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Escape Musa (AS) from Pharaoh/Firaun, 5 lessons for Muslim

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Escape Musa (AS) from Pharaoh: 5 lessons for Muslim

10th of the month of Muharram Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) along with the children of Israel were saved from Pharaoh and his armies. Jews began to celebrate this day and to fast every year, 10 Muharram.Muslims have continued this tradition and to keep the additional post of that day or three-day fast (on that day, the day before the day and another day after that date). This historic event is referred to in several places in the Qur'an, in the Old Testament and the Book of Exodus.

Everyone knows the story of the sea opened up before Musa (peace be upon him) and his followers. What we can take for ourselves as the edification of this story?Below are 5 lessons that we can escape from vynsti Musa (peace be upon him) from Pharaoh.
1. Apply the effort and mind your own business.
Musa (peace be upon him) was not engaged in idleness waiting for a miracle. He could stay in his place and pray to Allah for Him to help him in his struggle with Pharaoh. Musa (peace be upon him) is doing everything in his power as long as the elements (sea) is not before him and he could not go any further.Ahead of him was the sea, and behind - the Pharaoh with his army. That's when the miracle happened and the sea parted before him.
In our life and miracles can happen, but we have to make all their efforts and after that leave the outcome of the case for Allah.

2. Always put your trust in Allah.
Musa (peace be upon him) and his men appeared before the face of death. Either Pharaoh army pursued them, or the sea can kill them. Survive simply not possible. Salvation was not. Despite this, Musa (peace be upon him) never lost his hope and faith in the promise of Allah. Some of his followers began to lose hope, and exclaimed:
"When two gatherings saw each other, the companions of Musa (Moses) said:" We are sure to be overtaken "(Holy Qur'an, 26:61).
Musa (peace be upon him) said to the people with confidence following:
"Oh no! With me - my Lord, and He will show me a straight path "(Holy Qur'an, 26:62).

Then the sea opened up, opening the way for Moses and the children of Israel.
We must never lose hope and faith in Allah. Even if we find ourselves in desperate situations, we should remember that the help of Allah is always with us. If Allah razverznul Sea for Moses and his followers, He can remove difficulties and obstacles in our way. We are required to rely on Allah and hope for His help.
3. Miracles happen.
Although miracles happen only with the prophets, with us, too, miracles happen in the wider sense of the word. Almost every had such a situation, when some accident rescued them from a very difficult situation.Believers understand that everything happens only by the will of Allah. Even if it may seem a happy coincidence, we understand that it is from Allah.

4. keeps away from sins.
The children of Israel were oppressed, so that they could not freely practice their religion. God said to Moses (peace be upon him) to leave with their peers elsewhere.
Thank God, most of us are not in a situation that threatens our faith. However, we may well be in a situation where we are on the verge of committing sin.This may be due to human societies in which we are located, the places where we go or even neighbors with whom we live. Faced with a situation where we constantly sin, or we find it hard to resist committing sins for any reason, we need to stop to talk with people who have bad influence on us or go out of this place.
If you have "friends" that you are trying to call to the good, but they were themselves involved in them bad thing, then you should stop communicating with them.After such contact brings you to the straight path.
5. I am now.
When Pharaoh and his army began to sink, he cried Pharaoh:
"I believe in the fact that there is no god but Him in whom the children of Israel believe. I was one of the Muslims "(Holy Qur'an, 10:90).
Allah will not accept the recognition of the Pharaoh in the faith, because at that time he was already a transition to the next life, and nevedimy spiritual world had already begun to unfold in front of him. As believers, we also should not delay work on yourself and important changes for later. Our book cases will be sealed as soon death will overtake us. We can not add anything to the treasury of his good deeds (sadaqah Jar is an exception), or cleansed of any sin.
The mercy of Allah and His infinite doors of repentance are open to us every day. All we need to do - is to turn to God and have a firm decision to change. Our Lord - the Most Merciful, and He will remove all our sins as if they were not.

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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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