Cuban revolution
The Cuban Revolution was the first socialist experience were crowned victorious in America, changed the course of the Cold War with regard to Latin America.
The Republican administration began on May 20, 1902, with the government of Tomás Estrada Palma, the first president of Cuba independent, notable for his honesty and his interest in public education. His intention to remain in power after the 1906 elections led to the second occupation of the island by the Americans on 29 September of that year. At the end of the corrupt government of General José Miguel Gómez (1909-1912), government troops choked demonstrations and protests in the eastern part of the island, which killed more than three thousand people.
Followed by the governments of Mario García Menocal (1913-1921), Alfredo Zayas (1921-1925) and Gerardo Machado (1925-1933), in the second term became dictator. His successor, Carlos Manuel de Céspedes y Quesada, was overthrown by the military coup (September 4, 1933) led by Sergeant Fulgencio Batista and Professor Ramón Grau.
In 1934, Grau was forced to resign and was succeeded several provisional governments in Batista retained power in fact, assuming the constitutional presidency from 1940 to 1944. This was followed by two periods of democratic government, with Grau San Martin (1944-1948 ) and Carlos Prio (1948-1952), who suffered military coup headed by Batista (1952): this, under conditions of increasing corruption and violence, remained in power until 1958.
The Cuban Revolution
The 1952 military uprising had been well received by the US government, which saw Fulgencio Batista in a more flexible instrument than the previous political, nationalist trend. Batista tried to consolidate his regime by maneuvers that gave him the appearance of legality. Still, his regime won increasingly opponents and expressed their various revolutionary movements, even within the military. It was ignited gunpowder to the Cuban Revolution.
The defense was especially strong among college students, the professionals and the middle classes. Finally, the young lawyer Fidel Castro , who had tried unsuccessfully to take the Moncada barracks in Santiago de Cuba (1953), managed to establish a guerrilla nucleus in the Sierra Maestra (1956) and activists cells in cities, along with other movements, caused the fall of the Batista regime on December 31, 1958.
On January 1, 1959, Fidel Castro took control of the island. The projects of his July 26 Movement were poorly defined and although already count on strong support in the country, only in 1961 the revolutionary organizations merged in the United Party of the Socialist Revolution, which in 1965 changed its name toCommunist Party of Cuba . During those years, the state organization is set up according to the Soviet model, which represents the implementation of the first socialist regime in the Americas.
After a first preparatory period, the defined goal of the revolution was the abolition of capitalism , including the elimination of enemies, civilian or military, to remain faithful to assumptions or previous institutions the revolution and sabotage or they fight: summarily judged by people 's courts, many of these new government opponents were sentenced to Paredon , ie executed by firing squad.
The nationalization of investments and foreign property, which in the US case amounted to hundreds of millions of dollars, caused a series of measures by the US government, as supporting the attempt of April invasion 1961 at the Bay of Pigs the trade blockade and the promotion of various conspiracies to defeat the revolutionaries.
In December 1961 Fidel Castro declared his Marxist-Leninist beliefs, reaffirming thesocialist character of the Cuban Revolution.From then signed up numerous cooperation agreements between Cuba and the Soviet Union , which has committed to purchase one million tons of sugar per year for at least five years, and to provide a credit equivalent to one hundred million dollars in extremely favorable conditions.
The escalation of tension between the United States and Cuba was above all commercial, with the boycott of Cuban products and a ban on exports, except for some medicines. The severance of diplomatic relations had taken place in January 1961 at the initiative of President Eisenhower.
Missile Crisis: In 1962, the Soviet Union began installing on Cuban soil medium - range nuclear missiles. Despite the secrecy with which it carried out the operation, the United States discovered. President Kennedy ordered a naval blockade of the island and the adoption of an invasion plan that the cable would be automatically taken to Cuba received some other Soviet military aid. The Soviet Union decided to withdraw the missiles and stop building their silos in exchange for a promise from the president that the island would not be invaded.
The US government pressures against the Castro regime in all international forums succeeded in January 1962, the country was expelled from the Organization of American States (OAS), on the grounds of incompatibility between his socialist orientation and objectives of entity. Later, due to the explicit support that the Cubans provided the groups committed to the triumph of the socialist revolution in several Latin American countries, most of these also broke with Cuba.
Both in tricontinental conference of the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America, 1966, as in the Latin American solidarity 1967, both held in Havana, the Latin American Communist parties, like the Soviet and Eastern European countries, They proved to be contrary to the views put forward by Fidel Castro, admitting the legitimacy of the use of violence with revolutionary purposes. In October 1967 he died in Bolivia Ernesto Che Guevara , one of the largest contributors of Fidel Castro and legendary figure of Marxist militancy.
In 1973 Cuba was forced to renegotiate the huge debt contracted with the Soviet Union, which had agreed to acquire eighty percent of Cuban sugar production and subsidize oil , steel and other strategic resources. In 1975 he was suspended veto of the OAS, which expanded the diplomatic projection possibilities of the country. In 1979, Castro visited Mexico - which never broken formal relations with Cuba - and in 1980 Mexican President José López Portillo was received in Havana.
The constitution promulgated in 1976, Fidel Castro converted in President of the Council of State, a position equivalent to head of state, he combined with the commander in chief of the armed forces, Prime Minister and General Secretary of the Communist Party Cuba. In 1980, Castro authorized the exodus of about 125,000 Cubans who were welcomed by the United States. Over the next ten years, it was estimated that the Cuban government kept tens of thousands of military advisers in countries such as Ethiopia and Angola. With Latin American countries, Cuba had a successful policy of rapprochement, especially with Brazil, Argentina, Peru and Uruguay.
The Cuban economy after the Soviet crisis
After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1990 and the end of the socialist bloc, Cuba's isolation deepened and its imports and exports fell sharply. Internally the country also suffered the loss of international support. Food, fuel and other essential consumer goods scarce, causing discontent in the population. It has become the most serious economic crisis since the success of the revolution in 1959.
In 1994, with the persistence of the US embargo despite the resolution adopted last year by the United Nations General Assembly, urging the United States to suspend the boycott, the internal situation in Cuba became dire. Thousands of Cubans started to leave the island in precarious vessels, with the goal of reaching the US coast of Florida. With the Burton-Helms, the United States tried in 1996 to force its European allies to participate in the trade boycott of Cuba.
Category: General history
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