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America Pre-Columbian

Unknown | 6:28:00 PM | 0 komentar

When Columbus came to America in 1492, he found the inhabited continent long ago by various civilizations and peoples. The pre-Columbian peoples had different stages of cultural development and material, classified as: corporate collectors / hunters and agrarian societies.

In this second group, three cultures deserve greater emphasis: the Mayans and Aztecs in Mexico and Central America, and the Incas in the Andes in South America They achieved remarkable knowledge of astronomy and mathematics, in addition to master complex techniques. construction, metallurgy and ceramics. They did not know the wheel and the horse, but developed efficient farming techniques. While the end of the Mayan culture is to this day a mystery, we know that the Aztecs and Incas people declined before the Spanish conquest.

The bourgeoisie was the class that, under capitalism, had ownership of the means of production and economic power. The Kings made a deal with the bourgeoisie, yet there were many wars. The war of 100 years, 1337 to 1453 war between England and France. The war was almost won by England, when Joan of Arc (French heroine) was notable when commanding a small contingent of French soldiers, defeated the English armies, corresponding to the task he had been entrusted by King Charles VII. Later he was imprisoned by the Burgundians, sold to the English and burned at the stake.
America Pre-Columbian
In 1453 he initiated the modern age that ended in 1779. The Portuguese and Spanish brought Indias spice that is a flower , a fruit, one seed , a bark or stem plant, dry and with a strong characteristic aroma. A spice cargo was exchanged for eight loads of European product, so who did this trade would become the richest country in the world. In 1492 the kings of Spain bancaram the journey of Christopher Columbus, with the goal of reaching the Indies, arriving in a land he thought he was in India, then called its inhabitants Indians, and in fact had come to America later Amerigo Vespucci corrected the error, and the earth received the American name in his honor.
The first inhabitants of the continent were the Indians who found themselves in many different stages of culture. The contact of the settlers with the natives was disastrous. Many tribes were decimated and some civilizations highly developed, destroyed.
In Pre-Columbian America the main indigenous peoples were: the Incas, the Aztecs and the Mayans.

the Incas

The Inca territory stretched along the Andes and included lands now belonging to Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile. The Incas were a vast empire, composed of people of different cultures, located in various geographic regions: the coast, the mountains and jungles.
Most of the population was concentrated in fertile valleys. In the Inca empire lived 15 million people. The capital of the Incas Cuzco was the temple of the sun. Every year is made a sunset party, called INTIRAYMI in Peru in June.

The Aztecs and the Mayans

The Aztecs inhabited the lands of present-day Mexico; the Mayans inhabited the region where today are Guatemala, part of Honduras, El Salvador, Belize and the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. The political, economic and social organization of these two people had many similarities. They were people who had a land based economy with production techniques improved, including the use of fertilizers and the construction of dams and irrigation canals.They worked collectively.
The main difference between the Aztecs and the Mayans regard to political organization.While the Aztecs lived subjected to a monarchy, exercised by the head of the warriors, the Mayans or even built a state covering the whole society.
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