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New object found in Papua Nugini Indonesian

Unknown | 7:58:00 PM | 0 komentar

I've been discovering a new country, Papua Nugini, located north of Australia near Indonesia
And this new State is not like any State was discovered by, I've discovered in this country many creatures and plants that we haven't heard about before.
He nearly discovered more than 200 species of animals and plants.

insects also discovered this grasshopper
  This Grasshopper is an amazing martial arts masters of concealment who get coloured as the color of the environment in which they live, And surprisingly, the scientists collected from that area just over 20 new species llgnadeb!! Whole changes its color only his eyes and their parties, which maintain a strange pink color

And this picture of a species of bats that are not rated or labeled yet, but everything has been tagged tubular nose is weird and eat which depends on the fruit seeds like regular fruit bats.


This is a picture of the type of coral reefs that were discovered in New Guinea.
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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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