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The food of the people of hell

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The food of the people of hell

The Qurân speaks in many places on the various punishments of the unbelievers on the day of judgment.Allâh threatens them with the following penalties:

-Huge penalty

-Degrading punishment

-Painful punishment

-Violent criminal

-Continuous punishment

-The punishment of hell fire

-Rough punishment

-Comprehensive punishment

-All auslöschende punishment

-The large or largest penalty

-Punishment of the fire brands

-The eternal punishment

-The punishment of the fire

-The penalty by boiling water

-Tough punishment

-The penalty of the hot wind and more penalties, that their deeds will be rewarded.
To the punishment of the people of hell, the exalted mentioned, heard the food specific for them that they have to consume to satisfy their hunger, but the pain of eating far more violent than the pain of hunger! In the Qurân, this food is liquid manure (Ghislîn) called. Allâh says: "so he has here today a warm-hearted friend. and also no food except manure." (Sûrah 69:35-36)
There's also other kinds of punishment through food, such as dry thorns: "There will be no food for them except from dry thorns."(Sûrah 88:6)
Who reexamined the two verses, you will find that the food of the people of hell is not the same. The first verse mentioned that there will be no food except manure on the day of judgment for unbelievers, whereas the other verse mentioned that there will be no food except dry thorns for the unbelievers on the day of judgment. Some may now think that is both verses due to their limitation (nothing but) contradict, so in the following we will discuss the difference, but also the consensus of the two verses.First however, we would tell the two words commonly known as:
Ghislîn (slurry): The language scholars define this word as follows: Ghislîn was first of all the dirt that is washed from the clothes or something similar, was later referred to the liquid, which comes out after cleaning the wound. The Qurân uses this word for everything that flows out from the skin of the people of hell, such as pus, infections, etc.
But now to the word dry thorns (Darî '): it's a Bush called Schabraq(Zilla spinosa, a thorn Bush), by the people of the Hidschâz Darî 'was called, if he dried up. Others called him Schabraq, which means poison. This meaning of the word Darî ' by Ibn Abbâs, ' Ikrimah, Mujahid, and Qatâda narrated.
From the understanding of these two words can be seen therefore that the two terms are different and are not synonyms, a fact which prompted the Qurân commentaries, to contemplate the togetherness of the statement. They found numerous declarations, which are all attributable to two different explanations:
First of all:-the penalties are different on the day of judgment, and therefore also the extent of the penalty from person to person is different. Some eat only liquid manure, other dry only thorns and again others are food only from the tree of Zaqqûm. ( Sûrah 37:62)
The following is stated, that the punishment of the people of hell differs: "and hell is their truly of all Verabredung(sort). She has seven goals, and a part of them is assigned to each gate." (Sûrah 15:44)
Each group will perform with a specific goal and, after they have occurred, they are exposed to a wide range of penalties. The number of different goals suggests that there will be different penalties for the non-believers.
Similar is survived by Alî; When he gave a speech, he said: "The people of hell will be so" (the narrator said: several superimposed layers), i.e. the unbelievers who enter into the fires of hell are according to their deeds in hell reside. If the locations are different, such as food and drink. The same is also from Ibn Abbâs and others. The following verse also proves that the punishment of the people of hell will be different: "Certainly, the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the (hell) fire" (Sûrah 4:145)
From this statement, it is clear that each group of people of hell Gets a certain food. A group gets only manure, others get only dry thorns and in turn other food Zaqqûmonly from the tree. The above verses do not contradict himself thus, but each verse talks about the food of a certain group of people of hell. This is the first explanation of the meanings of these verses; It was mentioned by many representatives of the Qurân, including Al-Qurtubî, AZ Zamachscharî, AR-Râzî, and many others.
Secondly: The two verses suggest that the people of hell will get no food because dry thorns rather than food be seen, not even from animals they are eaten and therefore certainly not by the people. Similarly, the liquid manure, which also is not considered a food. Who is purposed thorns so dry and slurry for consumption, has been thus no usable food; This expression should express its bad condition. As they say in Arabic: "That has no other shadow as the Sun" and "That has no other mount as the mounts in his robe (so the fleas)". You intend their words so that the person has no shadow and also no mount.
This is the second interpretation of the two verses, which was favored by Al Âlûsî and as Schanqîtî.
In the light of these explanations is us clearly that the two verses are contradictory in any way, but complement each other. Allâh says: "thinking they do not carefully over the Qurân for? If he would be by anyone other than Allâh, they would find truly much contradiction in him." (Sûrah 4:82)
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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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