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9 conditions of good character

Unknown | 6:17:00 AM | 0 komentar

Nine conditions of good character

Rametani Ali said: "In order to become a godly man, you must meet the following nine conditions:
  1. . Purity Purity is divided into two categories:
  • External cleanliness: Man must have a clean and neat appearance. So how exactly does this first of all pay attention to the surrounding. Clothing, food, drink, and all items used by a person, must be clean.
  • Inner purity: A person must have high moral qualities. A pious person should not envy anyone, no one is thinking bad, should not love the enemies of Allah and must love his friends. Heart - this is the place where directs his gaze Allah, so a man's heart must be pure. The heart of man has no place to love the worldly life, and should be no place for the forbidden piece of the stomach.
  1. Watch your language: One should refrain from empty and meaningless words; should read the Qur'an as much as possible; endorses the call for and hold on to reprove; as well as be encouraged to implement religious regulations. In one hadith says: "Because of their language, a person may be in Hell."
  2. Being away from the large crowds: This will avoid looking at forbidden. Since the heart is subject to the eyes. Each view of the forbidden leaves a black spot on the heart.
  3. It is possible to observe how the post longer: fasting, a person subordinates his nafs and become like angels. In one hadith says: "Fasting - a shield from the fire of Hell."
  4. How can you remember Allah most: The best remembrance of Allah, are the words "La ilaha Illyallah". Someone who will always say these words, become the owner of sincerity. For the purpose of sincere person in each case is the pleasure of Allah Almighty. Allah Almighty says in the Quran: "O you who believe! Remember Allah multiply "(Al-Ahzab 33/41). In order to get rid of bad promptings nafs, you must constantly remember Allah.
  5. It is necessary to be attentive to your thoughts:thoughts that come to mind, there are four types: coming from God, from the angels, from Satan, and from our nafs. Thoughts come from Allah, awaken a person from negligence, and sent to the straight path. Thoughts come from the angels, strengthen attachment to worship. The thoughts that come from Satan, sin embellish. A thought coming from the nafs awaken the desire for a useless and meaningless things.
  6. Be happy with the decision of Allah: One has to live, staying between fear and hope. As one who is afraid to die without faith, will not commit anything sinful.In addition, the believer hopes to go to heaven, and is afraid to go to hell.
  7. It is necessary to replace the bad character traits of good.
  8. It is necessary to eat only permissible: Allah Almighty says in the Quran: "O mankind! Eat on the ground that it is permissible and pure, and follow not the footsteps of Satan "(al-Baqarah 2/168
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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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