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Fast, you will be in good health!

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Fast, you will be in good health!

Fast, you will be in good health!
In some European countries and some U.S. States, there are clinics and hospitals who care for their patients and clients, not with chemical remedies or with bites and injections intradermal, intramuscular or intravenous. These modern hospitals treat their patients by two light and inexpensive techniques: the young and the sport.

Curative fasting theory relied on by the founders of these health care facilities is that of many diseases, number of wrinkles and facial features disfiguring facial for women and men, a large part of the accumulated fat, flabby muscles, depleted forces and suffering psychologies, short all these diseases and all these defects are to put on the account of excessive eating oily and sumptuous. This theory confirms the famous Arabic maxim: " the stomach is the place of all diseases, and diet is the cornerstone of all remedies . ».

The body needs, of course, a certain amount of food. But if the person feeds more than it needs, it imposes an overload to its organs, fatigue his liver and his kidneys, demand an extra effort in his heart which must irrigate the fat masses.According to the founders of hospitals practicing curative fasting, the remedy is to purify the body of all toxins in which bathe the cells and tissues of the bowels and intestines, and which infiltrated every corner of the body, due to overfeeding and microbes that accompany an unhealthy food. It therefore necessary to purify the tissues of these poisons accumulated over the years.

Alone, young enough to purify the body of all toxins and harmful substances, as explained by the American doctor Edward Dewey when he says: « there is no disease which forces surrendered before the young. '' It is 26 years that I treat my patients through food abstinence, until genuine appetite returns and until healing complete. ».

The master of physician Ibn Sina (Avicenna) had a particular method, which consisted in many cases of diseases, prescribed three weeks of fasting. Dr. Alan also used fasting as a therapy against gout and diabetes.

The famous American physician, Dr. Carlo, said about the interest of the fasting of the month of Ramadan year the following thing: " annual abstinence from food for a period of time is a health imperative and a medical obligation, whether rich or poor. Because as long as microbes are in the human body the food they need, they grow and multiply. Through fasting, they weaken and die. "The American doctor Carlo praises then the Muslim religion saying:" can be considered [Islam] the wisest of religions, insofar as it requires fasting and needed to preserve his health. . "He adds:" the founder of this religion, Muhamad, was an excellent doctor, through its advice and its practice. He ordered indeed the prevention against diseases before they occur. This design is thus reflected in the fasting of the month of Ramadan year, as well as by al-layl, every day of the month of Ramadan year. These are indeed an exercise in gymnastics of the utmost importance for the digestion of food. »

Then the doctor Carlo says he fell ill for a long time and it failed to cure his illness. It was followed by a Muslim doctor which prompted him to fast. Taking note of the Council, the American doctor fasted with him Ramadan month year, not for religious motives but by hope to regain health, not as an act of worship, but because he wanted to heal. He realized that his health had improved significantly during the month of Ramadan year. For this reason, so far, he fasts every year a full month as do the Muslims during the month of Ramadan year.

Abstinence from food and drink from dawn until sunset the allows consumer food residue and eliminate unnecessary liquids. Thanks to the young, the digestive tract can finally rest. The digestive juices are more active and their most abundant secretion. Added to this is the elimination of unnecessary and dead tissues through fasting. The American Dr. Edward Dewey explains: « the heart draws a great benefit of fasting. As for the young, it spends only fifty percent of its energy. The reason is that the small cells disappear and their number is decreasing: only remain strong and healthy cells.Therefore, the blood flow decreases gradually, relieving the activity of the heart. The passage of blood devoid of nutrients in the heart is a great rest for latter. » Dr. added later: " everyone knows that during fasting, blood circulation is purified gases, acids and other toxins which the elimination revitalizes the heart and renews his energy, allowing it to pump the blood of a purest and healthiest way. . »

Dear brothers,
So that you understand the importance of youth to the modern era, we need only take a look at the writings of the greatest physicians of the world and the discoveries they have made regarding the benefits of fasting, that is now considered an effective remedy against most diseases that reach human beings humans and animals. Works written showing the great advantages of the young, include The No.-Breakfast Plan and the Fasting Cure (the younger who heals)Dr. Dewey, The younger therapeutic of the famous Russian scientist Alexis Souvorine, At-Tibb Al-Hadith Yatarassamu Khuta Al-Islam (the modern medicine follows the footsteps of Islam)Ramadyear Professor Sa'id Al-'Iryan as well as dozens of other works, all with the theme the young, its advantages and its curative dimension. This is why Europe and America hospitals and clinics treating their patients by fasting and sports was founded.

Medicine says that a large number of voracious people dig their graves with their teeth and jaws. After all what we have to say, is there not place of wonder that the Prophet, our master, Mohammed () has said fourteen centuries ago that: the human being does not vessel worse than his stomach. Humans hardly needs more of a few bites that keep alive. "If he absolutely wants to eat more, while he spends a third of his stomach to his food, one third to his drink and a third to his breath » [hadeeth narrated by Al-Tirmidzi and Ibn Majah from Al-Miqdaam Ibn Ma'd Yakrub]. Is there no place of wonder that the Prophet () has accepted all the gifts sent to him by Muqauqis, King of Egypt, with the exception of the doctor, that he referred by saying: we are a people who don't eat that when he's hungry, and when we eat, we do never to satiety " ?
Are there not be amazed, Dear brethren, of this perfect agreement between Islam and modern science, between modern books dealing with curative fasting and therapeutic fasting and between the noble Arab Prophet which contained fourteen centuries ago: ' Fast, you will be in good health! »[Hadeeth narrated by Abu Nou'aym from Abu Hurairah]
Everything that has been said previously we does it not suggest that prevention evoked the Quran about fasting can designate the prevention against diseases, the Noble Quran saying in effect: believers! "It has prescribed the fast as it was prescribed to those of before you the ' allakum tattaqun, so can you be saved » (Quran: 2/182).

Finally, is it not true that he who eats during the Ramadan year without legal derogation, has shown bad behavior, and appears as an ignoramus, an uneducated, a fool, a rude which play with the laws of the State and who rebelled against the rules of life in society? In the end, such an individual is neither Arab, nor European, nor even American. It is an individual without shame.

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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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