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Iranian revolution

Unknown | 4:25:00 PM | 0 komentar

Since 1977, the Iranian Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi came under strong internal crisis in their country, according to a series of reforms it implemented and not accepted by the majority Shi'ite Muslims.

The shah based his power in the oil and encouraged the entry of transnational corporations in Iran, understanding the adoption of Western habits as "modernization."This accelerated Westernization produced a strong resistance of the Iranian clergy.Opposition groups have multiplied and the demonstrations that began in secondary schools in 1977 was generalized in 1978.
The riots were evident, resulting in the escape of the shah abroad in January 1979. Although the end of January 1979 return from exile leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini religious, announcing the creation of the Islamic Republic of Iran on 10 February.
Alcohol was banned, women were required to cover their faces in public (chador), Western movies were banned. This must return to the original doctrine and customs and the search for greater fidelity to sacred texts, with state support, were known as Islamic fundamentalism.
Islamic fundamentalism strengthened in Iran and sought to expand to other Middle Eastern countries. This intention has generated reactions from both countries in the region as the superpowers. On the other hand, it was embraced by political forces that opposed the pro-Western government and wanted founding States guided by Islamic laws, mainly from the 1990s.
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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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