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10 of psychological and social experiences which have gone bad

Unknown | 3:56:00 AM | 0 komentar

Scientists are advancing the world, discover stuff, manipulate widgets, that is very good. But to discover must be sought, and sometimes it goes in wrong directions. The experiences which we'll talk about you now put in game of social or psychological research that went a little too far and that reassures us not the masses on the goodness and kindness of mankind.

  1. Stanford experience
    In 1971, the psychologist Philip Zimbardo decides to carry out an experimental psychological study on the effects of the prison situation by selecting 24 healthy adult minds and social backgrounds (12 guards and 12 prisoners) and locked up for 3 weeks. Zimbardo made it in the rules: the guardians have truncheons and return home after the service while the prisoners called by numbers roam with chains to go up to the canteen. Zimbardo truffle cameras prison and observes everything carefully, but very soon experience skids and psychologist loses control. Physical punishment, psychological manipulation, sexual humiliation, candidates do not all play. Zimbardo experience takes a turn such that it puts an end before its term, the "prisoners" with emotional disorders very serious. So is something else that the angels of the reality not?
  2. Stanford experience
  3. The Monster Study
  4. In 1939, Dr. Johnson, speech therapist, searches for stuttering. The experience is designed to prove that stuttering with learning is decreasing and therefore nothing is definitive. 22 children of an orphanage of Iowa from 5 to 15 years are recruited 10 with the stuttering. They are separated in 2 groups. In the first are encouraged the child, we congratulate him on his progress. In the other is the rebuke at the slightest error. The results showed that children who had received negative feedback were seriously affected psychologically. For some, the quality of speech is even seriously degraded. At this point in 2007 on compensated the family of 6 orphans victims in this study.The Monster Study
  1. The MK-ULTRA project
    MK-ULTRA is an illegal secret CIA project started in 1951 and to mentally manipulate some people by injection of psychotropic drugs and other substances, delusional as LSD. We think that Theodore Kaczynski, also known under the pseudonym of Unabomber (a pipelay American terrorist's bomb) was one of the guinea pigs from these experiences and that they would have played on his mental instability.There also were 4 focused sub-projects on children who are the Fringe series for a small nice fable.
The MK-ULTRA project

  1. Tusko the elephant under LSD
    In 1962, Warren Thomas, the Director of the Lincoln Park Zoo in Oklahoma City had the bright idea to inject a large package of LSD to an elephant named Tusko. Hidden behind the false scientific pretexts, Thomas wanted to just "show what it was". And to see he has seen since Tusko died almost immediately after collapsing in convulsing.
Tusko the elephant under LSD

  1. The Milgram experiment
    In 1963, following the atrocities of the Holocaust, Stanley Milgram questioned the blind obedience of a large majority of Germans. Under the pretext of a learning experience, Milgram asked subjects panel to ask questions to a man attached to a generator of electric shocks and send him one if he is wrong. The man was an actor, electric shocks were fake but all this participants did not know. The result is clear: Guinea Pigs have obeyed commands for the experimenter, even when attached man was screaming in pain."Unexpected and disturbing", this is what Milgram's results said. Not reassuring.

  1. L'affaire Tony LaMadrid
    In 1983, the University of California hired a panel of schizophrenics and asked them to stop their treatment. The experience should help doctors better understand the disease and treat it better. Instead, and as might be expected, the patients had severe relapse, even up the suicide of one of the subjects, Tony LaMadrid, 6 years after the start of the experiment.

L'affaire Tony LaMadrid

The pit to despair
Harry Harlow is a psychologist best known for having led several groups of monkeys often shocking experiences in the 70's. If its scientific approach was founded, it raised many protests to the breasts of the animal protection groups. He isolated from the earliest age of young monkeys in what he called the "well of despair" to see if their reintegration took place normally. Spoiler alert: it was going very badly. Little monkeys became on-stage, autistic and not all communicating with other specimens.

The third wave
If you have seen the very good movie 'The wave' you know surely that it returns. Similar to Milgram in that it sought to study the social mechanics of fascism during the 2nd World War, it was led by Professor Ron Jones on a class of students in 1967. He founded the Group an ideological movement touting the virtues of discipline and community.Students were more motivated, more attentive in progress, quickly showing signs of rejection to those who did not belong to the movement "the third wave". Ron Jones cut short to the project at the end of 4 days, seeing that it completely eluded him.

Homosexual aversion therapy
In the 1960s, homosexuality was often described as a mental illness and social pressure was such that some people were voluntary for cures of "healing". The therapy was worthy of a horror movie: homosexual images were associated with electric shocks and injections began. Of course it worked not at all, leading even to the death of one of the patients after he fell into a coma. Aaaah, the recklessness of the sixties.

The David Reimer case
In 1966 David Reimer is 8 months old. Following a botched circumcision, it underwent a penectomy. Psychologist John Money then advises parents a change of sex for the son, they accept. They were unaware that Money wanted to make David a subject of experimentation, to demonstrate that sexual identity is not innate but acquired. David was renamed Brenda, he built a vagina and administered it hormone therapy. Despite all this, Brenda comporta as a little boy for 14 years, until it reveals to him the truth. He decided to become David and in 1997 underwent breast removal and reconstruction of the penis. David committed suicide in 2004 at the age of 38.
The David Reimer case

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