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Little fasting rules for young women

Unknown | 2:22:00 AM | 0 komentar

Little fasting rules for young women

It is forbidden for a woman to fast during her menses. Of Abu Sa'id al-Khudri (God be pleased with him), the Messenger of Allah () said: «the woman who has its rules does not stop praying and fasting? .(Bukhari) 
And the mother of the believers, ' Aisha, the wife of the Prophet () responded, while it questioned the on knowing why the woman, according to its rules, was expected to meet the days not fasted but not not made prayers: « that happened from the time of the Messenger of Allah (); "so, he ordered us to fulfil the young but we not ordered to repeat the prayer (Year-Nassa'i, Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah, Abu Dawud)

Muslim scholars have understood that, insofar as mandatory fasting coincides with rules women once a year, they are not difficult to resume the days during which they were not fast because of their menstruation; resume, on the other hand, each month all non prayers because the rules would represent a significant fatigue. The general consensus of Muslim scholars is made on the position that the days of fasting must be missed later. 

If the woman does not know if its rules are arrested before or after "al-imsâk" what should do?
-The maalikis assigned to it, not to fast on this day, but to this day of fasting later, because, they say, doubt concerning the exemption of practice fasting, but does not exempt from the recovery "al-qada '. 

If the woman, who was still set in the evening, wakes up in time from the 'fajr' prayer and finds the end of its rules, and wondered if its rules were taken before or after the beginning of the time of the 'fajr' what should do?

-The maalikis urge him to perform two duties: to fast on this day coming, but also take back this young later. Indeed, it is possible that the rules should be adopted before the 'fajr '. 

If a woman who had settled, finds that its rules are finished after the beginning of the time 'fajr', but before the Sunrise "Anthony", what should do?
-The maalikis urge him to fast the day that cometh, but also to resume it later this day of fasting.

Women and makeup

Make-up the eyes with the Kohl does not break the fast but it is best to do this evening. The same applies when it comes to SOAP, cream and everything what is related to the epidermis.This also includes henna and makeup.

A pregnant or breast-feeding

It is permissible for a woman pregnant or nursing if she fears for her health or that of the child not to fast. This fear must be justified by a personal experience or a medical opinion from a knowledgeable physician.
And after shafii, malikite and hambalite schools, if she only fears for the health of the child, it should make up the missed days and pay compensation "fidyah". For the hanafis, simply that it catches up with the days, without paying compensation.
It becomes mandatory for her to break his fast if it risks his life or aggravate his health by fasting. In this case, it will overtake the missed days later when his health will allow and it does not have to pay compensation.
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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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