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Prayer for a dear friend

Unknown | 12:51:00 AM | 0 komentar

Prayer for a dear friend

All of us in this great world if made an inventory of its memory to show him he had friends assured sense of brotherhood and friendship, but the question is what we offer to our friends? It's nice to give them a benediction and beautiful male to wish them health and happiness in their life, true friends are the balm of life we live and the spirit of that life, and life becomes more beautiful with them understand who they soften the atmosphere sour time, ybelsmon time and the nation's wounds. There's nothing like a good word or prayer beautiful happiness and contentment for the one you love in your life is accompanied by beautiful supplications in friendship: 

1. Oh God, you gave me the best owners in the world without asking you, don't take them in heaven, may you were fortunate enough to have, Faraj spluttered and made them maitmnwa and make heaven their headquarters, may you not answering my prayers for them I bless you love them. 

2. God, I ask you to my increase in debt, and a pond in the age and health of the body, in a living and repentance before death, when death certificate, remission after death, Oops when account, and safer than doom, beyond God you evil souls, and his Holy peace bless you and make your provision blessed is locked up, and make your seat at has paradise, ask God to fortify you for the Koran, you devil, you facilitate business bring you to alalien and to hurt you faith and chilling Spa whiffs, Reza Rahman, makes the maids On the high seas paradises. Allahumma tasted anything so dark and cold, dear hearts sweetness love and open the hearts to remember you and thy faith, and forgive them with generosity, and send them in your garden with your mercy, worthy of prayer and capable to answer. Ask you don't want me too disappointed, I'm disappointed you further, impale their hearts and give them what they wish, and acknowledged their eyes as they like and liked it, don't Rob them of grace. And perfume chests with faith and the Qurran, and bestow upon eternity in paradise. 

3. o Lord, you know I liked that dude, your mercy all could, we equip each are narrow, with the morning breezes thee this gift, God filled your heart with lights and protect you from hazards, and make you happy as long as night and day, and make your righteous life righteous, morning God happy, and wet tongue, and referred you created him, and mocked you worship, and make the best age etcetera, good job his rings, your day meeting, made you God who comes a-calling doomsday, you squeeze out eternize bliss and don't ever die, they wake up and you won't get sick. Never, never can expect they be sad no, you don't have enraged Lord Radwan.
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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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