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Political unrest, social and economic against the Jews. The anti-Semitism refers to the derogatory behavior towards the Jewish people in general, regardless of religion.

The Semitic term, applied the principle to all descendants of Shem, refers to a group of people Arab and Southeast Asian Jews. The term anti-Semitism was set in 1879, to designate the hostility toward Jews, justified by the theory that considers the Aryan race, both physically and by the character and intelligence.
The anti-Semitic phenomenon has been explained in various ways and appears in periods of instability and social and economic crisis, as happened in Germany until 1880 and the period of World War || .
The example of German anti-Semitism was followed in other countries of Central and Western Europe. In France, anti-Semitism has become one of the key points for the separation of church and state, culminating in the Dreyfus case. In Russia measures were adopted to prevent the Jews from owning land and limit admission in higher education institutions . In Eastern Europe the persecution of the Jews led to a series of pogroms, known as progoms and started in 1881.
In Germany anti-Semitism was brought under the Nazi regime led by Adolf Hitler . Shortly after the rise of the National Socialists to power in 1933, a special law was passed, leaving the Jews outside the protection of law.The Jews were arrested and legally confined in concentration camps. At the end of the war, 6 million Jews (two-thirds of Europe 'spopulation) were exterminated.
After World War II, in 1948, a new form of anti-Semitism, the root of which was the creation of the State of Israel, when the Jews invaded lands occupied mostly by Arabs, causing the displacement of these ancient people. The reaction came through the Organization for the Liberation of Palestine (PLO), which maintained a front of guerrillas against Israel, both within its borders and in other countries.However, this conflict is not only explained by anti-Semitic movements, but also by the attempts of territorial expansion of Israel.
In the former Soviet Union (USSR) anti-Semitism is maintained after the post-war. For the orthodox Soviet communism, Judaism, even if the secular religious Zionism, is unacceptable as a religion. Although the political unrest in the USSR and Eastern Europe at the end of the 1980s have allowed the emigration of Jews to Israel, the return of nationalism that accompanied the fall of the USSR and the decline of communism can be related to new anti-Semitic movements.

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