The importance of the religious beliefs of the islamic faith
The confession of faith
In Islâm is the belief (arab.: Imân) the basis of religion or the Islamic society. Tawheed, i.e. the belief in the existence and oneness of Allah, is the essence of the first foundation stone of this faith. Because of tawheed is the real core of this faith, Islamic society must meet all necessary requirements and take all necessary measures, which are able to protect this tawheed. The decisive principle of this tawheed is the belief in the oneness of God (strict monotheism.) In Islâm, God is, but not knowing the earthly or human resources, to paint pictures or ideas in the form of his creatures, he is totally prohibited; He is outside any detectable perceptibility. Allâh is omnipresent with his power and his knowledge. Reach all his omnipotence and his knowledge of all hidden things. The ubiquity of Allah is so understanding, that in his omnipotence and his knowledge of all nothing is left hidden. Allah size allows only a single comparison with the size of his creatures, namely the realization that it's bigger than anything else you can think up. " " Nobody (can) be else than in the heavens and on the Earth to the most gracious as a servant. " " (Sûrah 19:93)
According to the explanation of the meaning of faith in Islâm and its importance, we try to understand what means Allâh.
What does Allâh mean?
The Arabic name (Allâh) comes from the root is ilâh and means those God is obeyed at the same time out of love and fear, glorification, humiliation and hope for his reward. He is in the trust will be placed and be directed to the supplications. The Arab name means but no name of a specific God, which is only a God for Muslims, as unfortunately some non-Muslims want to think, but this name implies creator of this enormous universe only to the one who alone worship shipping service ends. Arabic and Indonesian Christians call God Allâh also. The pre-Islamic Arabs Allâh was revered already, but not one God as a high God, who stepped down in the cult behind other gods. Allâh is the creator, who created heaven and Earth, human and animal, Sun and moon, plants, mountains and seas without previous example, controlling the entire universe in a perfect way and moves. His glory and wisdom, his knowledge and work, his justice and mercy, his omnipotence and his grace are revealed to all in the world and in their specific discipline. „ (All) praise Allah who has created the heavens and the Earth, and made the darkness and the light but put those who disbelieve, their Lord (other) equal. It is he who has created you from clay, and then determines a deadline. And (there is) a (other) deadline for him; Nevertheless, doubts it. He is Allâh in the heavens and on the Earth. And He is Allah, [the only deity] in the heavens and the earth. He knows your secret and what you make public, and He knows that which you earn. " "(Sûrah: 6:1-3)
Elsewhere it is said in the Qurân: " " He created the heavens without pillars that you can see, and on the Earth therein mountains, that she do not shake with you, and spread out let on you all sorts of animals. And let water from heaven come down and grow many noble species on it. This is Allah's creation. Now show me what those created out of him. But no! The unjust are marked in error. " " (Sûrah 31:10-11)
The confession of faith
With the confession of faith: There is no God but Allâh, the distinction between belief and unbelief is concluded. The border between Islâm and Polytheism is used here. Man must articulate this commitment with full heart and in all sincerity and especially internally feel.
The importance of this commitment is represented by the following tradition: when the Prophet his companions Mu'adh Ibn Jabal Allah may with him be satisfied in the Yemen sent there to proclaim the doctrine of Islâm, he told him: "you come to a people of the book. It first to the confession of faith invite, that there is no God but Allâh." Yet it is not lip service, but it has its content and meaning in knowledge Besides, align themselves in the practical life to him and identify themselves with this confession in every respect. To deepen the own faith, we must deal to be intellectually and practically permanently with this commitment.The Qurân has repeatedly emphasized the fact of the divine essence, which accented the oneness of Allah and denies any other deity: And Allah has said, "Do not take for yourselves two deities. He is but one God, so fear only Me."" " (Sûrah 16:51) Islâm in its final form, the Muhammad has announced, based on this fact just like the earlier forms of Islâm, the Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and all the other prophets of Allah have announced:"he has you by the religion set, what he commanded Nuh and what we entered friends (Revelation) and what we Ibrahim, Musa and ' ISA told: keep the (rules of) a religion and splits you not (in groups)." The hard sets to the pagans what you call them. "Allâh chose to whom he pleases, and manages to do so, who is (him) Turning to repentant." (Sûra 42:13)
" " Indeed, We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], as We revealed to Noah and the prophets after him. And we revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, the Descendants, Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon, and to David We gave the book [of Psalms]." (Sûrah 4:163) Muslims must therefore the da'wa meet in good manner. The owner of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) are addressed as first group: "say: O people of the Scripture comes from a same between us and you say: that we serve anyone except Allâh associating nothing with him and not one of us take others for Lords besides Allâh." "But if they turn away, then say: bear witness that we (Allâh) are arising." (Sûrah 3:64)
Reject any deity besides Allâh such verses from the Qurân. All the prophets have proclaimed this message. Graven images, fire, Angel, to look at animals or people, as a partner of deity is completely forbidden by Islâm. In Islamic doctrine, no one is entitled to obey any other than Allâh: "and we already in every nation a Messenger brought:"Serve Allâh and Shun false gods.""Among them there are those who Allâh has guided, and among them, there are some where the going astray has come true. As travels on the Earth and see what was the end of the deniers."(Sûrah 16:36)
Relationship between God and man
Islâm understands the relationship between man and God as a direct, personal relationship, i.e. without any Intermediator. The prophets are only Herald of the divine message. Every human being is thus required to make his own choice and to take direct responsibility before God. Because God has created man and granted his protection, his grace and his supply, man must worship him alone and worship. Man must realize the absolute devotion to his Lord.
In this way the human being is the creator (he is pure and exalted) close: " " And when my servants ask you about me, so I am nearby. I hear the reputation of the supplicant when he calls me. So should now be listening to me and believe in me, that they may act prudently on. " " (Sûrah 2:186) " " Your master says: "call me, so I hear you. Of course, those who refuse out of pride, to serve me, to hell humiliated enter." " " (Sûrah 40:60) ask and supplications be expressly declared the equivalent of the servants and the acts of worship. The faithful servant to Allâh is entirely gracious and merciful.
Components of the faith
Faith (Imân) consists not only of words, but also deeds. He is on the one hand the reliance on Allâh, faith in him, his Prophet and the message which conveyed these prophets. On the other hand, the Faith is also the content of this divine message. The faith in a practical sense includes the religious acts, as well as all activities that determine the religious life of Muslims.
This comprehensive understanding of faith can through the following statements of Prophet Muhammad be explained:
Anas narrated that the Messenger of Allah said: "who has internalized the following three properties, which has found the sweetness of faith: whom Allâh and his Apostle dear are than anything else;" If you love a person only for Allah's sake; and who detests it to return to disbelief, as he hates to be thrown into hell." (Al Bukhari)
In another hadeeth it says: "One is the taste of faith, which is satisfied with Allâh as Lord, Islâm as a religion and Muhammad as a prophet." He also said: "The faith is, to love those who loves Allâh hate those who hate Allâh, tirelessly the names of Allah repeat own tongue to make, and to wish the people, what you yourself wish and to abhor that befalls them, what one even detests."
The principle of loyalty and rejection is an important part of faith, if it is felt for the sake Allâh. "The faith," wrote ´ Umar ibn ' Abdulâzîz once on ' Adî ibn ' Adî, "consists of religious duties, rites, prohibitions and recommended. Who fulfils all of this, brings his faith to complete. "Who but does not completely fulfil it, is his faith not perfect can." Suspicion and arrogance can not stand with the faith in line.
The importance of faith
The importance of faith you can imagine it, that he heard the Islamic ideology on the ingredients of the acts of worship, as well as to the principles. Ibn ´ Umar reports in turn, that the Messenger of Allah said: "Islâm is based on five-fold: the confession of faith, that there is nothing Verehrungswürdiges except Allâh, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, the exact performance of prayer, the levy of Zakât, the Hajj and fasting in the month of Ramadân."
The creed is, as we have seen, the first duty in Islâm. You can enter only through the Shahadah in Islâm, without them, there is no access to Islâm. The stages of the Islamic faith will execute on a part of a Hadîth narrated by ´ Umar, as follows: "one day the Prophet was just in society of some people, when a man came up and asked: 'What is Islâm?'" The Prophet replied: "Islâm is to serve Allâh alone and associating anything him, exactly to the prayer, pay the prescribed Zakâ and to keep fasting in the month of Ramadân." Then the man asked: "And what is of faith (Îmân)?" The Prophet replied: "The faith means Allâh, his angels, his books, his messengers and the last day" then the man asked: "And what is the best worship (Ihsân)?" The Prophet answered this question with the words: "Ihsân means that you so serve Allâh, as you would see him, because even though you can't see him, so know that he sees you." The man asked: "When is the hour (of judgment)?" The Prophet replied: "The respondent no longer than the questioner even don't know about!" Finally the man asked: "What is your sign?" And the Prophet replied "you approaching, if the slave gives birth to her mistress, and when the Barefoot shepherds to outbid each other in the height of its buildings. There are five things about that only Allâh knows." Then the Prophet recited : "alone with Allâh is the knowledge of the hour..." (Sûrah 31:34) then the man walked away, and the prophet asked his companions: "do you know who was that man?" "Allâh and his Prophet know best." she said. So the Messenger of Allah replied to them: "This was Jibril (Gabriel) who came to teach you your religion." (Al Bukhari and Muslim)
Worship is a part of faith
It is no coincidence that many statements of the Holy Quran and the Prophet connect faith with the different types of worship. We find referred to the performance of the prayer in the Qurân as part of the faith in the following context: Allâh the Almighty says:"the fools among the people will say:"What has brought them from the direction of prayer (so far) they considered a, off?"' Say: Allah belongs the East and the West. He guides whom he will to a straight path. And so we have made you into a community of Center that ye may be witnesses of (other) people, and so the Messenger you witness. We had the direction of prayer that you thought up, only determined to know those who follow the Messenger and who reverses on the heels. And it is indeed hard except for those who Allah has guided. But Allah does not allow, that your faith is lost. "To the people, Allah is truly gracious, merciful." (Sûrah 2:142-143)
These verses refer to those prayers that Muslims had performed in early Islamic times in the direction of Jerusalem before the Qibla was changed to Makkah, the performance of prayer is here so called faith. Also fasting must be connected to the faith. The prophetic Hadîth is also: "who fasts in the month of Ramadân out of faith and hope on Allah reward, which his past transgressions be forgiven." (Al Bukhari)
Payment of Zakât (compulsory levy) is a part of the faith such as prayer and fasting, because Allâh says in his Holy Book: "And nothing else was ordered them to serve as only Allah and (thereby) sincere in religion (to him), to perform as a follower of the right faith, and prayer and the levy to be paid;" This is the religion of the right behavior." (Sûrah 98:5).
In the Qurân the beliefs in many verses are represented, for example in the following verse from the Sûra Al-Baqara: "Not the quality is, that you turn your faces to the East or West. Goodness is, rather, to believe in Allah, the last day, the angels, the books and the prophets and by owned - even though you love him - the relationship, the orphans, the poor, the son of the way, the beggars and for (the ransom by) slaves there, keep up prayer and pay the poor; and those who comply with their obligation, if they have one, and those who remain steadfast in misery, suffering and in times of war, are the ones that are true, and the righteous are." (Sûrah 2:177)
The faith includes so many things in the life of Muslims, that determine the overall framework of its way of thinking and action. What has been mentioned, is the essence of what is Iman (faith) in the Islamic sense, because there are many other elements that belong to the Faith. Abû Huraira reported that the Prophet said: "belief consists of more than seventy levels.The highest is the confession, that there is nothing Verehrungswürdiges except Allâh, and that Muhammad is his servant and Messenger. Modesty is also a level of faith." (Al Bukhari)
A man asked, such as Abdullâh ibn Umar told us, the Prophet:
"What deed in Islâm is the best?" The Messenger of Allah replied: "If you feed the people and greets acquaintances as well as those you don't know (with the greeting of peace)." (Al Bukhari)
The faith and the miraculous signs of Allah
That is the Muslim of conviction, that this infinite universe is by itself, nor without divine control or management work by itself includes the Islamic beliefs. In the Islamic faith, there is no place for the blind coincidence for the misguided and contradictory desires of some people. Instead, Islâm teaches that the universe is governed by stable laws as it explains the Holy Qurân in the following: "... " Expect them because (for themselves) something other than the legality (, after) (to the) previous (procedure was)?You'll find no change in laws of Allah, and you will find no variation in Allah legality." (Sûrah 35:43). This belief causes thus the Muslims, to discard everything, what is contrary to Allah's laws (Sunna), or counteracts the tawheed : for example, superstitions, myths, divination (in fact obvious lies, not fortune telling), magic, spells and amulets, omen, etc. This belief discards everything, what separates people and discriminated against what some people groups over others:
Group chauvinism, nationalism, etc.
This belief also causes that the Muslim in all its transactions and acts of Allah do's and Don'ts are followed exactly:
No buying or selling prohibited, no manipulation of prices, no monopolization (hoard) of goods, no exploitation, no fraud to the extent or in the quality of the goods, no usury or interest rate trading, etc. In General, the Muslim in all respects must be honest. Want to others, what you hoped for themselves, also belongs to the faith: Anas reported that the Prophet said:"None of you is really a believer before he wishes not the brother faith, what he for himself hoped for." (Al Bukhari)
Some parts of faith
The love of the Messenger of Allah belongs to the Faith
Love of the Messenger of Allah is an essential component of the Islamic faith. As Abû Huraira reported the Messenger of Allah has said: "where, in whose hand my soul is! None of you is before I'm not dear to him as his father and his son. really a believer," Anas also reported another prophetic statement, which puts it even more clearly: "None of you is really a believer before I'm rather than his father, his son, and all the people." (Al Bukhari)
The good deeds include the Faith
The good deeds are the proof of the proper faith. A man once asked the Prophet: How can I be a true believer? Then the Prophet answered: "When the good that you've done caused you joy, and the bad saddens you, then you are a true believer."
However, the Faith is not affected by emerging and bad thoughts or wishes if you then sets repentance to Allâh. Some companions of the Prophet told him once:"We find in our minds so perverse desires that we think it even a sin, to talk about it."But the prophet asked them: "you find them really that bad?" They replied: "Yes." Then he said: "This is the proof of your correct faith."
Means: because they are real believers, they have recognized the depravity of their thoughts and desires. How big is the influence of faith on the world view of Muslims, particularly the first Muslims, we can see in this Hadîth, the US 'Ubadah ibn as Sâmit, one of the companions who had participated in the battle of Badr, and the delegates at the meeting in the night by 'Aqaba counted, reports: "the Messenger of Allah said, as were some of his companions with him" : "Nothing to join in, not to steal, and to commit extramarital intercourse praised me, Allâh not to kill your children, to make no false accusations and to not reject what is legit!Who holds it, Allâh will reward the. Who is violating these regulations and will be punished in this world for this punishment will be a punishment. And who violates these rules, but before the people keeps secret's Allâh, whose lot is located in Allah hand. If Allâh wills, he forgives him. "And if he wants, he punished him." ' " Ubaidah then continued: we have the Messenger of Allah made the required oath." (Al Bukhari)
The faith determines the handling with the people
Also the interpersonal relations are based on faith. P Allâh the Almighty shows us in the Qurân, as also the earlier Muslims lined their relations even with their family members and relatives according to the doctrine of the faith: "you can find any people who believe in Allâh and the last day and show those affection acting contrary to Allâh and his Messenger, even though they were their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their family members." Those - in their hearts has he written the faith and they strengthened themselves with spirit. He is let go in gardens, rushes through by streams to stay forever in it. Allâh is pleased with them, and they are pleased with him. Those are of Allah group. Certainly, Allah grouping, those successful... are " " (Sûrah 58:22 pm)
Ibrâhîm (Abraham) has since ages this principle established, so is he after Muhammad as the best example in the faith and work: "you have but an excellent Exempler in Ibrahim and those who were with him, when they said to their people: 'we are innocent to you and whom you serve instead of Allah." We disown you, and between us and you enmity and hatred have been on display always obvious, until ye believe in Allâh alone."(This), except for the word of Ibrahim's to his father: "I'm certainly for you ask forgiveness; but I is nothing to align for you before Allâh. Our men, we rely on you, and we turn to repentant friends. "And to you, the output is." (Sûrah 60:4) in this context refers to the prophetic statement, the US ´ Abdullâh ibn ´ Umar reported that the Messenger of Allah said: "I was instructed to fight the people until they testify that there is no God but Allâh and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, until they perform the prayer and pay the statutory levy. They meet these demands, their lives and their substance before me are safe. They are then only the law of Islâm, and Allâh will judge them." (Al Bukhari).
Of course such statements of the Messenger of Allah in the right context must be used in addition, because a dominant principle in Islâm is: "No compulsion in the faith." Many unfortunately to quick access to these ambiguous statements of the Prophet, and thus present a false image of Islâm. The life of the Prophet himself, which forced not only people to the conversion to Islâm, nor established his Government in Madîna with his sword is crucial for dealing with such hadiths. Rather the Islâm in Madînah, the first State of Islâm, has been consolidated through persuasion and logic of faith, so that the Medinenser have taken him and his Gefärten with love and self-sacrifice.
The highest work of the people is the faith
Belief is the best thing a person can do. Abû Huraira reported as Al Bukhaari narrated: "someone asked the Messenger of Allah: "What deed is the best?"" He said: "Allâh and his Apostle to believe.""And what then?" "The Jihad in the way of Allah.", someone asked: "And then?" The Prophet replied: "The pious performed Hajj." (Al Bukhari)
Hypocrisy or conviction
Under the Muslims can there be those who "embrace Islâm" out of opportunism, fear or similar and without conviction. Such people who pretend to be religious, are called hypocrites (Munafiqoon). These represent a great danger for the Islamic society because they give outward, to believe in Islâm and hide their disbelief of the people. But on each occasion they show their skepticism on the Islamic values and laws. Islâm considers them as a major threat. One but not punish them unless they committed verbally to Islâm. These people can be seen in certain respects. Al Bukhaari narrated us the following Hadîth, Abû Huraira reports:
"For the hypocrites, there are three distinguishing features: when he talks, he's lying" If he promises something, so he breaks his promise;"and you entrusted something to him, so he is faithless."
In addition you must be convinced also of, what you pretend to believe. Otherwise, this belief within the Islamic world view is worthless. In contrast to many other religions, in which the faith is equated with ignorance, Unerforschbarem and indeterminate, Islâm has a completely different idea of the faith; the logical requirements of a knowledge-based conviction must exist before you enter into Islâm. The Qurân has stressed these conditions over a period of about 13 years before the Hijra in his logical dispute with the polytheists of Makkas by he wonders referenced the idol-worshippers of Allah in creation. This scientific and logical method is critical in the discussion of faith in Islâm. Belief is the deep conviction of the Islamic religion in the heart, as well as the verbal commitment.
In Islâm, one speaks of two stages of faith:
-A basic principles of faith (Îmân Mudschmal). This is the simple expression of faith, which in the Qurân and the Sunnah is.
-Detailed belief (Îmân Mufassal), the object of which are the formal articles of faith. These are the six basic principles of belief in Islâm: belief in Allâh as the one God; in his angels; his books;His messengers (prophets); on the day of judgment and the predestination of fate (predestination). The belief occupies the most important position in the Islamic worldview, because all religious finds his base here: that's why the Qurân of the question of Îmân has attached special importance.
Faith rises and falls
It belongs to the nature of faith, that he to - may increase or decrease. That's why the Muslim always on guard must be; He must constantly check his faith in the one God and strengthen him. To trust in Allâh and beseech him always will help him. Allâh the Almighty says: "and Allah those who are rightly guided, increases their guidance. The permanent but the righteous works - they are with your Lord better in reward and better than return." (Sûrah19:76)
"Those to whom the people said:" the people have (themselves) gathered already against you; "" that's why she fear!"- but since it increased (only) their faith, and they said:"Allah is our satisfied, and the trustee is how excellent!" (Sûrah 3:173)
"When a Sura (a revelation) is revealed, there are some who say among them:"from you this (e Sûra) has increased his faith who?"" Now regarding those, who believe so she increased their faith, and they appreciate the glad tidings." (Sûrah 9:124)
"He is who has sent down the inner peace in the hearts of the faithful, so that they will increase in faith in their faith. And the hosts of the heavens and of the Earth belong to Allah. "And Allah is all-knowing, all-wise." (Sûrah 48:4)
'We tell you her story the truth according to. They were youths who believed in their Lord and we increased their guidance."(Sûrah 18:13)
" " And those who are rightly guided, he increases the right direction and gives them their fear of God " ." (Sûrah 47:17)
" " , We have employed only angels as guardians of the (hell) fire, and we have made their numbers only a temptation for those who disbelieve, so those belief to win, which the font was given, so that those who believe, to take on faith, and so that those to whom the Scripture was given and (also) the believers not to doubt and so that those, in whose hearts is disease , and (also) the unbelievers say: "What because Allah wants it as allegory?"So, Allah lets go astray whom he pleases, and right guides whom he will. But no one knows except him over the armies of your Lord. And it is just a reminder for the human beings... " ." (Sûrah 74:31)
" " And when the believers saw the groups, they said: "this is what Allah and his Messenger have promised Allah and his Messenger told the truth." "And only the faith and the devotion it increased them." (Sûrah 33:22)
The Jihad in the way of Allah belongs to the Faith
The Jihad in the way of Allah is part of faith. In this sense refers to the term "on the paths of Allah" , or "Allah" as a very broad and comprehensive concept for humanity, and benefits, a significant area of this term is of course the fight in the cause of Allah. This Hadîth is reported by Abû Huraira, illustrates the high rank of this Act:
The Prophet said: "Allâh guarantees that who set out for the cause of Allah, and the only belief in Allâh and his Prophet to prompted, I let him go home with the won wage or the prey, or let him go to heaven. Would it bring my Umma not in distress, I could fly out with each strike team and wished to be killed for the cause of Allah and revived, again killed and revived and killed once again." (Al Bukhari)
In Islâm, one speaks of two stages of faith:
The articles of faith according to Islamic
Of Islâm contains - like the other heaven religions - beliefs and fundamentals. His followers, Islâm is obliged to believe, to spread it and to bring it to people without forcing them to the belief or commit to something closer to these basics. This is according to the Qur'anic command: 'there is no compulsion in the faith. " (The path of) Prudence is now clearly distinguished from (the the) aberration. Who denied so false gods, but believes in Allah, which adheres to the firmest handhold, in which there is no tearing. "Allâh is hearer and Knower." (Sûrah 2:256)
Islâm has the Muslims so prompted, to invite in the best possible way to Islâm: "Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching, and discuss with them in the best way..."(Sûrah 16:125)
The belief that one believes in the right religion, is something essential in Islâm, because compulsion can say one with the mouth what one does not believe in the heart. This is just the hypocrisy, warns of Islâm and that Islâm considered worse than the infidelity itself:
"Certainly, the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the (hell) fire are, and you'll find no helper for them." (Sûrah 4:145)
On the other hand, unbelief can develop a way of life which does not know the trust on Allâh, so that you can find no way out from the problems and overwhelming trials of life. Loose, like forced faith, faith is a cause of embarrassment and being lost in this world. There are also people who mistakenly believe in things, which you can neither use nor harm.
"Whom Allâh rechtleitet, which is (in fact) guided; Wen he but let go astray, for which you will find no patron, the right path leading him... " ." (Sûrah 18:17)
The Messenger and Prophet of Allah have the task to proclaim the message the people of Allah and to guide them without compulsion or coercion for good.
"And obey Allâh and obey the Messenger. If you but turn back, so only the clear transmission of (the Embassy) is our Messenger..." (Sûrah 64:12)
In General, the basic elements of faith in Islâm six are Articles of faith:
the belief in the single, all-powerful God.
We have covered up this point.
The essential attributes of God are:
-His oneness: Allah any kind of Trinity or similar is absolutely unique, as some Christians believe, is rejected. Also, God has no sons as is claimed for Jesus, no father and no mother, no woman. „ Say: he is Allâh, one, Allah, the superior. " He has not witnessed and has not been begotten, and nobody is ever equal him." (Sûrah 112:1-4)
Islâm proclaims, as mentioned, the purest form of monotheism.Allâh is the one God; He is indivisible and has no one near him.He is incomparable and nothing is just like him. Nothing happens without his will. He is the first, the last, the eternal, the infinite, the Almighty, the all-knowing. He is the creator and Sustainer of all things. He is the Almighty, all praise, the truthful. He is the owner and owner of perfect properties.
-His grace and mercy: All Suras of the Qurân, but the ninth, begin with the phrase: "in the name of Allah, the most gracious most merciful." This property of Allah is necessary and a mercy for the people, since every Muslim knows that it depends because of its inability to meet Allah demands in absolutely perfect way by God's mercy and his mercy.
Thus relies on the Muslim not only of Allah justice, but his grace and mercy. This is the only way of salvation and salvation for the Muslim. To achieve this, however, the Muslim Allâh against must show sincere remorse for his sins.
-His transcendence: In Islâm, God's transcendence as perfect is taken and set out. No view is able to capture him. Heaven and Earth, place and time not enclose him. There is no relative notions, he is not personalized. Therefore, there are no sacraments, no cult images or statues in Islam. Although Allâh/God is so transcendent that it is at the same time completely close. In the Qurân it says: "have created the people, and we know what (about him) whispers to his soul, and we are him yet closer than his carotid artery." (Sûra 50:15)
-Power supply: It provides the people with all alone Gifts. He made habitable the world for us. His care accompanied the people throughout his life. What would the man without his care?
-His creativity: God created heaven and Earth. The whole creation has made the people serve Allâh. Through this wonderful creation, one can cognize God. Here, the playing field of the human mind is located after the Islamic worldview.
-God is the righteous judge of the last day.
The belief in the existence of God requires three elements in Islâm, which are crucial for the Islamic concept of monotheism:
a) belief in the oneness of Allah/God in relation to its supply power (Tawhid ar Rubûbiyya). This means that you believe that Allâh exists, and that he is the creator of this universe and all creatures. He is the owner of this space, which decides what happens in it. He is the absolute ruler. There is nothing, what he doesn't want. Nothing can be done, what he does. As he says in the Qurân: '... " Surely, his is the creation and the command.Blessed is Allah, the Mr of world inhabitants. " " (Sûrah 7:54) Allâh, the exalted, is leading the evidence of his oneness expressed in the creation. He also tells us that it is impossible, that an other God besides him can exist. "Allah has taken no children, and there is no God beside him, else surely any God would take away that, what he has created, and some of them would show up to truly lifted up the other. "Glory be to Allah, (and exalted is he) about what they ascribe (to him)." (Sûrah 23:91)
b) believe in his oneness in divinity (tawheed Al Ulûhiyya). That is the firm belief that he earned alone worship and worship; on him alone you must put his trust, alone you have to ask him for help, to him alone, turn in times of need, because God would eliminate alone misfortune and harm. Alone for the sake vows are placed him, etc. So Allâh in the Qurân says: "and we plan to friends sent not a Messenger, we (the ruling) had given up:"there is no God besides me, to serve me"" (Sûrah 21:25)
c) believe in his oneness in his names and attributes (tawheed Al Asmâ wa as Sifât). This means that Allâh is the Almighty, the most beautiful names, and the highest attributes. You must also believe that no deficiency, incapacity or similar geziehmt, he is perfect in every way and exalted him. "Allah the most beautiful are names; so to call him and let those who go to outlandish with his name. Them that is soul requited for what they used to do."(Sûrah 7:180)
There are many features of Allah, of which his beautiful names are derived. The Sunnah has a total of 99 names of Allah. All its properties must be considered in a balanced manner, without having a property in favor of another is neglected, or is overemphasized at the expense of another; because Allâh has called all these names, so you must be careful and may hold important this beautiful name and noble attributes consciously or unconsciously No.
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Category: Know Allah, Worship
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