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15 characteristics of a good Muslim

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15 characteristics of a good Muslim

15 characteristics of a good Muslim
  1. Complete obedience
Good Muslim, faced in my life with any events, both positive and negative, always obedient to Allah and trusts Him alone. He knows for sure that everything comes from God, so he was always patient and does not allow the display of rebelliousness.

  1. Good intentions
The most important organ in the human body is the heart. And one of the most important action of the heart, is the intention. If the intention is good, then the heart is good, but if the heart is good, and the good man. The following words of the Messenger of Allah (peace alayhi wa sallam) is an important measure of good intentions: "You will not believe until then, until you become a believer desires for his brother the same thing you would like for yourself" (Bukhari, Iman, 7).
  1. adherence to the Sunnah
A good Muslim is always adheres to the path of the Messenger of Allah (peace alayhi wa sallam) in worship and in daily activities, trying to be like him, and trying to find the same moral qualities. Good Muslim, never swerving from the path of the Messenger of Allah (peace alayhi wa sallam), and tries to revive his Sunnah.
  1. Nothing to do with heresy and false beliefs
A good Muslim adheres to the Qur'an and Sunnah, and rejects any misconceptions and false beliefs inherent in the false religions and canceled.
  1. Striving the best to live by Islam
A good Muslim is a positive look at life, and therefore he sees only the good in it. A good Muslim lives his life according to the Qur'an, fulfilling all the requirements of religion.
  1. The constancy in faith, worship and performing good deeds
Faith good Muslim never lets up, with whatever negative events he had not encountered in my life. He is always sincere in worship and performing good deeds. And the commission of worship and good deeds, he is always guided by the principle of "less, but always."
  1. Owning high morals
A good Muslim always takes the example of the Messenger of Allah (peace alayhi wa sallam) said: "I was sent to complete the beautiful morality." His words and actions always consistent with each other. He has a gentleness, humility and understanding. Among others a good Muslim and a good moral stands out the fact that all around love it.
  1. innocence
A good Muslim is never and will not cause anyone harm intentionally. He never keeps people and shows no coarseness. It is reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace alayhi wa sallam) said: "A Muslim - is the one who does not cause any harm to others by their actions or language" (Tirmidhi).
  1. Sensitivity
A good Muslim is never indifferent to the negativity with which it is faced. If he can, then fix it by hand, if it fails to hand the correct language, and if it can not and the language, it will be against it, his heart.
  1. Recognition of all Muslims their brothers
Good Muslim, he believes all other Muslims their brothers without making between national differences.Allah Almighty says in the Quran: "Verily, the believers - the brothers. Therefore reconcile brothers and fear Allah - that you may receive mercy "(al-Hujurat 49/10).
  1. Vigilance
A good Muslim is always alert and intelligent. He is always trying to understand all the wisdom of what is happening. It is reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace alayhi wa sallam) said: "A smart believer will never be bitten twice from the same hole (never come twice on the same rake)" (Bukhari, Adab, 83).
  1. Careful when choosing friends
A good Muslim is very careful when choosing friends.As in a hadith says: "A man professes the same religion as his closest friend, so let each of you pay attention to the people he leads friendship" (Abu Dawud, Adab, 19). This hadeeth indicates that friends can have on a person both positive and negative effects.
  1. Failure to idle pastime
A good Muslim does not waste his time on empty and meaningless things. He is keenly aware of the value of every moment of his life.
  1. Qualitative performance of affairs
A good Muslim would never leave unfinished or poorly done, the work entrusted to him. Any work, as well as all duties he performs in the best possible way.
  1. Do not persist in committing errors
Good Muslim, learned about perfect bugs will not repeat it again. He immediately corrects perfect, and ask forgiveness for it.
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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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