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society estamental

Unknown | 4:46:00 PM | 0 komentar

In the modern age, European society was organized called estates or state groups. Each estate had social function, legal status and characteristics.

Population growth

The population has experienced, from the sixteenth century, an obvious growth. However, this did not occur continuously because the population has always been affected by subsistence and disease crises. In the seventeenth century Europe, which was between 70 and 80 million people, suffered overall stagnation because of plagues, wars and famine.
During the eighteenth century the European population has achieved rapid growth, thanks to the reduction of mortality rate by improving the power, and the reduction of epidemics and wars.
society estamental

The privileged few

The privileged have advantages: they did not pay most taxes, owned almost all the land, they had their own courts and held key positions.


Although in theory the role of the nobility in the modern age was to defend society, many noble avoided serving the army. There were three great nobles groups:
  • The highest level corresponds to the standardized or noble blood (dukes, counts, marquis etc.). They were owners of enormous political and economic power and kept an extremely luxurious lifestyle. Among the graduates there was a small group very close to the king.
  • The average level was that of the knights.They were landowners, from which they derived their income, and had a pattern of high and sumptuous life.
  • The lowest level was occupied by aristocrats, nobles by family descent, but that, in general, had no money and no tender - many even lived in poverty.
  • During the Modern Age also formed if it togada nobility (or toga), composed of judges and other officials of the administration, ennobled by the king on account of services rendered to the State.

The clergy

Its function was to seek the salvation of society through prayer, preaching, the church services and ministry of the sacraments. There were two types of clergy, regular and secular.The regular clergy was one who followed the rule of a religious order, as was the case of the Franciscans, Dominicans, etc. Jerônimos But the secular clergy exercised the priestly work, but did not follow rules.
Within the clergy there were different groups:
  • The high clergy consisted of cardinals, bishops, archbishops etc., which held great political power and wealth controlled bulky.
  • The average clergy was made ​​by the abbots and abbesses of orders, members of the cabildos and the vicars of wealthy parishes.Their positions afforded high yields them, allowing them to live in abundance.
  • The lower clergy included the cures (vicars), the friars and nuns, who lived modestly - some were very poor, especially the rural cures.

The underprivileged

Those who were not noble or belonged to the clergy were part of the group of non-privileged, also called plebs or common people. With the function to provide for the whole society, they paid taxes and were dedicated to productive activities. Among them were many differences:
  • The richest , imitating the nobility, lived in great luxury. To ennoble their families, they arranjavam the marriage of their children with noble poor financial standing.
  • The conditions of the poor were poor: most lived in constant hunger and penúna, worsened the situation by frequent high taxes. More than 80% of the population were peasants, who in the months of inactivity land alternated the tasks in the field with other types of work. The underprivileged devoted their leisure time to the religious celebrations and parties of all kinds.
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