Empire, Corfu, Corinth and Thebes.In the Second Crusade there was that burning heat or the commitment of the first, as a consequence their forces perished in Asia Minor and who reached Palestine suffered severe defeat in 1148, when they thought to take Damascus. It was a total disaster leaving deep resentment in the West against the Eastern Empire in the face of failure.

3rd Crusade (1189-1192)

Decided by Pope Gregory VIII, this Crusade was organized after the Sultan Saladin retook Jerusalem, the Holy City. It was attended by Ricardo Heart of Leon, of England; Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, or Barbarossa, the Holy Roman Empire; and Philip Augustus of France.This Crusade became known as the Crusade of the Kings. He Frederick Barbarossa, then 67, drowned and Richard the Lionheart Saladin signed an agreement that allowed the Christian pilgrimage to Jerusalem safely.

4th Crusade (1202-1204)

The Fourth Crusade had great political and religious consequences. Instead of addressing to the Holy Land that was the crux of the conflict between Christians and Muslims, he decided to move in the direction of Constantinople. The Pope Innocent III did not like this idea and banned this deviation from the original purpose, which was aimed to overthrow the Emperor Alexios III. All this because of the promise of Alexius, son of the deposed Isaac II, who promised the Crusaders good pay for aid to take over the Empire.
The emperor was overthrown, but Aleixo failed to fulfill their promises, why the Crusaders took Constantinople in 1204 and plundered their treasures. The relics of the churches were the most targeted. The Eastern Empire was divided. Flanders Baldwin was made emperor and a Latin Patriarch was named pope. This achievement Latin became a disaster because it weakened the Eastern Empire and exacerbated hatred between the Greek and Latin Christianity.

The Crusade of children (1212)

Are children and adolescents who believed they were possessed of Divine power and therefore reach with ease and success possession of Jerusalem. Crowds of children and young people left France and the Holy Roman Empire toward the coastal ports, meaning there embark toward Palestine. It had tragic end because, besides many perish on the journey, so they reached the port of Alexandria in Egypt, were sold by the merchants of Marseilles, as slaves to Muslims.

5th Crusade (1217-1221)

This Crusade was known by the complete failure that succeeded. Led first by Andrew II, King of Hungary and later by John Brienne, failed to withstand the flooding of the Nile River in Egypt, and was forced to give up their goals. It was made by Austrian, Cypriot, Syrian Franks, Frisians, Hungarians and Norwegians.It was prompted by the decision of Innocent III to take an existing Muslim fortress on the hill Tambor in Egypt.

6th Crusade (1228-1229)

The Sixth Crusade was to lead the Emperor Frederick II who left in 1227, became ill and returned. Arriving Pope Gregory IX considered him a deserter and having other reasons to antagonize him, excommunicated him. In 1228 he left again and the following year signed a treaty made with the Sultan of Egypt, obtained possession of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth, and a point on the coast. Jerusalem was in the hands of Christians again. However, in 1244 it was definitely lost once more. When the spirit of the Crusades was dying French King Louis IX led a disastrous expedition against Egypt. He was arrested and an attack in Tunis in 1270 was killed.

7th Crusade (1248-1250)

It was organized from Innocent IV preaching done in the Council of Lyons (1245). He had by Commander Louis IX of France. Also faced problems with the flooding of the Nile, where she struggled and was eliminated by typhus.Louis IX eventually captured in defeat he suffered in Mansura and his supporters, to get it back, submitted to pay a heavy ransom of 500,000 gold coins.

8th Crusade (1270)

It was also led by Louis IX. The situation in the Middle East had become much more complicated than in any other period prior to the other Crusades. Existing Christian religious orders in the region to defend and assist the pilgrims were in a disagreement with the other.The Turks found, and disunited, facing the threat of another powerful enemy: the Mongols, led by Genghis Khan. On the other hand, Christians were being attacked and driven toward the Mediterranean Sea by seldjúcidas Muslims, or Mamelukes of Egypt.No sooner had landed in Tunis, Louis IX died due to plague. Because, among other things, their selflessness, Louis IX, later became known as St. Louis.


Considering the cross-goals were a failure.They have not captured permanently the Holy Land. Not sure to have avoided the advance of Islam. The cost was very expensive in lives and property.
It is believed however that the cross-led growth in Europe, especially in the trade of the cities in the north of Italy and the great trade route of the Alps and the Rhine grew in importance.The rich civilization of the East contributed to the enrichment of European culture.
Throughout Europe there was an improvement of intellectual development. The theological development through scholasticism developed. The Church has seen many popular religious movements. Universities have developed. Great development in the vernacular and artistic literature. Europe in the period of the Crusades woke up and lit compared to previous centuries
Text Written by Professor Patricia Barboza da Silva Licensed by the Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG.
Bibliographic references:
FERREIRA, José Roberto Martins, History. Sao Paulo: FTD; 1997. 
MORAES, José Geraldo. Way of Civilizations.Sao Paulo: Current. 1994.
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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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