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Carnation Revolution

Unknown | 6:27:00 PM | 0 komentar

The Carnation Revolution , which took place on 25 April 1974 in Portugal, opened precedent for a proposed new country. This historical fact promoted the end of the dictatorship of the Estado Novo Portuguese, which was then led by Antonio de Oliveira Salazar and later Caetano.

This deposition of Salazar's government made to establish democratic freedom and the ideal of promoting transformation and social reforms in Portugal.


In 1926 there was a coup military that culminated in the election of President Oscar Carmona, in 1928. After a few years, in 1932, Antonio de Oliveira Salazar assumes the post of prime minister of finance and as dictator.
His inspiration was based on fascism in Italy.In the 1933 Constitution, after assuming the post of prime minister, he withdrew the rights of assembly, organization and also expression.Facts radically contravened the freedom of individuals.
His opposition always named that Portugal was being ruled by a dictatorship. Some intellectuals from abroad also took this position, strengthening the idea of ​​human rights violations.
The elections that existed in the State New Portuguese, led by Salazar, were not universal and there were many fraud complaints.Therefore, the elections were mere methods of appeasement towards society.
To control the opposition and also the public ideas, the police of the dictatorship was trained by the Gestapo and CIA. All this in order to inhibit the opposition to the regime, so that it be prolonged as long as possible.
In economic matters, the dictatorial regime tried to encourage the owners of large industries strengthening existing monopolies within the country. This further contributed to a social inequality that had become one of the major problems of Portugal.
Until the 1960s, the country remained with economic weakness. This has resulted in a broad and unrestricted process of emigration.With the accession of Portugal to the EFTA (European Free Trade Association) develop in some sectors of the economy, thus bringing thus good air for the population.
In the 1970s, the dictator Marcelo Caetano deposes a top army general Antonio Spinola, and some supporters. Their idea was towithdraw from the government those who were to hinder the development of the new state.
The top general called for a new government ie not only the bias military to the colonies mainly from Africa were released. In fact, he called for a drastic change of colonial policy of his country. The government's actions, according to Spinola, were very gloomy.
Thus, some movements and meetings of those who were opponents of the State's actions had been frequent. Some army generals were against such actions and began to plan something that withdrew from the government, Marcelo Caetano.


The agitations and movements began on the night of April 24, 1974. Some troops positioned near the government palace to be taken quickly. This happened very successfully. Government supporters hardly existed. In this takeover, there were only four deaths and some wounded.
In this sense, General Antonio Spíndola was appointed President of the Republic and it subsequently entered into force the revolutionary process in progress (PREC). This period was numerous demonstrations, nationalizations and provisional governments.
Thus ensuring political stability, created a constitution that came into force on 25 April 1976. This constitution was a democratic character and which secured parliamentary elections for the first time.
Thus, the Revolution of the Carnations was an important historical event in Portugal. For a transition was quite different governments models, in which the population was thewinner.
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